
    Writing 1
    学校英语坛发起题Build a harmonious (谐) school讨呼吁青少年次关注学校发展环境保护谐关系间谐关系假设李华请写份倡议书加入坛讨呼吁青少年校园中做:
    1 爱护美化校园环境
    2 尊敬师长团结学 诚信互助
    3 遵守学校规积极参加学校活动
    1 文中出现真实姓名校名
    2 100词左右开头结尾已出计入总词数
    Build a harmonious school
    Dear friends
    Our country calls for everyone to try their best to build a harmonious society As a student I think it’s our duty to work hard to build a harmonious school __________________________
    Let’s start right now to build a harmonious school
    Li Hua
    Dear friends
    Our government calls for everyone to try their best to build a harmonious society As a student I think it’s our duty to work hard to build a harmonious school What should we do to achieve this goal
    First of all we should try our best to protect the school environment We should pick up litter on the road and throw it into the dustbin We mustn’t pick flowers or step on the grass On the contrary we should plant more trees and flowers to make our school more beautiful
    Second we should fill the world with love We should show respect to our teachers and also care for each other and help those in need The most important point is all of us must be honest in our daily lives
    Finally we should obey the school rules and take an active part in school activities
    Let’s start right now to build a harmonious school
    Li Hua
    Writing 2
    学生应遵守学校规章制度请根点提示 School rules 题叙述中学生应遵守规章制度谈谈法80词左右开头已出计入总词数
    1 课堂乱讲话认真听老师讲课带食物进教室保持教室安静清洁
    2 课时完成作业
    3 学校穿校服
    4 保护学校草木
    5 老师学友相处
    School rules
    Every school has rules for students As a student we must obey them _________________
    School rules
    Every school has rules for students As a student we must obey them First of all in class we shouldn't talk but listen to the teachers carefully We are not supposed to take food or drinks into the classroom We should keep our classroom quiet and clean Then after class we should finish our homework on time One more thing we should wear our school uniforms in school Besides we should protect trees grass and flowers there because they make our school more beautiful At last we should get on well with our teachers and classmates
    Writing 3
    提示词语 three years memories one of one day think happy sorry
    How time flies I have studied in my school for three years And I will graduate from middle school in a month I am eager to share my happiness and sadness with you I had so many memories in three years’ life One of them impressed me very much I still remember when I began to learn English I found it too difficult No matter how hard I tried I still couldn’t do well in it and almost gave it up As soon as my English teacher found my problem she had a talk with me about how to learn English well Since then she has kept helping me Little by little I’ve become interested in English and I’m good at it I think I am so lucky to become one of her students I’ve learned a lot from her I will try to help others when they are in trouble I think it is a happy thing to help others
    Writing 4
    课堂教育做传授知识培养力促进成长重场课堂生活中定许难忘瞬间请An unforgettable class题写篇英语短文家讲述难忘节课
    1 When did it happen and what subject was it
    2 What unforgettable activities or events happened during the class
    3 How did you feel about the class
    1 语言流畅意思连贯围绕点适增加情节
    2 词数超120
    An unforgettable class
    I've had quite a lot of lessons in my school life Among them the one given by an American young man is the most unforgettable
    It was on Tuesday morning in May Our teacher told us all of a sudden that an American would give us an English lesson Then in came a young man He greeted us in English and then began his class It was quite different from those we had before During the whole class he taught us several
    English songs played games with us and helped us act out a dialogue He neither taught us English grammar rules nor asked us to do lots of written exercises He was not serious at all He was always smiling at each of us Happy time was always short Before we knew it the class was over We took a photo with our American teacher in the classroom
    I will never forget his smile his songs and everything he had done in his class
    Writing 5
    优点喜欢做朋友呢?请What makes me a good friend题写篇英语演讲稿

    1 语言表达准确短文连贯通
    2 文中出现真实姓名学校名称
    3 80词左右
    What makes me a good friend
    First I am a boy who is easy to get along with I never get angry easily That’s the most important reason that makes me so popular
    Second I’m always ready to help others Whenever my friends meet with troubles I will give them a hand without even a moment’s thought
    Besides I’m a cheerful boy I like to tell jokes and funny stories to make my friends laugh They say time spent with me is full of fun
    Last but not least I’m honest So I’m a friend worth trusting
    Writing 6
    Friends are important in our life Everyone needs friends What kind of friends do I want to have I think I’d like to have two different kinds of friends
    Firstly I need friends who are quiet I’m a shy and quiet person The thing I like to do best is reading books quietly I want my friends to be the same as me so that we can read together
    Secondly I expect my friends to be funny and humorous I have much stress from school So I hope my friend can make me laugh
    I wish that all of us can find friends
    Writing 7
    健康生活惯成长中非常重请How to keep healthy题谈谈法健康包括饮食健康锻炼身体良生活惯等
    1 词数80100标题已出计入总词数
    2 字迹工整语言流畅表达准确逻辑清晰
    3 文章容适发挥
    How to keep healthy
    As we all know it is very important to keep healthy But do you know how to keep healthy First I think we must have a balanced diet Breakfast is necessary It gives us energy for the morning We must also have the right kind of food Remember to eat more fruit and vegetables and less junk food Second it’s necessary for us to exercise Exercise can keep us active and strong Third developing good habits is very important It’s good to go to bed early and get up early Don’t stay up If we don’t have enough sleep we may feel tired Finally listening to music or chatting can make us relaxed
    Writing 8
    世界卫生组织(WHO)统计年200万死吸烟60万死二手烟市规定年3月1 日起严禁公场吸烟请结合图片面点Saying No to Smoking题谈谈吸烟危害
    1 吸烟害
    2 吸烟导致咳嗽肺癌等疾病
    3 吸烟影响青少年成长
    4 二手烟样害
    5 态度:面吸烟烟办?
    1 词数:100词左右标题开头已出计入总词数
    2 应覆盖点适增加细节行文连贯
    3 参考词汇:lung cancer肺癌 secondhand smoke二手烟
    Saying No to Smoking
    According to the WHO2 million people died from smoking and 600 thousand from secondhand smoke every year So smoking is banned in our city in public places both inside and out from March 1 on
    Saying No to Smoking
    According to the WHO2 million people died from smoking and 600 thousand from secondhand smoke every year So smoking is banned in our city in public places both inside and out from March 1 on
    As is shown in the picture smoking is bad for people’s health It may cause many diseases such as cough lung cancer and so on Smoking is especially harmful to us teenagers because our bodies are still growing Secondhand smoke does harm to us as well So we must do something to keep away from smoking If someone offers a cigarette we should refuse it And if anyone smokes nearby we should try to stop it From now on every of us should follow the law and say no to smoking
    Writing 9
    1 语句通表达准确容连贯
    2 短文适发挥包含点
    3 词数80100
    Safety has become the focus for us all How to keep safe at school is especially important to us students First we should be careful enough not to get ourselves injured while we are playing sports Second there are too many students at school and our hallways are too narrow So don’t crowd together especially when we walk upstairs or downstairs or an accident may happen Besides we should be friendly and get on well with others so don’t quarrel or fight Last but not least we should be careful to eat healthy food and keep away from junk food which is harmful to our health
    In a word it’s important for everybody to remember these safety tips
    Writing 10
    建设安校园责义务作名学生更应该珍惜生命更应该注意身安全假Li Hua担校学生会席请安全问题全校学生发出倡议写封安全倡议书
    参考词汇:制刀具:restricted knives or things 洗澡:have a bath 架:fight
    紧急情况:emergency 交通安全:pay attention to the traffic
    Dear students
    As we know safety is the most important thing in our lives So we should try our best to make sure we are safe We mustn’t bring restricted knives or things to our school because these things may cause serious problems Do not have a bath in rivers or ponds by ourselves without our parents’ permission And we should be friendly to others so fighting is strongly banned Make sure that we should always pay attention to the traffic on our way to school or home
    Furthermore if we meet some emergency we must call for help from the police or our teachers In a word following these safeties rules above can make us live in peace
    Li Hua
    Writing 11
    假期快学想旅游学喜欢旅游请Traveling is interestingboring题写篇100词左右英语短文谈谈法
    1 先题目补充完整
    2 文中出现名校名等真实信息
    Traveling is _________
    Traveling is interesting
    You will have lots of fun things to do and see during the trip Just imagine that you are walking in the beautiful mountains enjoying the fresh air and listening to the birds singing It’s amazing isn’t it Sometimes you may meet people from different places and make friends with them which makes your trip a more pleasant one Also you may have many interesting things to share with your friends when you are back All the pleasure of your trip will be kept in your memory
    It’s not surprising that so many students can’t wait to go traveling during vacation
    Traveling is boring
    Traveling is usually boring There are always too many people in places of interest in China It’s crowded everywhere especially during holidays Just imagine that you are waiting in line hungry and thirsty Why have I come here to see the crowd you may complain If you are unlucky you may meet a bad guide who pushes you into a shop here and there It’s terrible isn’t it Also you may have to get up early to take the plane or wait in the airport for hours because of a delayed flight
    Therefore I prefer to stay at home than go traveling during vacation
    Writing 12
    Hi Steven
    In your last email you asked me about my summer vacation plans Now let me tell you
    What about your plans I’m looking forward to your email soon
    Hi Steven
    In your last email you asked me about my summer vacation plans Now let me tell you
    First I plan to travel to Beijing because it’s a wonderful place to visit I will visit many places of interest there such as the Great Wall the Summer Palace etc
    Then I’d like to read more books Reading can open my mind to the outside world too I plan to read historical books because I’m interested in history
    I also want to volunteer in an old people’s home I can read the newspaper to the old people or just talk to them because they are lonely
    Well I think my parents show great love to me so I want to do some chores to help them I’m going to cook for my parents so that they can have more free time to relax
    What about your plans I’m looking forward to your email soon
    Writing 13
    请您根提示Is a Training Class of Family Teacher Necessary 题写篇120 词左右短文反映表中容简阐述观点文章开头已出 计入总字数
    Is a Training Class or Family Teacher Necessary
    More and more middle school students are going to all kinds of training classes or having family teachers at the weekend There are two different viewpoints about it_______________________
    Is a Training Class or Family Teacher Necessary
    More and more middle school students are going to all kinds of training classes or having family teachers at the weekend There are two different viewpoints about it
    Some thinks it necessary Firstly it’s more effective to study with a teacher than by themselves Secondly it can strengthen what is learnt in class Besides they can learn a lot more Others think it unnecessary For one thing students can easily form the habit of dependence For another students need time to relax from time to time What’s more the purpose of many training classes and teachers is to make money
    In my opinion whether a training class or family teacher is needed just depends If you are really very weak at or interested in a certain subject maybe it’s OK for you But be sure to choose a good and suitable class or teacher otherwise it would be a waste of time and money
    Writing 14
    校英语社团正开展题What should a good teacher be like讨邀请学生家长请根表容英语写篇短文进行交流阐述观点
    Students’ opinions
    Parents’ opinions
    Your opinion
    ● get on well with students
    ● give active and lively classes
    ● have plenty of knowledge
    ● be strict with students

    短文首句:Students and parents have different opinions about what a good should be like
    What should a good teacher be like

    Students and parents have different opinions about what a good teacher should be like As for students they think a good teacher should get along well with their students and they are supposed to try to make their classes lively and active so that students can learn better with great interest Different from students parents think it’s very important for a good teacher to have plenty of knowledge What’s more teachers should be strict with their students
    In my opinion the most important thing for a good teacher is to trust and encourage students especially those who have difficulties in learning Anyway they are expected to help their students learn how to learn well
    Writing 15
    年市正申报全国文明城市学校English Club正举办创建文明城市争做文明市民题征文活动请根容提示求写篇应征稿
    容提示: ◆ 尊敬师长明礼诚信
    ◆ 遵守交规闯红灯
    ◆ 观点
    1 文章必须包含提供信息适发挥
    2 文中出现真实名校名
    3 词数:90词左右(开头结尾已写计入总词数)
    参考词汇:respect (vt尊敬) obey traffic rules遵守交规
    We all know that our city is applying for the national civilized city As students what should we do ________________________________________________________________________
    Let's try our best to make our city a civilized city
    We all know that our city is applying for the national civilized city As students what should we do We must respect our teachers parents and the old We should also be polite and honest Besides we should help those who are in need and be friendly to the people around us It is important for us obey traffic rules too When crossing the streets we should walk on the zebra crossing We mustn’t go across the street when the traffic lights are red What’s more we should protect the environment For examplewe mustn't step on the grass or pick flowers We mustn’t drop litter carelessly
    Let's try our best to make our city a civilized city
    Writing 16
    年越越中国出国旅游中文明行引起极关注 调査显示中国游客列世界第二受欢迎请根点校报英语专栏写篇短文提出建议呼吁文明出行
    3参考词汇:spit v吐疲behavior n行
    With more and more Chinese people traveling abroad their bad behaviors have become a hot topic A recent US survey showed Chinese were the second worst tourists How can we be a good tourist Here are some tips for you

    With more and more Chinese people traveling abroad their bad behaviors have become a hot topic A recent US survey showed Chinese were the second worst tourists How can we be a good tourist Here are some tips for you
    First we should keep our voice down while talking with friends in public places Please wait in line if you want to take a bus or have dinner Also don’t spit or drop litter whenever you want Finally it’s really bad behavior to write or draw pictures on famous buildings
    As a middle school student I think we should pay attention to our behavior saying no to those bad habits While enjoying ourselves we should not only respect local customs but also take care of the environment
    Writing 17
    假杨佩外教Mr Smith想组织名学生学校参加助学联谊活动请参考列消息书信形式Mr Smith提出申请说明算开展次活动理
    Abilities communicate with play basketball and pingpong sing songs speak good English
    Plans get on with organize activities help… study English

    1 参考提示语适发挥
    2 语句通意思连贯书写工整
    3 文中出现姓名校名
    4 80词左右
    Dear Mr Smith
    I’m so excited to know that our school is organizing an activity to help kids in another school I hope I can join in I think I have the abilities to help them First I’ll get on well with the kids there I can do it because I always communicate well with others
    And I have a few hobbies such as playing basketball dancing and singing so I can help organize afterclass activities Also my English is good I can help the kids with their pronunciation
    I’ll read English aloud with them and teach them English songs It’s really fun
    I’ll be thankful if you give me the chance
    Yang Pei
    Writing 18
    I’m an 15year old middle school student I have been busy with my study and seldom helped my parents with the housework Feeling quite sorry for that I begin to think about what to do to help
    Last Sunday when my parents went out shopping I suddenly got an idea why not give the rooms a through cleaning Firstly I collected all the books newspapers and other things in the rooms and put them away Then I wiped the dust off all the furniture After that I swept the floors carefully
    At this moment my parents came back and were quite surprised to see all the rooms tidy and floors shining My mother gave me a hug and I could see satisfaction in her eyes Tired as I was I never felt so happy
    Writing 19
    前全市学校正开展书伴成长活动请根活动题结合表格中信息Growing up with good books 题英语写篇100词左右倡议书全校学发出倡议
    Growing up with good books
    My dear friends
    Reading is very important __________________________________________________
    My dear friends
    Reading is very important We can get knowledge through reading It can not only open our minds but also make us clever and happier Our study can be improved if we read more good books The more we read the more we will learn and the brighter our future will become
    However some students spend much time in listening to music watching TV or going on line to play games It takes much of their spare timeSo I would like to suggest that everyone should read more books especially read classics so that we can spread our Chinese traditional culture to the world
    Let’s start reading now And let it become a part of our life
    Writing 20
    喜欢阅读 阅读明智充实请Reading is Very Important题写篇关阅读短文
    点 1 阅读益处
    2 阅读惯 (喜欢书籍阅读时间点购书方式等)
    3 阅读体会
    4 阅读计划
    5 号召家阅读
    提示 1 短文中出现真实名名
    2 短文中应包含少3点
    3 书写工整语句通连贯词数少80
    Reading is Very Important
    Reading can not only open up our eyes but also improve our knowledge
    Reading can not only open up our eyes but also improve our knowledge Some people say that money is the best thing in the world but I consider reading is the best
    Reading is very important By reading you can get all kinds of knowledge Furthermore reading books makes your life enjoyable
    There are many books are my favorite Such as Five Thousand Years Little Red Riding Hood and so on Every day I swim in the sea of books I like reading them in my study after school I usually buy them on the Internet because it’s easy for me to do that
    Reading is a kind of enjoyment is a way to experience pleasure Come on Friend to study together to study to experience the fun of reading together
    Writing 21
    The air pollution has been getting worse and worse So recently I did a survey about the air pollution in my city Here's my report
    The air pollution has been getting worse and worse So recently I did a survey about the air pollution in my city Here's my report
    There are mainly four kinds of sources of the air pollution The first one is from some factories that produce wastes another one is from vehicles such as cars trucks planes and buses some of the gases which they produce remains in the air the third one is from smoke that is from cooking in our kitchen and smoking the fourth one is the bad smell in the air I think we should do something to prevent and control air pollution The government must make rules to prevent factories and vehicles from producing pollution encourage people to plant more trees and grass and make some people smoke in some special areas We students should keep away from smoking and do our best to protect air
    Writing 22
    树木量砍伐 植面积逐年减少空气受严重污染臭氧层遭严重破坏……已感气温逐年升高前久印度高温已致1700余死亡现象法?请How to protect _________题写篇80—100词短文谈谈想法
    提示词:pollution reuse plant
    求:1 语句流畅书写工整
    2 提示词适发挥
    3 文中出现真实名名等信息
    How to protect our environment
    As a student we should try our best to protect our environment Now the pollution is more and more serious Too many buses and cars can be seen on the road So we should go to school by bike or on foot And we should also ask our parents to ride bikes to work We should reuse water for example when I finish washing the clothes I use the water to clean the floor and water flowers At school I think saving paper is necessary so I often make full use of paper At the same time I never use plastic bags And I advise my parents to plant some trees behind my house
    It’s important for us to live a lowcarbon life to protect the environment Lower carbon happier life
    Writing 23
    参考词汇:Internet shopping shopping on line
    With the quick development of the Internet shopping online is growing faster in China More and more people in China are interested in shopping on line
    With the quick development of the Internet shopping online is growing faster in China More and more people in China are interested in shopping on line
    Some students think it’s very convenient for us to go shopping on the Internet The Internet provides us with so much information about the products so that we can have many choices The shops on the Internet for example taobaocom 360buy are open for almost 24 hours a day so we can buy something we want at any time if we like
    However some students disagreed with them We can’t see things while we are shopping So we are not sure whether they are good or not Sometimes we have to wait for them to come or spend more money than we expected Besides we can’t enjoy the happiness of shopping with our friends
    Writing 24
    点Computer in my life题英语该报写篇短文简述计算机生活中途计算机生活影响谈谈感受


    Computer in my life
    The computer has become an important part of my life

    Computer in my life
    The computer has become an important part of my life Usually I use the computer to search for information and do some further reading With the help of computerI can get more knowledge easily in my free time I not only communicate with my teachers and classmates by emailbut also discuss questions with them online What’s moreI can enjoy the music online and shopping on the Internet makes my life much easier Sometimes CDROMs help me learn English and make me relaxed MoreoverI can take part in some kinds of activities online
    In a wordthe computer is really of great help to me It brings me a more meaningful and colourful life
    Writing 25
    着家庭生活条件提高现孩子少会零花钱请How to spend my pocket money题写篇作文容必须包括提示点词数80100
    1 里零花钱
    2 常零花钱做什(少两点)
    3 觉零花钱做什更意义事(少两点)
    How to spend my pocket money
    As families are now living better lives we kids can have some pocket money I usually get my pocket money from my parents Sometimes I can get some by selling waste paper and bottles I often use my pocket money to buy breakfast on my way to school I also buy some books to help me with my lessons I hope I can do something more meaningful with my pocket money For example I can go traveling to enjoy myself during summer holidays And I can also donate my pocket money to help poor children
    Writing 26
    参考词汇:手机控a phone freak焦虑anxious(adj)沉迷be addicted to ……
    注意:1 容须包括提示信息适发挥
    2 文中出现真实姓名学校名称
    3 90单词左右开头已出计入总次数
    Today many people especially young people are phone freaks They ……
    Today many people especially young people are phone freaks They are addicted to playing mobile phones They often use phones to chat with others watch movies play games listen to music or take photos and so on In fact they will be anxious without phones
    However it does harm to their study Because they spend too much time playing with phones They can’t have a good rest They don’t have time to do their homework They can’t get good grades
    In my opinion we must use it in a right way If we take it to school we mustn’t use it during the class And remember that study is our first work
    Writing 27
    假李涛英国朋友Jim想通解中国传统节日请根提示Jim写封信 介绍喜欢节日—–春节 (The Spring Festival) 情况写出喜欢理
    The Spring Festival

    Dear Jim
    How are you I’m really glad that you are interested in Chinese traditional festivals
    Li Tao
    Dear Jim
    How are you I’m really glad that you are interested in Chinese traditional festivals I’d like to introduce the Spring Festival to you
    The Spring Festival is one of the most important festivals in China It usually comes in January or February People get together to have a big dinner give best wishes to each other and play fireworks Children receive lucky money from parents I like the Spring Festival because during this festival I can wear new clothes eat delicious food and have fun with friends
    Can you tell me something about your favorite festival
    Li Tao
    Writing 28
    Ingredients (材料)
    糯米(glutinous rice) one kilo 粽叶(reed leaves)
    牛肉 half a kilo 红枣(red dates)
    盐 two spoons 线 (strings)


    putinto the water

    shapeby hand



    How shall we make Zongzi
    To make this special food we need to have ______________________________________
    How shall we make Zongzi
    To make this special food we need to have one kilo of glutinous rice half a kilo of beef some red dates two spoons of salt some reed leaves and some strings
    How to make Zongzi First put the glutinous rice into the clean water and keep it for two hours At the same time wash some reed leaves and cut the beef into pieces Next shape the reed leaves by hand Then fill them with the glutinous rice and beef pieces Add some red dates if you like And then tie Zongzi with strings Finally steam them
    Writing 29
    年8月8日全民健身日 项运动更加深入心 某英文杂志栏目正 Let’s Do Exercise Together题广中学生征文请根面表格中点提示写篇文章该栏目投稿
    参考词汇:keep fit train a person’s character on foot PE class climb mountains
    Let’s Do Exercise Together
    It’s very important for us to do exercise_____________________________________________
    Let’s Do Exercise Together
    It’s very important for us to do exercise Doing exercise can not only help us keep fit but also help to train a person’s character What’s more doing exercise helps us to study better
    We can do exercise whenever we want It is good for us to go to school on foot or by bike In PE classes we can do all kinds of exercise such as running jumping playing basketball and so on On weekends we can climb mountains or go swimming with our friends Also we can go hiking during the vacations
    Let’s do exercise and have a healthy lifestyle together
    Writing 30
    应该懂感恩学会感恩请I should thank _____ 题写篇短文
    姓名:Li Hua 校名:Guangming Middle School
    I should thank my mother
    In my life I’ll thank my mother forever
    My mother is busy every day but she does all housework in my family and works hard in the factory When I am in trouble she always encourages me to overcome difficulties When I am ill she always looks after me carefully
    In a word not only will I thank my mother for giving me life but also I’ll thank her for helping me teaching me knowledge and how to be a person
    I should thank my mother
    I began to study in my mother school in 2013 I enjoyed studying here But two years ago there were some troubles in my family My parents couldn’t give me money for school I cried because I wanted to go on with study When my teachers and classmates learned about it they lent me a hand The teachers bought me textbooks The classmates give me money though they weren’t rich enough With their help I have finished the threeyear study Now I’m leaving my school I want to say Thank you mother school
    Writing 31
    生活中会喜爱段时光许生机盎然春天许父母次开心旅行许友亲密相处……兴奋喜悦带甜美回忆年中喜爱段时光什呢?请My favorite time of year题写篇英语短文家介绍年中喜爱段时光
    1 What is your favorite time of year
    2 What do you like to do during this time
    3 Why do you enjoy it so much
    1 切合题意容完整表达清楚适发挥
    2 词数:100左右
    My favorite time of the year is spring I often fly kites and have picnics with my parents in spring In spring the weather is always sunny and rainy it's not cold and not hot it's warmer and warmer The flowers begin to open and the trees begin to turn green The birds are singing in the sky they are happy The animals will go out to play Many people like to go out and enjoy the sunshine I like wearing my sweater and jeans I like to fly kites plant trees and see the beautiful flowers Spring is colorful I think it's a wonderful season
    Writing 32
    健康兴趣爱感受生活色彩增加生活乐趣陶冶性情提高文化素养带知识友谊快乐生活中什兴趣爱?请My hobby题结合身历写篇英语短文
    1 What is your hobby
    2 Why do you have the hobby
    3 What have you learned from your hobby
    1 语言流畅意思连贯围绕点适增加情节
    2 词数100左右
    My hobby
    Everyone has his own hobby it may give him a lot of happiness My hobby is reading
    Two years ago I didn't like reading very much I had plenty of time but I spent lots of time on playing with computers When I was very young I didn't think reading book was interesting because I found nothing more interesting than the computer games
    I've changed now I enjoy reading novels because there're lots of interesting stories When I am in trouble reading can make me calm down When I am very tired it can make me comfortable When I am angry with something it also can make me happy again Reading keeps me in a good mood and it's good for my health Enjoy your hobby enjoy your life
    Writing 33
    众周知控制情绪保持积极乐观心态生活充满幸福快乐幸福快乐呢?某英语报Think and Write栏目征稿话题Learn to Control Your Feelings请结合表格中提示写感悟家起分享吧
    The importance of controlling feelings
    Controlling feelings is important
    We can find better ways to solve the problem
    Controlling feelings can help to make friends with more people
    Bad feelings can cause some trouble
    注意:1 词数80左右       
    2 适发挥行文连贯
    3 短文开头已出计入总词数
    Learn  to  Control  Your  Feelings
    Nobody can be happy all the time_______________________________________________
    Learn to Control Feelings
    Nobody can be happy all the time If something bad happens to you what will you do Will you get angry
    I think at that time you should control your feelings Controlling feelings is important to us all If we control our feelings well we can find what caused the problem and then we can find better ways to solve the problem Also controlling feelings can help us to make friends with more people Bad feelings can make you lose friends and cause you some trouble So we should learn to control our feelings and make our life happier
    Writing 34
    生活中烦恼会产生压力更发现解决学中存心理压力问题班特意开展次Less Pressure Better Life题英语演讲赛请准备发言稿谈谈缓解压力办法学分享容包括
    1 学中普遍存压力什
    2 压力什
    3 成功缓解压力
    Less Pressure Better Life
    Hello boys and girls
    Pressure is a serious problem in today’s world Students in our class are under too much pressure Some students can’t get on well with their classmates while others may worry about their exams
    I’m always under pressure too My parents want me to be the top student in class So they send me to all kinds of afterclasses at weekends Last Monday evening I had a talk with my mother I told her I was not lazy I really felt tired I needed time to relax My mother agreed with me at last So I think a conversation with parents is necessary to solve the problem
    That’s all Thank you
    Writing 35
    假李华中华少年 (China’s Good Children)候选请写份材料介绍家里学校社会表现
    1 紧扣题适发挥
    2 短文中出现校名名
    3 80词左右
    My name is Li Hua I am lucky to be chosen as one of China’s Good Children
    I get up early every day and do some reading and then I do exercise Doing exercise not only helps us keep fit but it also helps to build a person’s character I often do some housework at home
    At school I study hard and do homework carefully In class I volunteer to answer questions and after class I help my classmates with their lessons
    And I’d like to help others in need For example I donate books clothes and raise money for charities And at weekends I often visit old people and spend time with them

    Writing 36
    特日子生日节日纪念日里定收许礼物中喜爱礼物总会断呈现记忆中亲朋友老师礼物中爱期收特殊礼物什?请A special gift I’ve received题写篇英语作文叙述收礼物启示感动情
    A special gift I’ve received
    I have received so many gifts on my birthdays But I love the book named Beautiful English best It was given to me by my mother last year I like to read it in my spare time From the book I have learned that the world is full of love and beauty I also know people should help each other understand each other and love each other I think I’ll grow up with the book because it is not only a book but also my mother’s deep love
    Writing 37
    历童年时候美瞬间总令难忘怀段忧虑快乐日子记忆中永褪色……请根提示My childhood memory题写篇100词左右英语短文家讲述童年发生事
    1 How old were you at the time
    2 What was your memory
    3 Why is this memory so special
    4 What do you think of this memory now
    My childhood memory
    Like many children I had a happy childhood under the care and love of my parents My mother took me to the kindergarten and home every day I thought mother was so kind and healthy that she would never get sick
      But one day my father went to the kindergarten to get me back I asked Why doesn’t my mother come She is sick and she is in hospital said Father I felt sad and frightened Then I began to cry Don’t cry or mother would worry You should be a good child I seemed to understand my mother was too tired I made up my mind I would look after my mother from then on
    Writing 38
    着长家围坐起吃饭时间越越少然研究表明家起吃饭助身体健康法?做?请Eating with parents makes you healthier题写篇80词左右短文陈述理
    Eating with parents makes you healthier
    Eating with parents makes you healthier
    I believe eating with parents will make teenagers healthier
    First as we know a happy mood keeps people healthy Talking more with parents is a better way of helping solve problems in our daily life The dinner time is just a chance for communication
    Also homemade meals are healthier for us to eat for the food problem seems more and more serious now
    As for me I have dinner with my parents every day My family all think the time for dinner is the most important moment for each of us
    Writing 39
    学会善理性善意爱心责面生活现实善融入群获友谊信谅解支持 拥充满快乐感觉踏入充满机遇境界走充满希未生活学中 许交:父母老师学朋友等等学会样友善相处非常重请Be kind to others题写篇90词左右英语短文
    提示: 1短文中请勿真实姓名点学校名称
    2提示词汇:learn respect others Communicate with each other feel happy understand share
    Be kind to others
    Be kind to others
    As we know students should learn how to be kind to others But in what ways First of all we should respect others.Everybody has their own way to do things so we should understand each other.Besides it is important for us to communicate with each other and share our happiness and sadness.What’s more we should offer necessary help to those who are in trouble.Then we will feel very happy
    In my opinion we should treat others in an honest way.Only in these ways can we win other’s respect and friendship My dear friends try to be a kind person the world will be nicer and nicer
    Writing 40
    犯错误中学(What I have learnt from making mistakes)题写篇少100 词短文标点符号占格
    What I learnt from mistakes
    It is obviously true that mistakes can never be avoided in life Whether we can succeed depends on what attitudes we hold towards the mistakes Faced with mistakes some people choose to ignore them while other people are willing to correct them positively
    From where I stand I prefer to admit the mistakes and try my best to solve them wisely Once I broke my classmate’s cup by accident Though no one on the spot witnessed the whole thing I still bravely came to her to explain my fault
    Luckily she forgave me without hesitation There is no doubt that only by learning from mistakes can we have precious treasure and pursue our dreams





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    第一段: 1.自我介绍2.写信原因 3.写信目的第二段: 具体问题第三段: 1.表达感谢 2.期盼回复

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