
    第三题 阅读理解选择题题库

    ★Advertisement can be thought of as the means of making known in order to buy or sell goods or servicesAdvertisement aims to increase people’s awareness and arouse interestIt tries to inform and to persuadeThe media are all used to spread the messageThe press offers a fairly cheap methodand magazines are used to reach special sections of the marketThe cinema and commercial radio are useful for local marketTelevisionalthough more expensivecan be very effectivePublic notices are fairly cheap and more permanent in their power of attractionOther ways of increasing consumer interest are through exhibitions and trade fairs as well as direct mail advertisement

    There can be no doubt that the growth in advertisement is one of the most striking features of the western world in this centuryMany businesses such as those handling frozen foodsliquortobacco and medicines have been built up largely by advertisement

    We might ask whether the cost of advertisement is paid for by the producer or by the customerSince advertisement forms part of the cost of productionwhich has to be covered by the selling priceit is clear that it is the customer who pays for advertisementHoweverif large scale advertisement leads to increased demandproduction costs are reducedand the customer pays less

    It is difficult to measure exactly the influence of advertisement on salesWhen the market is growingadvertisement helps to increase demandWhen the market is shrinkingadvertisement may prevent a bigger fall in sales than would occur without its supportWhat is clear is that businesses would not pay large sums for advertisement if they were not convinced of its value to them
    [单选题]◆Advertisement is often used to__________(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    Adeceive customers
    Bincrease production
    Cpush the sale

    [单选题]◆The word media(in the first paragraph) includes__________(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    Athe pressmagazine
    Call of the above

    [单选题]◆Advertisement is mainly paid for by__________(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    Athe customer
    Bthe producer
    Cincreased sales

    [单选题]◆Advertisement can increase demand__________(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    Ain a shrinking market
    Bin any circumstances
    Cin a growing market

    [单选题]◆From the last sentence of this passage we conclude that _________(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    Abusinesses usually do not pay much for advertisement
    Bbusinessmen know well that advertisement could bring them more profits
    Cadvertisement could hardly convince people of the value of the goods

    ★Businesses are structured in different ways to meet different needsThe simplest form of business is called an individual or sole proprietorshipThe proprietor owns all of the property of the business and is responsible for everything

    Another kind of business is a partnershipTwo or more people go into business togetherAn agreement is usually needed to decide how much of the partnership each person controlsOne kind of partnership is called a limited liability partnershipThere are full partners and limited partnersLimited partners may not share as much in the profitsbut they also have less responsibility for the businessDoctorslawyers and accountants often form partnerships to share their risks and profitsA husband and wife can form a business partnership togetherPartnerships exist only for as long as the owners remain aliveThe same is true of individual proprietor ships

    But corporations are designed to have an unlimited lifetimeA corporation is the most complex kind of business organizationCorporations can sell stock as a way to raise moneyStocks represent shares of ownership in a companyInvestors who buy stock can trade their shares or keep them as long as the company is in business

    A corporation is recognized as an entityits own legal beingseparate from its ownersAboard of directors controls corporate policiesThe directors appoint top company officersThe directors might or might not hold shares in the corporationCorporations can have a few major shareholdersor ownership can be spread among the general publicBut not all corporations are traditional businesses that sell stockSome nonprofit groups are also organized as corporations
    [单选题]◆This passage is mainly about__________
    Awhy different forms of business run
    Bwhen different forms of business raise money
    Chow different forms of business are organized

    [单选题]◆What is usually needed to decide the portion of the partnership each person controls
    AA rule
    BAn agreement
    CA regulation

    [单选题]◆Who are not included in limited liability partnerships
    AFull partners
    BLimited partners
    CUnlimited partners

    [单选题]◆How can corporations raise money
    ABy selling stock

    BBy buying stock
    CBy holding corporation shares

    [单选题]◆Who controls corporate policies in a corporation
    AChairman of the board
    BAboard of directors
    CThe owner of the corporation

    ★China has the most franchises in the world but the scale of their operations is relatively smallEach system in China has an average of 43 outletscompared to more than 540 in the United StatesTogetherthere are 2600 brands in some 200000 retail marketsKFC was the most significant foreign entry in 1987 and is widespreadMany franchises are in fact jointventuresas at their forming the franchise law was not explicitFor exampleMcDonald’s is a joint venturePizza HutTGIFWallmartStarbucks followed a little laterBut total franchising is only 3 of retail tradewhich seeks foreign franchise growthThe year 2005 saw the birth of an updated franchise lawMeasures for the Administration of Commercial FranchisePrevious legislation (1997) made no specific inclusion of foreign investorsToday the franchise law is much clearer by virtue of the 2007 lawa revision of the 2005 lawThe laws are applicable if there are transactions involving a trademark combined with payments with many obligations on the franchisorThe law comprises 42 articles and eight chapters
    [单选题]◆According to the passagethe passage mainly talks about________
    Athe scale of franchising in China
    Bthe franchise law in China
    Can outline of franchising in China

    [单选题]◆KFC was the________foreign franchise to China in 1987 and is widespread
    Amost profound

    [单选题]◆Many franchises are in fact jointventuresbecause________
    Aat the beginning stagefranchise law was not so clear
    Bat the beginning stagemany franchises could not find the right partners
    Cmany foreigners were not familiar with Chinese culture

    [单选题]◆Foreign franchise grows in China because of________
    Athe open policy
    Bthe small amount of retail trade
    Cthe Chinese culture

    [单选题]◆The writer has the________attitude to franchising in China

    ★Communication plays an important role in a negotiationParticipants communicate information not only verbally but nonverbally through body language and gesturesBy understanding how nonverbal communication worksa negotiator is able to understand the information the other participants are giving out nonverbally

    At the same timethe negotiator keeps things secret that would limit his her ability to negotiate

    Take nonverbal anchoring as an exampleIn a negotiationa person can gain the advantage by verbally expressing his her position firstHe she also can anchor and gain advantage with nonverbal cues like the followingFirstpersonal space the person at the head of the table is the obvious symbol of powerNegotiators may be unhappy with this strategic advantageSecondfirst impression begin the negotiation with positive gestures and enthusiasmLook the person in the eye with honesty and respectIf you cannot maintain eye contactthe other person might think you are hiding something or you are dishonest

    Another example is reading nonverbal communicationBeing able to read the nonverbal communication of another person can be a great asset in the communication processBy being aware of different signs and expressions that a person gives verbally and nonverballya negotiator can adjust his her approach and the negotiation can go smoothlyIf possibleit may be helpful for negotiation partners to spend time together in a comfortable atmosphere outside of the negotiation roomBeing familiar with another person helps you to sense the differences between verbal and nonverbal communication within the negotiation atmosphere
    [单选题]◆What can be classified as nonverbal communication(红色字体题正确答案选项)

    [单选题]◆How can a negotiator understand the information the other participants are giving out nonverbally(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    ABy asking for help from others
    BBy talking about the purpose of communication
    CBy understanding how nonverbal communication works

    [单选题]◆How can a person gain the advantage in a negotiation(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    ABy talking loudly
    BBy telling others hisher position first
    CBy asking difficult questions

    [单选题]◆According to Paragraph 2who is thought to be the person who has the power(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    AThe person at the end of the table
    BThe person at the middle of the table
    CThe person at the head of the table

    [单选题]◆If you cannot keep eye contactpeople will think that___________(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    Ayou are honest
    Byou are sincere
    Cyou are hiding something

    ★Cyber Monday rocked while mobile sales roared

    The day widely regarded as the Super Bowl of online sales created a record day for retailersincluding Walmartand marked a shift in shopping preferences as smart phones and tablets drove nearly a third of trafficand for some retailersmore than half

    Walmartcom expects to register its biggest Cyber Monday yetcoming off a record Black Friday weekend onlineHeading into the afternoon Mondaythe website had already soldout of PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoleswhich weren’t even discountedSignificant savings on TVs and tablets also encouraged shoppingsays Joel AndersonCEO of Walmartcom

    Retailers from Target to Sears are fast evolving Cyber Monday into something more akin to Cyber Weekas online deals stretch well beyond Monday

    As of 6 pmETsales on Amazon were up 443over last yearwhile sales at eBay were up 321according to Channel Advisorwhich tracks thirdparty sellers on eBay and AmazonThe online marketplaces are doing well in part because shoppers are heading to those sites to find popular products that are selling out at regular retailerssays Scot WingoCEO of Channel Advisor

    Flashsale site Rue La La started Cyber Monday deals on Sunday with aCyber thonthat drew more than 350000 people to the siteThe sale promoted as much as 80 off on more than 150 brandsOn Mondaysales of Cole Haan and Pandora Jewelry merchandise were strongestCEO Steve Davis says
    [单选题]◆Retailers used moble devices and drove nearly a third of trafficor even more than half to online shoppingAs we know that_________doesn’t belong to the mobile device
    Bsmart phones
    Cpersonal computer

    [单选题]◆PlayStation 4 and X box One consoles were sold out on_________the afternoon Monday although they weren’t even discounted

    [单选题]◆According to_________sales on Amazon were up 443 over last yearwhile sales at eBay were up 321
    BRue LaLa
    CChannel Advisor

    [单选题]◆Cyber Monday deals on Sunday with aCyber thonthat drew more than_________people to the site

    [单选题]◆We can infer from the passage_________isn’t an online retailer
    BChannel Advisor

    ★Emotions play an important part in the negotiation processalthough it is only in recent years that their effect is being studiedEmotions have the potential to play either a positive or negative role in negotiationDuring negotiationsthe decision as to whether or not to settle rests in part on emotional factorsNegative emotions can cause intense and even irrational behaviorand can cause conflicts and negotiations to breakdownbut maybe instrumental in attaining concessionsOn the other handpositive emotions often facilitate reaching an agreement and help to maximize joint gainsbut can also be instrumental in attaining concessionsPositive and negative discrete emotions can be strategically displayed to

    influence task and relational outcomes and may play out differently across cultural boundaries
    [单选题]◆Emotions play an important role during the negotiationalthough their effect is being studied just_________
    Aat the beginning of negotiation practice
    Bduring the negotiation process
    Cnot long before

    [单选题]◆Negative emotions may_________make concessions
    Abe helpful to
    Bbe harmful to
    Cbe nothing to

    [单选题]◆During negotiationsthe decision as to whether or not to settle depends________on emotional factors
    Bto some extent
    Ccompletely not

    [单选题]◆Attaining concessions can be done_________
    Aonly by negative emotions
    Bonly by positive emotions
    Cby both negative and positive emotions

    [单选题]◆In different culturesnegotiators should use_________strategies to show positive and negative emotions
    Athe same

    ★Identify the country or countries you will be travelling toIt is particularly important to know which countries you are travelling to because it determines where and how you are going to send your application
    ●If you are intending to visit just one Schengen countryyou will need to apply for the Schengen visa directly with the embassy or consulate of that particular country
    ●If you are intending to visit two or more Schengen countriesyour application must be sent to the embassy or consulate of the country that shall be your main destination
    ●If you are intending to visit several Schengen countriesbut do not have a main destinationyou should apply for the visa at the embassy or consulate of the first Schengen country on your travel itinerary
    ②Fill out an application form beforehand to obtain a Schengen visaYou can download and print off the form online
    ③Prepare all the requirements for your Schengen visa applicationDepending on the consulate or embassyyou are required to show the following documents:
    ●A valid national passport
    ●Evidence showing the purpose of your trip(eghotel reservations)
    ●Proof of medical insurance
    ●Aroundtrip travel ticket

    ●Proof of funds
    ④Check the processing time to ensure you get your Schengen visa on timeThe processing time varies per embassyso it is important to take the processing time into account when planning your trip
    [单选题]◆This passage is mainly about_________
    Awhat a Schengen visa is
    Bwho can apply for a Schengen visa
    Chow to apply for a Schengen visa

    [单选题]◆If you are intending to visit two or more Schengen countriesyou will need to send your application______
    Ato the embassy or consulate of the country that shall be your main destination
    Bdirectly with the embassy or consulate of that particular country
    Cto the embassy or consulate of the first Schengen country on your travel itinerary

    [单选题]◆You can download and print off the form_________
    Avia your phone
    Bon the Internet
    Cby your friends

    [单选题]◆You are required to show the following documents EXCEPT_________
    Aaroundtrip travel ticket
    Ba valid national passport
    Ca birth certificate

    [单选题]◆The processing time is_________per embassy
    Bthe same


    Businesses are structured in different ways to meet different needsThe simplest form of business is called an individual or sole proprietorshipThe proprietor owns all of the property of the business and is responsible for everything

    Another kind of business is a partnershipTwo or more people go into business togetherAn agreement is usually needed to decide how much of the partnership each person controlsOne kind of partnership is called a limited liability partnershipThese have full partners and limited partnersLimited partners may not share as much in the profitsbut they also have less responsibility for the businessDoctorslawyers and accountants often form partnerships to share their risks and profitsA husband and wife can form a business partnership togetherPartnerships exist only for as long as the owners remain aliveThe same is true of individual proprietor ships

    But corporations are designed to have an unlimited lifetimeA corporation is the most complex kind of business organizationCorporations can sell stock as a way to raise moneyStocks represent shares of ownership in a companyInvestors who buy stock can trade their shares or keep them as long as the company is in business

    A corporation is recognized as an entityits own legal beingseparate from its ownersA board of directors controls corporate policiesThe directors appoint top company officersThe directors might or might not hold shares in the corporationCorporations can have a few major shareholdersor ownership can be spread among the general publicBut not all corporations are traditional businesses that sell stockSome nonprofit grou

    ps are also organized as corporations
    [单选题]◆This passage is mainly about_________
    Awhy different forms of business run
    Bwhen different forms of business raise money
    Chow different forms of business are organized

    [单选题]◆What is usually needed to decide the portion of the partnership each person controls
    AA rule
    BAn agreement
    CA regulation

    [单选题]◆Who are not included in limited liability partnerships
    AFull partners
    BLimited partners
    CUnlimited partners

    [单选题]◆How can corporations raise money
    ABy selling stock
    BBy buying stock
    CBy holding corporation shares

    [单选题]◆Who controls corporate policies in a corporation
    AChairman of the board
    BA board of directors
    CThe owner of the corporation


    Identify the country or countries you will be travelling toIt is particularly important to know which countries you are travelling to because it determines where and how you are going to send your application

    ●If you are intending to visit just one Schengen countryyou will need to apply for the Schengen visa directly with the embassy or consulate of that particular country

    ●If you are intending to visit two or more Schengen countriesyour application must be sent to the embassy or consulate of the country that shall be your main destination

    ●If you are intending to visit several Schengen countriesbut do not have a main destinationyou should apply for the visa at the embassy or consulate of the first Schengen country on your travel itinerary
    Fill out an application form beforehand to obtain a Schengen visaYou can download and print off the form online

    Prepare all the requirements for your Schengen visa applicationDepending on the consulate or embassyyou are required to show the following documents
    ●A valid national passport
    ●Evidence showing the purpose of your trip (eghotel reservations)
    ●Proof of medical insurance
    ●A roundtrip travel ticket
    ●Proof of funds

    Check the processing time to ensure you get your Schengen visa on timeThe processing time varies per embassyso it is important to take the processing time into account when planning your trip
    [单选题]◆This passage is mainly about__________
    Awhat is a Schengen visa
    Bwho can apply for a Schengen visa
    Chow to apply for a Schengen visa

    [单选题]◆If you are intending to visit two or more Schengen countriesyou will need to send your application________
    Ato the embassy or consulate of the country that shall be your main destination
    Bdirectly with the embassy or consulate of that particular country
    Cto the embassy or consulate of the first Schengen country on your travel itinerary

    [单选题]◆You can download and print off the form__________
    Avia your phone
    Bon the Internet
    Cby your friends

    [单选题]◆You are required to show the following documents EXCEPT__________
    Aa roundtrip travel ticket
    Ba valid national passport
    Ca birth certificate

    [单选题]◆The processing time is__________per embassy
    Bthe same

    ★The day widely regarded as the Super Bowl of online sales created a record day for retailersincluding Walmartand marked a shift in shopping preferences as smart phones and tablets drove nearly a third of trafficand for some retailersmore than half

    Walmartcom expects to register its biggest Cyber Monday yetcoming off a record Black Friday weekend onlineHeading into the afternoon Mondaythe website had already soldout of PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoleswhich weren’t even discountedSignificant savings on TVs and tablets also encouraged shoppingsays Joel AndersonCEO of Walmartcom

    Retailers from Target to Sears are fast evolving Cyber Monday into something more akin to Cyber Weekas online deals stretch well beyond Monday

    As of 6 pmETsales on Amazon were up 443over last yearwhile sales at eBay were up 321according to Channel Advisorwhich tracks thirdparty sellers on eBay and AmazonThe online marketplaces are doing well in part because shoppers are heading to those sites to find popular products that are selling out at regular retailerssays Scot WingoCEO of Channel Advisor

    Flashsale site Rue La La started Cyber Monday deals on Sunday with aCyber thonthat drew more than 350000 people to the siteThe sale promoted as much as 80 off on more than 150 brandsOn Mondaysales of Cole Haan and Pandora Jewelry merchandise were strongestCEO Steve Davis says

    [单选题]◆Retailers used moble devices and drove nearly a third of trafficor even more than half to online shoppingAs we know that_________doesn’t belong to the mobile device
    Bsmart phones
    Cpersonal computer

    [单选题]◆PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles were sold out on_________the afternoon Monday although they weren’t even discounted

    [单选题]◆According to_________sales on Amazon were up 443over last yearwhile sales at eBay were up 321
    BRue LaLa
    CChannel Advisor

    [单选题]◆Cyber Monday deals on Sunday with aCyber thonthat drew more than_________people to the site

    [单选题]◆We can infer from the passage_________isn’t an online retailer
    BChannel Advisor

    ★There are many ways to find a jobIt can be as easy as walking into a neighborhood store to look at its announcement boardLocal stores often have areas where people can put small signs telling what
    kind of service they need or can provideSuch services include caring for children or cleaning houses

    Orjob searchers can look in the newspaperLocal newspapers have employment announcements placed by companies seeking workers

    Another popular tool for finding jobs is the InternetFor examplepeople in four hundred and fifty cities around the world can use the Craigslist Web site to buy objectsmeet people or find a jobCraigslist says that it receives two million new job listings each month

    Another useful way to find a job is through a college or universityFor examplestudents at the University of Texas in Austin can go to the Career Exploration Center to get help in finding a job of courselooking for a job requires knowing what kind of work you want to doFor exampleThere is a book called What Color is Your Parachute (降落伞) by Richard BollesThis book has been helping people choose a career (联) since it was first published in nineteen seventy

    Some experts also help people find jobsSusan WMiller owns a company called California Career Services in Los AngelesShe says her company helps people find jobs by first helping them under stand their strengths

    goals and interestsThen she provides them with methods and resources to help them find the right job
    [单选题]◆What is the passage mainly about(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    AFinding a job
    BCollege students’ parttime jobs
    CCraigslist Web site

    [单选题]◆By logging on the Craigslist Web siteyou can___________(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    Astudy for your master degree
    Bdo some shopping online
    Cplay computer games

    [单选题]◆What Color is Your Parachute is a book which gives tips to those who want to_________(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    Awork on the airplane
    Bbuy a parachute
    Cfind a suitable job

    [单选题]◆It can be learned from the passage that___________(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    Acompanies often put job information in local shops
    Bthe Internet is the most popular tool for job hunters in the USA
    CSusan WMiller’s company is helping people choose careers

    [单选题]◆How many ways of finding a job are mentioned in the passage(红色字体题正确答案选项)

    ★Team spirit can make or break a teamTeammates who have team spirit are better able to work together and achieve team goalsThey are also more satisfied with their team activitiesJohn Woodena former basketball coach at UCLAsaidTeam spirit means you are willing to sacrifice personal considerations for the welfare of allThat defines a team playerThere are certain skills team members develop that serve as good examples of team spirit
    Cooperating is simply working together as teammates for the good of the teamCooperation is a skill that team members can sharpen during practiceFor examplebasketball players must practice passing the ball in different plays and situationsTeam efficiency is directly related to the cooperation of its membersActing cooperatively is a good way to show team spirit because doing so contributes to the overall success of the team
    Team members must fulfil their duties with their full effortsStaying motivated shows team spirit because it shows that you want the team to do wellThis includes being motivated to give your best in practice and in competitionas well as outside of team activitiesFor examplea baseball player can show team spirit by being motivated to practice his swing outside of practice
    Respect for your fellow team members is a mustYou can show respect to your teammates by treating everyone fairly and equallyTeammates also respect each other by allowing everyone to participateRespecting fellow teammates keeps everyone in a good mood and encourages overall team spiritFor examplepeople can show team spirit through respect by encouraging other team members who might be struggling

    [单选题]◆Teammates who have team spirit_________
    Acan break a team
    Bare better able to work together and achieve tea tn goals
    Care less satisfied with their team activities

    [单选题]◆According to the articleteam spirit means_________
    Acooperation and motivation
    Bmotivation and respect
    Ccooperationmotivation and respect

    [单选题]◆Cooperation is a skill that_________
    Acan be sharpened during practice
    Bis born with
    Ceveryone should have

    [单选题]◆Being motivated means_________
    Ayou should compete with others
    Byou should practice swing outside of practice
    Cyou should give your best in any circumstances

    [单选题]◆Respecting your teammates_________
    Acan treat everyone fairly and equally
    Bcan keep everyone in a good mood
    Ccan discourage overall team spirit

    Team spirit can make or break a teamTeammates who have team spirit are better able to work together and achieve team goalsThey are also more satisfied with their team activitiesJohn Woodena former basketball coach at UCLAsaidTeam spirit means you are willing to sacrifice personal considerations for the welfare of allThat defines a team playerThere are certain skills team members develop that serve as good examples of team spirit
    Cooperating is simply working together as teammates for the good of the teamCooperation is a skill that team members can sharpen during practiceFor examplebasketball players must practice passing the ball in different plays and situationsTeam efficiency is directly related to the cooperation of its membersActing cooperatively is a good way to show team spirit because doing so contributes to the overall success of the team
    Team members must fulfil their duties with their full effortsStaying motivated shows team spirit because it shows that you want the team to do wellThis includes being motivated to give your best in practice and in competitionas well as outside of team activitiesFor examplea baseball player can show team spirit by being motivated to practice his swing outside of practice
    Respect for your fellow team members is a mustYou can show respect to your teammates by treating everyone fairly and equallyTeammates also respect each other by allowing everyone to participateRespecting fellow teammates keeps everyone in a good mood and encourages overall team spiritFor examplepeople can show team spirit through respect by encouraging other team members who might be struggling
    [单选题]◆Teammates who have team spirit_________
    Acan break a team

    Bare better able to work together and achieve team goals
    Care less satisfied with their team activities

    [单选题]◆According to the articleteam spirit means_________
    Acooperation and motivation
    Bmotivation and respect
    Ccooperationmotivation and respect

    [单选题]◆Cooperation is a skill that_________
    Acan be sharpened during practice
    Bis born with
    Ceveryone should have

    [单选题]◆Being motivated means_________
    Ayou should compete with others
    Byou should practice swing outside of practice
    Cyou should give your best in any circumstances

    [单选题]◆Respecting your teammates_________
    Acan treat everyone fairly and equally
    Bcan keep everyone in a good mood
    Ccan discourage overall team spirit




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