
    IChoose the best answer
    1 Leave him _______ and he will think about it by_________
    A lonely his own Balone hiself C alone himself D by lonely him
    2 My uncle works in________ hospital Perhaps he is still at ________work now
    A the the Ba a C D a
    3 Please pay attention _______what I am going to tell you
    A at B to Cfor D with
    4 My ambition is ________ a policeman ________my father
    A to be like B being as C to be as D being like
    5 He spends too much time ________friends on the internet every night
    Ato chat with Bto chat to C chat to D chatting with
    6 There________ a farewell party in my home this evening
    A has Bwill C will have D will be
    7 John visited a friend of his working at________ university_________day before yesterday
    A a the B a a Cthe the D the a
    8 Have you bought any books recentlyYes I bought two good _________last week
    Aone Bthose C ones Dbooks
    9 I felt like________when I thought of the departure
    A to cry Bcrying C cry D to crying
    10 Sometimes children get home________ and they feel _______ and lost
    A lonely alone Balone lonely C lonely lonely D along alone
    11 The little boy was so frightened that he didn’t know _______ next
    A what he does B what should he do C what to do D how to do
    12 The Oriental Pearl TV Tower is one of the ________ in Shanghai
    A attraction B attracts C attracting D attractions
    13 Alice could ________ believe that her brother worked so _________
    A hard hard B hardly hardly C hard hardly D hardly hard
    14 There is _________ u in __________ word of umbrella
    A an…an B a…a C a…the D an…a
    15 The Frenchman is ______oneeyed man and he has ______ aunt in Shanghai
    A a an B a a C an a D an an
    16 Study hard ________ you’ll catch up with your friends
    A but B and C or D so
    17 The government _______ food and clothes for the poor people in Yunnan Province
    A offered B provided C gave D brought
    18 There is nothing important in today’s newspaper ________
    A isn’t it B is it C isn’t there D is there
    19 The traffic rules _________ you mustn’t cross the street when the red light is on
    A say B speak C talk D tell
    20_______office is much larger than __________
    A Ours yours B Our yours C Their our D Your their
    21 These new books are for _______ Do you like __________
    A you it B yours it C you them D yours them
    22 Her parents went there with a friend of _______________
    A they B themselves C them D theirs
    23 I’ll telephone you _________ I go to Beijing
    A though B as soon as C while D now that
    24 His sister has worked there ____________ he left school
    A when B after C since D until
    25 Which is_________to Shanghai Suzhou or Hangzhou
    A close B closer C closest D the closest
    26 The editors of the newspaper all agreed _________ the next meeting in two ________ time
    A having…week’s B to have…weeks’
    C having…weeks’ D to have…week’s
    27 We are going to _________ i’lekt our new monitor
    A unless B electric C elect D last
    28 Now that the newspaper is __________ why don’t we each have one copy
    A brief B chief C paid D free
    29 We must do something to ___________ the Earth or we’ll lose our home
    A produce B protect C pretend D prefer
    30 When his father went home Tom pretended ___________ his homework
    A did B doing C to do D do
    IIFill in the blanks with the proper forms
    1 ________(final) the plane landed ___________on the ground (save)
    2 Will you take her ___________(complain) into ____________ (consider)
    3 We need three _________ to work for the newspaper (edit)
    4 The Great Wall ___________ a lot of visitors every year (attraction)
    5 You should made a _________ between the two things your mother or your work (choose)
    6 While Nancy’s mother was cooking dinner the ____________ went off (electric)
    7 Our flat is not of the same size as ___________ but much cheaper (they)
    8 Are there any _________ between these two projects (different)
    9 The book tells the ____________of China(cultural)
    10 I’m _________ sorry It was me who broke the window (true)
    11 Do you know the ___________ of the office building (locate)
    12 Our general manager showed the foreigners ________ around the company (person)
    13The doctor is very kind to all the (patient)
    14 Please feel the _________of the door and decide to open or not (face)
    15 The American travellers bought lots of electronic ___________ at the exhibition (produce)
    16 I’ll never forget my____________ school life (enjoy)
    17 What is your ____________for being late again (explain)
    18 She was very anxious (渴) to get away from cities and back to ______ (natural)
    19 Don’t be so ___________ The bus will be here soon (patient)
    20 Peter bought some ____________ fish at the market just now (freeze)
    21 He looks much than he used to be((health)
    22 Listening to soft music is very ______ (relax) and makes me ____________(amuse)
    23 The builders tried to make the tower straight but the tower leaned even (bad)
    24 The umbrella _________ us to stay dry in the rain (able)
    Keys1 Finally safely 2complaint consideration 3editors 4attracts 5choice 6electricity 7theirs 8differences 9 culture 10truly 11location 12personally
    13 patients 14surface 15productions 16enjoyable 17explanation 18nature
    19impatient 20frozen 21healthier 22relaxing amused 23worse 24enables
    IIIRewrite the sentences as required
    1 Over twenty students want to join us (保持句意基变)
    ________ ________ twenty students want to join us
    2 Mr Green is watching TV with his children (画线部分提问)
    ______ is Mr Green ______ with her children
    3 I haven’t enough time to visit you every day (保持句意基变)
    I’m ______ busy ______ visit you every day
    4 The students are discussing how to protect the trees (改反意疑问句)
    The students are discussing how to protect the trees ________ _________
    5 Lucy can also sing English songs (画线部分提问)
    _______ _________ can Lucy do
    6 Young people like to communicate by QQ (画线部分提问)
    ________ _________ young people like to communicate
    7 Peter’s sister is never late for school (改反意疑问句)
    Peter’s sister is never late for school ___________ __________
    8 The girl is too young so she can’t go to school by herself (意句)
    The girl is ________ young__________ she can’t go to school by herself
    9 Peter carried the suitcase to the room (改否定句)
    Peter ________ _________ the suitcase to the room
    10 To visit him is necessary for me (保持原句意思)
    ______ is necessary for me ______ visit him
    11 There is a little water in the bottle (保持原句意思)
    There is _________ __________ water in the bottle
    12 The sea water is too salty to drink (保持原句意思)
    The sea water is ________ salty __________ we can’t drink it
    13 Betty had nothing for breakfast this morning (改反意疑问句)
    Betty had nothing for breakfast this morning __________ __________
    14 The water sped down the mountain (改否定句)
    The water __________ __________ down the mountain
    15 Mrs Black was writing some letters when I entered her room (画线部分提问)
    __________ __________ Mrs Black writing when you entered her room
    16 Mike can speak little Chinese (改反意疑问句)
    Mike can speak little Chinese ___________ __________
    17 When Jim went to bed it was eleven o’clock (保持原句意思变)
    Jim ________ go to bed ________ it was eleven o’clock
    18 The room is very big We can hold a meeting in it (合句)
    The room is ________ __________ for us to hold a meeting
    19 It will take you a whole day to get to the town by bus (划线部分提问)
    __________ __________will it take you to get to the town by bus
    20 Kitty went to bed after the TV play was over (保持句意变)
    Kitty go to bed the TV play was over
    21 The boy has no sisters or brothers(保持原意)
    The boy hasn’t _________ sisters _________ brothers
    22 Lucy has been to Beijing Mark has been to Beijing as well (合句)
    ____________Lucy and Mark ____________been to Beijing
    23 The box on the shelf is so heavy that the boy can't carry it (保持句意基变)
    The box on the shelf isn't _____________ _____________ for the boy to carry
    24 You are honest You have told the truth bravely (保持意思变)
    It is brave _________you _________ tell the truth bravely
    25 He described the room to them personally(划线提问)
    _________ _________ he _________ them to the room
    26 His mother let him play games for a while (意句)
    He __________ _____________to play games for a while
    27 Nowadays more and more students go to foreign countries to further their studies (意句)
    Nowadays more and more students __________ ___________ to further their studies
    28 Tom likes Physics best(保持原意)Physics is Tom’s __________ __________
    29 I am teaching myself maths (保持原意) I’m learning maths _________ my________
    30 He had to stay at home because it rained heavily ((意句)
    The heavy rain _________him_________at home

    KEYS1more than 2what doing 3too to 4aren’t they 5what else 6how do
    7is she 8so that 9didn’t carry 10it to 11 Not enough 12so that 13did she
    14didn’t speed 15 What was 16can he 17didn’t until 18big enough 19How long
    20didn’t until 21anyor 22both have 23light enough 24of to 25how di describe
    26 was allowed 27 go abroad 28favourtite subject 29on own 30made stay




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    1. France is ____________. 法国在召唤。本句中call 表示“召唤,号召”。Call 作为动词,常见的搭配有以下几种:2. __________ winter is b...

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    ⅠMatch( ) 1. my future A. 按“开始”键( ) 2. a magic camera ...

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    牛津上海版六年级第二学期第一单元 有答案

    I.Choose the best answer.1. Kitty is an girl.A. eleven years old ...

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    ( )28. ____ old man sitting next to Mr Wang is ____ university teacher.A. A; an B. An; a ...

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    1. -What are you doing?-I'm ________(挖)in the garden.2. It's not a good idea to educate children ...

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