
    第三题 阅读理解选择题题库
    ★Babies who are breastfed may be more likely to be successful in lifea new study published Tuesday suggestsThe study followed more than 3000 babies into adulthood in BrazilThe researchers found those who were breastfed scored slightly higher in intelligence tests in their 30sstayed in school longer and earned more money than those who were given formula(配方奶粉)

    Breastfeeding not only has shortterm benefitsbut also breastfeeding has longterm benefitssays Bernardo Lessa Horta of the Federal University of Pelotas in Brazilwho led the study being published in The Lancet Global Health

    Doctors have long known that breastfeeding can be good for a baby’s healthThis is especially true in poor countrieswhere water can be contaminatedFor instancea baby given formula in developing countries is 14 times more likely to die in the first six months than one who’s breastfedIn the USsome research has suggested that breastfeeding may raise a baby’s IQ(智商)by a few pointsBut a recent study with siblings(兄弟姐妹)found little advantage to breastfeeding

    Horta says these previous studies didn’t follow children into adulthood to see if breastfeeding had longterm effectsSo Horta analyzed data collected from 3493 volunteers he and his colleagues have been following since birthThey are now in their 30sFirstthe researchers gave the subjects IQ testsThose who were breastfed for 12 months or more had IQ test scores that were 376 points higher than those who were breastfed for less than one monththe team found

    When Horta and his colleagues looked at how much education the subjects had gotten and how much money they were makingthey also found a clear differenceThose who were breastfed the longest stayed in school for about an extra year and had monthly salaries that were about a third higher
    [单选题]◆From the passagewe learn that Horta______
    Ais from Brazil
    Bconducts his research in the US
    Chas 30 researchers on his team

    [单选题]◆Which of the following about those who were breastfed is NOT mentioned
    AThey stayed longer in school
    BThey were happier
    CThey were smarter

    [单选题]◆Which of the following is TRUE
    ADoctors don’t understand the benefits of breastfeeding
    BHorta is concerned with water contamination in poor countries
    CHorta’s research project lasted about 30 years

    [单选题]◆The word contaminated in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to______

    [单选题]◆Which of the following is an appropriate title for this passage
    AResearchers Have Pointed Out the Disadvantages of Breastfeeding
    BResearchers Have Found Out the Shortcomings of Formula
    CBreastfeeding Improves Chances of Success

    ★Charity is a concept which dates back to Biblical timeswhen helping the poor was something that rich people basically did to make themselves feelgoodSocial work has its roots in charityas it originally began around the time of the industrial revolution when there were many poor people and society was seeking away of dealing with the poor and social problemsAlthough social work began as charity workit has expanded a lot and needs to be seen from a completely different perspective

    Modernday social work deals not only with poverty and the subsequent problemsbut also with the problems arising from various types ofsocial fear(social phobias) and discrimination such as sexismracismand discrimination against an individual due to his ageor mental or physical disabilitiesSocial workers deal with the consequences of these discriminations as well as consequences that arise from sexual abusedrug abuseand various other problems

    Social work provides an important service to societyIndividuals and families in need of help are the focus of itand are referred to as clientsSocial workers help clients liven productive life in their own communityIn order to reach this goalthey often enlist the assistance of family membersrelativeslocal religious leadersand other influential members of the communityAlthough institutionalization maybe necessary at timesit is a temporary solutionSocial workers usually serve in the front lineand reach out to the clients soon after problems occurThe goal is to help clients return to normal life in a natural setting
    [单选题]◆The charity originally means to_________
    Ahelp the poor that makes the rich feelgood
    Bhelp clients return to normal life
    Cserve the whole society

    [单选题]◆When does social work begin
    Aaround the time of the industrial revolution
    BIn Biblical times
    CIn modern time

    [单选题]◆Modernday social work deals with the following problems except_________

    [单选题]◆In order to help clients live a productive lifesocial workers can turn to the assistance of_____
    Bfamily members

    [单选题]◆Which statement about social work is NOT True
    ASocial work roots from charity
    BSocial work deals not only with poverty and the subsequent problemsbut also with various social fear and discrimination
    CSocial work is that the rich people want to help the poor people

    ★Educatorsparentsstudents and community members in MiamiDade and Broward counties are joining together to reclaim the promise of public educationThis important effort is cosponsored by the American Federation of Teachers and National Education Association and is a vital step forward for our schools in South Florida

    Educatorsparents and community members are working together to provide all students with the opportunity to attend quality public schoolsEqual access to a public education is a right that should be afforded to all studentsWe can not expect our students to succeed if they do not have the right tools to do so

    I’ve been working as a teacher and lawyer for many yearsso I know firsthand the obstacles teachers and students face everydayThere is no simple solution for our public schools’ challengesbut one thing is for sureWe must all work together in order to better our schoolsThere is no time to waste because the future of schools and students is on the lineWe must all get involved now

    Educators need proper teaching resources in order for students to achieveJust like in other careerseducators should receive ample opportunities for professional development

    South Florida teachers and support staff are doing the best they canbut we need everyone to actively participate in the educational process

    Florida receives the least amount of funding for public education compared to nearly all other statesbut that will never stop our drive for successWe still have hope for our schools and students because the nation’s public education system makes up the foundation of our future
    [单选题]◆From the passagewe can guess the author is from_________(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    Bthe UK
    Cthe US

    [单选题]◆Educatorsparents and community members are working together in order to_________(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    Aguarantee all students with opportunities to attend quality public schools
    Benhance the quality of education
    Csupervise the public schools

    [单选题]◆What doesobstaclemean in paragraph 3(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    Asomething that stands in the way
    Bsomething cool
    Csomething urgent

    [单选题]◆What do educators need for professional development(红色字体题正确答案选项)


    [单选题]◆According to the passageis there any simple solution for the challenges they are facing(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    CNot Given

    ★Every daythe news of the world is relayed to people by over 300 million copies of daily papersover 400 million radio setsand over 150 million television sets

    Additional news is shown by motion picturesin theaters and cinemas all over the worldAs more people learn what the important events of the day arefewer are still concerned exclusively with the events of their own householdAs the English writer John Donne put itnearly four hundred years agono man is an island This idea is more appropriate today than it was when Donne livedIn shortwherever he livesa man belongs to some society and we are becoming more and more aware that whatever happens in one particular society affectssomehowthe life and destiny(命运) of all humanity

    Newspapers have been published in the modern world for about four hundred yearsMost of the newspapers printed today are read in Europe and North AmericaHoweversoon they may be read in all parts of the worldthanks to the new inventions that are changing the techniques of newspaper publishing

    Electronics and automation(电子动化)have made it possible to produce pictures and text far more quickly than beforeThereforethe publishing of newspapers and magazines becomes more economical

    Furthermorephotocopies can be sent over great distances now by means of television channels and satellites such as TelstarThuspictures can be brought to the public more quickly than previously
    [单选题]◆People learn about what happens in the world through_________(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    Anewspapers and magazines
    Bradio and television sets
    Cboth A and B

    [单选题]◆According to the passagethe expressionno man is an islandmeans that_________(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    Ano man lives on an island surrounded by water
    Bevery man is in some way alone
    Cevery man belongs to some society

    [单选题]◆The passage suggests that newspapers have been published for about_________(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    A300 years
    B200 years
    C400 years

    [单选题]◆According to the authorpeople in today’s world_________(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    Ahave become more isolated than people in Donne’s times
    Bare affected more by whatever happens in the other parts of the world
    Care concerned only with the events of their own household

    [单选题]◆Today the publishing of newspapers and magazines is more economical because_______(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    Amore people are engaged in newspaper publishing
    Bnew inventions are changing the techniques of newspaper publishing
    CTelstar can send pictures to any part of the world

    ★Hourly billing is the best way to be charged for legal servicesAbout 95 percent of lawyers still perform their legal work on an hourly basisIf you want something better than the old bill by the hour dealtry presenting one of these billing structures

    Project billing for routine issues

    If your legal needs include large but repetitive tasksconsider a flatfee approachOnce you get a project billing estimatedon’t hesitate to shop around to compare prices and services with other law firmsA firm may provide a better deal if it expects future work from your company

    Resultsoriented options

    Payaccordingtosuccess is one choiceIt considers fees based on the outcome of the case and the performance of your counselContingency fees turn the matter into a shared risk or shared encouragementmaking the law firm your business partnernot just representation

    Multilayered tasks

    If you’re shopping for a firm for actual legal work involving a number of legal specialtiesconsider using blended hourly feesThe firm calculates in advance an average rate based on the anticipated time each lawyer spends on the matter

    This arrangement helps the client to avoid paying a senior partner’s hourly rate for research that should be conducted by a junior associate

    Legal Insurance

    The contract fee allows the client to pick up the phone and talk to the lawyer without needing to eye the clockThis approach works like a legal insurance policyIt encourages companies to contact their counsel on nonlitigationnoncrisis mattersand to save money in the long run by engaging in more preventive legal action
    [单选题]◆_________is the best way to be charged for legal services(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    AResultsoriented billing
    BHourly billing
    CFlatfee billing

    [单选题]◆A flatfee approach_________(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    Ais suitable for repetitive tasks
    Bis useless
    Cis the best choice

    [单选题]◆_________make the law firm share your risk and encouragement(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    AContract fees

    BBlended hourly fees
    CContingency fees

    [单选题]◆Legal work involving a number of legal specialties should consider using_________(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    Ablended hourly fees
    Binsurance fees
    Chourly fees

    [单选题]◆You have to eye the clock when you talk to the lawyer when you choose_________(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    Alegal Insurance
    Bthe old bill by the hour deal
    Ca flatfee approach

    ★Imagine a school that expected its students to become literate(读写力) without any formal instructionMost parents would be alarmed by such an approachwhich would leave their children confused and with gaps in their understandingThis however has been the philosophy on character development in many of our schoolsWhy is the development of character seen as somehow different from the other skills that we teach

    Of course there will always be learning by osmosis(耳濡目染)in any schoolbut as a teacher and primary school head I have found that a child’s moral literacy is strengthened when they acquire the building blocks of good character such as considerationcourage and honor qualities which are commonly known as virtue(美德)

    I personally find that exploring a virtue over a twoweek period provides a simple and effective program that allows for the creative input of both teacher and student and a chance for the virtue to embed(融入)itselfOnce a lesson on a virtue such as honesty has been completed we need to allow time for children to practice this concept just as would be the case with fractions or verbsAllowing children to role play a situation such as making up excuses to cover a mistake can be enormously interestingand the drama can be frozen allowing the characters to be questioned about their feelings and motivesIt’s also a safe way for children to experience for themselves how a lie usually goes out of control

    Our role as educators is also to look for opportunities to help our students as they attempt to strengthen their charactersWhen something goes wrong we guide the young person to the virtue that will prevent it from happening againFor instancewhen am student thoughtlessly disturbs the calm atmosphere of the libraryinstead of a response such asthat was really disrespectful and selfish of youwe draw out from them the required virtue When you’re walking through the librarywhat virtues do you need to use
    [单选题]◆Which of the following is the main idea of this passage
    ATeaching morals and values has been a frequently discussed topic in the past few years
    BThe author and his staff embed virtues into lessons and school life to encourage character development in children
    CKids throughout the population face the same needsthe same challengesand the same realities in their lives

    [单选题]◆We can infer from the first paragraph that_______
    Athere tends to be disagreement about what character education is
    Bmost parents are not satisfied with the teaching methods adopted in schools
    Cthe approach to character education is generally considered different from the approaches to other skills

    [单选题]◆The word philosophy in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to_______

    [单选题]◆The author is a_______

    [单选题]◆Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a way to build character in children
    AStory readings and discussions
    CTaking every opportunity to teach character

    ★Is that 6 amwoke out getting in the way of good sleepDon’t think your fat cells won’t noticeA new study published in The Annals of Internal Medicine (a medical journal) finds that inadequate shuteye has a harmful effect on fat cellsreducing their ability to respond to insulin (胰岛素)by about 30 percentOver the longtermthis decreased response could set the stage for type2 diabetes (a medical condition in which someone has too much sugar in his or her blood)fatty liver disease and weight gain

    The study adds to a growing body of evidence that there’ an intimate relationship between the amount of sleep we get and our ability to maintain a goodhealthy body weightsays sleep expert Helene Emsellemdirector of the Center for Sleep and Wake Disorders in Chevy ChaseMarylandBut Americans don’t seem to be getting the message that we need seven to nine hours par nightMore than 1 in 5 of usaccording to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Preventionis getting six or fewer hours of sleep per nighton average

    So how did researchers study fat cells in the Annals paper Matthew Brady of the University of Chicago and a group of colleagues selected and persuaded seven volunteers to take part in the research projectThey were all youngthin and healthy and agreed to sleep for eight nights in a sleep labFor four nights they were allowed to stay in bed for 85 hours a nightsays BradyThena month laterthey came back for four additional nightsbut this time they were allowed just 45 hours of sleep per nightAnd after each visitresearchers got a sample of their fatBrady explains that the fat cells responded significantly to the loss of sleepI was very surprised to be honesthe says

    Bad things can happen when fat cells become less responsive to insulinFat cells are actually your friendhe saysThey’re there to store lipids(血脂)When lipids stay inside the cellsyour body can utilize the fat when you’re exercising or sleeping or going about your dayHoweverwhen fat cells stare to become insulin resistantthe lipids star to leach out of the fat cells and rise in the bloodstreamBrady says
    [单选题]◆According to the passagelack of sleep for a long while can probably lead to all of the following EXCEPT________
    Aheart disease
    Bweight gain

    [单选题]◆The main idea of the third paragraph is________
    Ahow to write a medical research paper
    Bhow to avoid sleep loss

    Chow the research was conducted

    [单选题]◆What does the leach in the last paragraph probably mean

    [单选题]◆Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage
    AWe will be in trouble if our fat cells become less responsive to insulin
    BMore and more studies are done to study the link between sleep and weight
    CMore than 20 of Americans are not getting enough sleep

    [单选题]◆Which of the following is an appropriate title for this passage
    APoor Sleep May Lead to Too Much Stored Fat and Disease
    BSleep Experts Had Exciting Findings in a Fat Study
    CAmericans Should Have More Than Six Hours of Sleep

    ★It can be really frustrating (沮丧) for an overweight person to go to a gym and work out with a positive attitudeAll one has to do is walk by almost any nice gym and notice all the healthysweatingskinny membersSometimes they stare at those of us who arewellzaftigIt is easy to see the judgment behind their eyesWho wants to put up with that

    Many people are selfconscious of their bodies and feel isolated when joining workout classes of while exercisingespecially if they are larger than most of the others in the groupNow the fitness industry is finally paying attentionPopular gyms are catering (迎合) to overweight and weight conscious customers by dedicating areas where the skinny people are not allowed

    There are even gyms or programs that require members to be at least 50 pounds overweight to participate
    Trainers recommend functional fitness as a practical goalrather than sixpack abs(六块腹肌)They often use text messages to stay in touch with customers

    Often at these specialized gymsthe trainers are overweight themselvesor working on their own weight goalsand this can help those people with anxiety caused by poor body imageThe equipment has been designed for use by larger peopleWider seatsmore cushioningno mirrorsand tinted (色)windows for privacyare all important changes

    Hopefully these types of gyms will successfully grow in numbers in the futureThe idea is a very simple and potentially popular oneIf it helps those of us who are bigger exercise more and improve our fitness levelit’s a step in the right direction
    [单选题]◆The word zaftig in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to______

    [单选题]◆We can infer from the first two paragraphs that______
    Amost large gym chains really don’t want members to show up frequently
    Boverweight people are often frustrated and pushed away by traditional gym industry
    Cregular gyms don’t accept overweight people to participate in their programs

    [单选题]◆What is the training goal in the gyms catering to overweight members
    ATo achieve functional fitness
    BTo build sixpack abs
    CTo look like a fitness model

    [单选题]◆As for the gyms catering to overweight memberswhich of the following statements is NOT TRUE
    AThe machines are designed for larger people
    BTinted windows are used to ensure extra privacy
    CThere are large mirrors on the walls

    [单选题]◆Which of the following is the best title for the passage
    AImproving Women’s Selfconfidence through Exercises
    BThe traditional Gym Industry Is Losing Its Customers
    CSpecialized Gyms Designed for Overweight People

    ★Jim Thorpe was a Native AmericanHe was born in 1888 in an Indian Territory(印第安保护区)that is now OklahomaLike most Native American children thenhe liked to fishhuntswimand play games outdoorsHe was healthy and strongbut he had very little formal educationIn 1950Jim Thorpe was named the greatest American football playerHe was also an Olympic gold medal winnerBut Thorpe had many tragedies in his life

    Jim had a twin brother who died when he was nine years oldBy the time he was 16his mother and father were also deadJim then went to a special school in Pennsylvania for Native American childrenTherehe learned to read and write and also began to play sportsJim was poorso he left school for two years to earn some moneyDuring this timehe played on a baseball teamThe team paid him only 15 a weekSoon he returned to school to complete his educationJim was a star athlete(运动员)in several sportsincluding baseballrunningand footballHe won many awards for his athletic abilitymainly for footballIn many gameshe scored all or most of the points for his team

    In 1912when Jim Thorpe was 24 years oldhe became part of the US Olympic teamHe competed in two very difficult eventsthe pentathlon and the decathlonBoth require great ability and strengthThe pentathlon has five track and field eventsincluding the long jump and the 1500meter raceThe decathlon has ten track and field eventswith runningjumping and throwing contests

    People thought it was impossible for an athlete to compete in both the pentathlon and the decathlonSo everyone was surprised when Thorpe won gold medals in both eventsWhen the King of Sweden presented Thorpe with his two gold medalshe saidSiryou are the greatest athlete in the worldThorpe was a simple and honest manHe just answeredThanksKing
    [单选题]◆From the passage we learn that Jim Thorpe was born in______(红色字体题正确答案选项)

    [单选题]◆According to the passagemost American Indian children loved all the following EXCEPT______(红色字体题正确答案选项)


    [单选题]◆Jim Thorpe started to play sports______(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    Abefore he was 9 years old
    Bwhen he was 16 years old
    Cwhen he was 24 years old

    [单选题]◆The word decathlon in paragraph 3 probably means______(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    Bfive track and field events
    Cten track and field events

    [单选题]◆Which of the following is NOT TRUE(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    AIn 1912Thorpe went back to finish his college education
    BThorpe won two gold medals in the 1912 Olympic Games
    CThorpe once played on a baseball team for money

    ★Liu Hui interviews DrSmith about the issue of educational inequality

    Liu HuiThank youDrSmithfor agreeing to be interviewed by our Campus News WeeklyFirstwhat do you mean by educational inequality

    DrSmithEducational inequality is the disparity that certain students experience in their education as compared to other studentsBut the meaning of it varies in different social contexts

    Liu HuiWhy does it exist in modern society

    DrSmithWellresearchers link educational inequality to socioeconomicracial and geographic reasons

    Liu HuiSo it is very likely that educational inequality exists in different forms in different countries

    DrSmithYeahyou are rightFor examplein the United Statesalthough skin color is linked to other forms of inequalityit is evident in education

    Liu HuiEducational inequality exists in ChinatooFor examplethe college entrance rate is much higher in Beijing than in other provincesHow do you think can we someday eradicate the inequality

    DrSmithIt’s impossible to answer such a big question in few wordsEducational inequality has become one of the most important political and social issues in every nation nowadaysThere have been numerous attempts at reforms and
    [单选题]◆The researchers link educational inequality to_________
    Asocioeconomicracial and educational reasons
    Bracialeconomic and geographic reasons
    Cracialsocioeconomic and geographic reasons

    [单选题]◆Ace or ding to the passage_________
    Ain the United Statesskin color is linked to other forms of inequalitybut not in education
    Bin the United Statesskin color is only linked to the form of inequality in education
    Cin the United Statesskin color is linked to the inequality in education

    [单选题]◆Educational inequality exists in_________
    AChina only
    Bmany countries
    Call the countries

    [单选题]◆What does the underlined worderadicatemean in the passage
    Aget rid of
    Bcope with

    [单选题]◆What’s the attitude of DrSmith to the future of education equality

    ★Maggie Walker was born in 1867 in RichmondVirginiaHer mother was once a slave in a rich woman’s houseWhen Maggie was very younga thief killed her fatherHer family was impoverishedso Maggie’s mother started doing laundry in her homeMaggie had to help herShe washed clothes every daybut she continued to go to schoolShe was a very good studentespecially in math

    After Maggie graduated from high schoolshe got a job as a teacherIn 1886she married Armistead WalkerThey had two sons and Maggie stayed home to care for themShe also volunteered to help a social organization called the Order of StLukeThis organization helped African Americans take care of the sick and bury the deadMaggie Walker loved the work of the organizationThe organization believed that African Americans should take care of each other

    Over the yearsMaggie Walker had more and more responsibilities with the organizationIn 1895she suggested that StLuke begin a program for young peopleThis program became very popular with schoolchildrenIn 1899Walk became Grand Secretary Treasurer of the StLuke organizationHoweverbecause she was a womanshe received less than half the salary of the man who had the job before her

    The Order of StLuke had a lot of financial difficulties when Walker took overIt had a lot of unpaid bills and only 3161 in the bankBut soon Maggie Walker changed all of thatHer idea was to get new members to join the OrganizationIn just a few yearsit grew from 3400 members to 50000 membersThe organization bought a 100000 office building and increased its staff to 55Now Walker was ready for her next big step
    [单选题]◆Maggie’s father died______
    Awhen she finished high school
    Bbefore she was born
    Cwhen she was very young

    [单选题]◆Which of the following is NOT TRUE
    AMaggie had two children
    BMaggie was once a slave
    CMaggie was good at math

    [单选题]◆Which of the following is TRUE
    AMaggie loved to help other African Americans
    BMaggie was very popular with school teachers

    CMaggie was the founder of the Order of StLuke

    [单选题]◆The word impoverished in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to______

    [单选题]◆After Paragraph 4the author will probably talk about Maggie’s______
    Bnext project

    ★People say that money can not buy happinessThis was true for Howard HughesHe was one of the richest and most powerful men of his timeHe had everythinggood looksuccesspowerand a lot of moneyBut he didn’t have love or friendship because he couldn’t buy themAll his life he used his money to control everything and everyone around himIn the endhe lost control of everythingeven himself

    Howard Hughes was born in1905 in HoustonTexasHis father started the Hughes Tool CompanyHe was a workaholic(工作狂) and made a lot of moneyHe bought everything he wantedHe even gave money to schools so Howard could get into themFrom his fatherHoward learned to be a successful but merciless businessmanHughes’s motherAllene also had a big influence on his lifeHoward washer only childShe protected him and gave him everythingUnfortunately Allene had mental problemsShe was afraid of germs and diseasesShe was obsessed with Howard’s healthand he became obsessed with it too

    Allene died when Howard was 16 years oldTwo years later his father diedHughes inherited the Hughes Tool CompanyThen he married Ella RiceHe and Ella moved to Los AngelesCaliforniaIt was there that Howard Hughes began to become a legend(传奇物)Hughes began to invest his money in moviesHe became an important producer soon after he moved to CaliforniaHe worked hardbut he also played hardHe became obsessed with power and control When he couldn’t get something legallyhe gave money politicians and businessmen so they would help himHe owned a lot of businessesincluding airplane companiesa movie studio(制片厂)Las Vegas hotelsgold and silver minesand radio and television stationsOnce he bought a television studio so he could watch movies all nightHe also bought a hotel because he wanted to stay in his favorite room for one weekend
    [单选题]◆According to the passageHoward Hughes was not_________

    [单选题]◆Which of the following about Hughes’ father is NOT TRUE
    AHe started the Hughes Tool Company
    BHe drank alcohol a lot
    CHe worked hard

    [单选题]◆Howard Hughes’ parents died_________
    Awhen he was 16 years old
    Bbefore he was 19 years old
    Cafter he got married

    [单选题]◆The word obsessed in Paragraph 2 probably means_________

    [单选题]◆From the passagewe learn what MrHughes lacked in his life was_________

    ★Respondent Binhai People’s Hospital

    Address No 7Binhai RoadBinhai City

    The following answer is given to Zhang Hua’s claim for personalinjury compensation by the Binhai People’s Hospital

    1The respondent does not have a direct contractual relationship with Zhang HuaZhang Hua had an oral contract to remove the highvoltage meter cabinet with Binhai No2 Construction Installation Company on June 102008He was assigned by Binhai No2 Construction and Installation Company and therefore has no direct contractual relationship with the respondent

    2Binhai No2 Construction and Installation Company should be responsible for compensating Zhang Hua for the following reasonsFirstlyaccording to PRC laws and relevant judicial interpretationsBinhai No2 Construction and Installation Company shall be responsible for any injury employees suffered in the contract performanceSecondlyZhang Hua seriously violated the operational procedure in removing the highvoltage meter cabinet and failed to pay due attention thereto

    3The respondent shall not be responsible for compensating the injuries of Zhang HuaAccording to the General Principles of the Civil Lawany person engaged in highly dangerous operations shall be responsible for compensationIn this casethe respondent entered into a contract with Binhai No2 Construction and Installation Companywhereby the source of high danger shifted to Binhai No2 Construction and Installation CompanyBinhai No2 Construction and Installation Company became the subject of the dangerous operationand therefore any damages caused in the contract performance by Binhai No2 Construction and Installation Company have no connection with the respondent

    ThereforeBinhai People’s Hospital is not liable for compensating Zhang HuaWe hereby request the court to reject the plaintiff’s action according to law

    Binhai City Intermediate People’s Court
    Respondent Binhai People’s Court
    Date May 10th2011
    [单选题]◆According to the plaintiff_______should be responsible for compensating Zhang Hua
    ABinhai People’s Hospital
    BBinhai No2 Construction and Installation Company
    CBinhai City Intermediate People’s Court

    [单选题]◆Zhang Hua had an oral contract with_______
    A2 Construction and Installation Companies

    BBinhai No2 Construction and Installation Company
    CBinhai City Intermediate People’s Court

    [单选题]◆The respondent stated_______reasons to reject Zhang Hua’s claim

    [单选题]◆Zhang Hua himself_______bear some responsibilities

    [单选题]◆_______was quoted by the respondent
    Athe PRC General Civil Law
    Bthe PRC Civil Procedural Law
    CGeneral Principles of the Civil Law

    ★Since its founding in 1948McDonald’s has grown from a family burger(汉堡包)stand to a global fastfood chainwith more than 30000 locations in 118 countries

    With 58 million daily customers worldwideMcDonald’s is now so ubiquitous around the globe that The Economist publishes a global ranking of currencies’ purchasing power based on the prices charged at the local McDonald’scalled the Big Mac Index(巨霸指数)That’s not to say that every nation carries the same menu itemschoices vary widely depending on locationSome Asian locations serve fried shrimp in a Big Mac rollwhile McDonald’s in India doesn’t serve beef at allrelying instead on burgers made from vegetablesrice and beans

    Not everyone in the world has been happy to greet Ronald McDonald when he moves to townMany see McDonald’s as a symbol of American economic and cultural chauvinism(沙文义)and European nations in particular have viewed Americanstyle fast food as an insult to their national foodA French farmerJose Bovebecame something of a national hero in 1999 after he and a group of people destroyed a McDonald’s under construction to protest globalization and bad foodThe next yeara bomb exploded in a French McDonald’skilling a 27yearold employeeNo one claimed responsibility

    But regardless of whether you like their food or their policiesMcDonald’s is still widely seen as one of the true pioneers of peaceful globalization
    [单选题]◆According to the passagewhich of the following statements is NOT TRUE(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    AMcDonald’s was founded in 1948
    BMcDonald’s has opened its restaurants in every city of the world
    CMcDonald’s has over 30000 locations in the world now

    [单选题]◆The word ubiquitous in Paragraph 2 is most likely to mean______(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    Avery crowded
    Bvery clean
    Cexisting everywhere

    [单选题]◆From Paragraph 2we can conclude that______(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    AMcDonald’s designs its menu to suit the local people
    Bmillions of young adults got their first job with McDonald’s
    Cthe McDonald’s menu sticks to oldfashioned favorites such as the Big Mac

    [单选题]◆What did Jose Bove and his people do in 1999 to protest against McDonald’s(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    AThey destroyed a McDonald’s under construction
    BThey protested outside a McDonald’s
    CThey refused to go to a newlybuilt McDonald’s

    [单选题]◆In______an employee died in a fatal bomb attack on a McDonald’s restaurant in France(红色字体题正确答案选项)

    ★The celebration of International Women’s Day(IWD) in 2011 was special as it marked the 100th anniversary of IWDThe United Nations’ theme for the 2011IWD wasEqual access to educationtrainingscience and technologyPathway to decent work for women

    One hundred years agogender equality and women’s empowerment were largely radical ideasOne hundred years laterthere has been significant progress in women’s empowerment and participation through determined advocacypractical action and enlightened policy makingHoweverin too many countries and societieswomen’s social position is still low and lots of women are still trapped by povertydiscriminationunemploymentilliteracy and violence

    As a basic human righteducation is a key driver of economic growth and social change and the basis of women’s empowermentThe global economy is increasingly knowledgedrivenand requires an educated workforce able to apply the existing technology and to develop new science and technologies to combat poverty and adapt to emerging issues

    As education is the key to greater empowerment for womeninvesting in women and girls through the education sector has therefore a positive effect on the wellbeing of their familiestheir communities and nationsStrengthening the bridges between educationtrainingscience and technology and the labor market is important in order to promote equal opportunity to decent employment for women
    [单选题]◆2011 International Women’s Day(IWD) was special because_________(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    Ait is the beginning of women’s equality
    Bitis100th anniversary
    Cwomen got too much rights in that day

    [单选题]◆_____is a key factor of economic growth and social change and the women’s empowerment(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    BFamily responsibility

    [单选题]◆Which of the following is not suffered by women in society nowadays(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    Cfamily burden

    [单选题]◆Which one is NOT mentioned in relation toeducation equality(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    Apathway to decent work for women
    Bdevelopment of new science
    Cwomen’s empowerment

    [单选题]◆What is the best title for the passage(红色字体题正确答案选项)
    ACreating Equal Access to Education
    BInternational Women’s Day
    CHuman Rights

    ★When Bill de Blasio ran for New York City mayor last yearhe promised to end a controversial(争议)citywide cellphone ban(禁令)in public schoolswhich is not equally enforced in all schoolsNowunder his leadershipthe city is preparing to end the banIt will be replaced by a policy that allows phones inside schools but tells students to keep them packed away during class

    Many schools have a rule about enforcing the ban that saysIf we don’t see itwe don’t know about it That means teachers are OK with students bringing in cell phonesas long as they stay out of sight and inside bags and pockets

    But at the 88 city schools with metal detectorsdie ban has been strictly enforcedThe detectors were installed to keep weapon out of schoolsbut the scanners(扫描器)can also detect cell phonesSo students at these schools must leave their phones at home or pay someone to store it for them

    The ban was put into place in 2007 under mayor Michael BloombergEnding the ban will also likely end an industry that has sprung up near dozens of the schools that enforce the banWorkers in vans(厢式货车)that resemble food tracks store teens’ cell phones and Other devices for a dollar a day

    Critics of the ban say cell phones are important safety devices for kids during an emergencyThey also say that enforcement of the ban is uneven and discriminatoryWhere the ban is enforcedit puts a disadvantage on students who can’t afford to pay to store their phones

    Before putting an official end to the cellphone bancity education officials are working on creating a new policyIt will include rules about not using the phones during class or to cheat on tests
    [单选题]◆Which of the following is the main idea of the passage
    ANew York City will give financial aid to poor students
    BNew York City plans to restrict cell phone use in libraries
    CNew York City will soon end a ban on cell phones in schools

    [单选题]◆Students pay__________a day to leave their cell phones in a van parked near their school\
    Aa dollar
    Btwo dollars

    Cfive dollars

    [单选题]◆Metal detectors were installed in 88 city schoolsmainly to keep__________out of schools
    Acell phones

    [单选题]◆The word discriminatory in Paragraph 5 probably means__________

    [单选题]◆According to the passagewhich of the following statements is TRUE
    AAfter the cellphone ban is endedstudents can use their phones during class
    BThe cellphone ban is equally enforced in all public schools
    CA phonestorage industry has appeared outside the 88 metaldetector campuses





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