
    (2019·山东潍坊高密模拟)April 26 is Hug a Friend Day Can you guess how to 1 it That's right—You hug a friend
    Giving a hug can express love support acceptance or even just hello or goodbye It can improve a person's feeling or even their 2 by lowering their blood pressure and releasing(减轻) stress
    3 it can also get you in trouble Last month Ryan a middle school student in North Carolina US was fighting with 4 student His teacher pulled them apart After she finished Ryan said thank you and gave her a 5 .
    The teacher did not like this She 6 took Ryan's arm and took him to an office Then school officials decided to send him away from school
    Why did she react(反应) so badly First of all Ryan was a boy and his teacher was a woman In this situation she may have thought that Ryan's hug showed the 7 kind of love Also a student hugging a teacher sends a strange 8 that they are friends and are on an equal level A hug might have really affected the teacher's sense of authority(权威) especially after she had just stopped a fight
    So be 9 who you hug and how you hug them The best way to avoid misunderstanding is to just ask first or to say Give me a hug From the person's reaction you know 10 to hug or not to hug
    1.Aremember B.celebrate
    C.understand D.know
    2.Arelationship B.environment
    C.quality D.health
    3.AHowever B.Besides
    C.And D.Then
    4.Aother B.another
    C.the other D.others
    5.Asmile B.hand
    C.present D.hug
    6.Aeasily B.happily
    C.angrily D.peacefully
    7.Aimportant B.wrong
    C.right D.necessary
    8.Amessage B.letter
    C.word D.note
    9.Acareless B.peaceful
    C.careful D.helpful
    10.Awhy B.whether
    C.if D.when
    (2020·山东德州五校开学检测)On the morning of May 30th 2019 Huawei helped the BBC use 5G to report news It was the first time that 5G had been used in the world Actually China just began to use 5G in June 2019 What's the most special about 5G 5G lets us send and receive information in a very short time Now 4G takes about 100 to 200 milliseconds (毫秒)to send and receive information But 5G will cut the time down to 1 millisecond or less The big change that 5G brings will not only make our mobile network faster but also deeply change our lives in many ways
    First 5G can connect with amusements 5G is about 100 times faster than 4G This means you can download a movie in seconds by using 5G Also VR games will become more popular with 5G 5G will make people feel the games even more real
    Second 5G can connect with traffic 5G will also make self­driving cars safer These cars can send messages to each other They also talk to traffic lights and road sensors(传感器) 5G will allow self­driving cars to have faster reaction than human drivers
    Third 5G can connect with smart homes 5G also makes the IOT possible IOT is a large network that connects everything to the Internet Smart homes are part of it Smart homes can make the machines automatic For example if the sensor feels the air becoming dry a smart sprinkler could water your plants by itself And your toaster could start making breakfast ahead of time or before you get up
    Although not everyone can use 5G networks now China is trying its best to let everyone use 5G as soon as possible
    1.What is the biggest advantage of 5G
    A.It has faster speed in sending and receiving messages
    B.It will change everything in our lives
    C.It can be used to control cars
    D.It can help to download a movie in minutes
    2.5G will change our lives in many ways EXCEPT ________ according to the passage
    A.free time activities
    B.traffic safety
    C.home life
    D.the way news spreads
    3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
    A.Both 4G and 5G can make VR games become more real
    B.5G can make self­driving cars talk to traffic lights by themselves
    C.IOT is a large network that connects everything to 5G
    D.5G has been widely used in China now
    4.The Chinese meaning of automatic in Paragraph 4 is ________
    A.动 B.省时
    C.灵敏 D.快速
    5.This passage is probably from ________
    A.a book review B.a maths textbook
    C.a technology magazine D.a fashion report
    (2020·湖北襄阳中考)Here are some good suggestions for you to learn English well
    6.________ Even if there is no one around to speak to talk to yourself Name things as you pass them This simple language learning skill will help you understand these everyday words
    Talk to your friends you know in English 7________ They may understand you even if they don't speak it Simple expressions like Good morning in English will make those sentences more natural to you Your friends may even start to learn a few sentences as well
    8.________ You'll hear the language used in a real situation and this will help you judge(判断) the pronunciation even better You will also come to further understand and better enjoy the culture behind the language
    The easiest language learning skill is to try Don't be afraid to make mistakes when you speak and write English In fact you will learn as much from your mistakes as you will learn from your success 9________
    It's a good way to find an English club It's helpful to speak with other people who are still going through the course of learning English 10________

    A.Explain to them you are practicing it
    B.They will give you lots of learning skills
    C.You can speak Chinese with your friends
    D.Listen to English songs when you are free
    E.The best way to get better at English is to speak it
    F.Never let the fear of making any mistakes hold you back
    (2019·山东潍坊模拟改编)In early spring the changing temperature usually makes a number of Chinese people uncomfortable Cold air bringing rain or even snow easily tears up(破坏) the warmth of the spring within a night
    However with the coming of Guyu—the Grain(谷物) Rain the blue sky and gentle winds would finally stay Falling usually on or around April 20 every year Guyu is the ________(six) of the 24 solar terms(节气) It means the beginning of a lively summer and people get busy from now on
    Sow(播种) grains
    This is an important period of the growth of grains The ancient Chinese already knew that as Guyu comes the weather will become warm enough for sowing The farmers usually catch the chance to plant rice corn and beans
    Hope for safety and harvest
    For those living near the sea they will hold some ceremonies(仪式) on Guyu hoping for safety as well as harvest during the coming fishing season
    Watch the peony(牡丹)
    It's also a great time to see the peony which is known as the Queen of All Flowers in Chinese culture As a result watching peonies becomes one of the most enjoyable activities for many people
    The flower is said to be the favourite of Empress(女皇) Wu Zetian of the Tang Dynasty who was the only woman ruler in Chinese history
    Pick tea leaves
    Tea leaves picked before Guyu are among the best tea leaves People believe that the tea leaves picked on the day of Guyu can make eyes clear and drive away bad luck So the habit of drinking tea at this time of the year has become a tradition in some places of China
    1.Fill in the blank with one proper word to complete the sentence in the second paragraph
    2.Why is Guyu an important time for sowing grains
    3.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese
    4.Please list at least two activities on Guyu according to the passage
    5.Please give a proper title to the passage

    提示词语:difficulty copy shame virtue(美德) lose
    1.What's your experience about honesty
    2.What can you learn from it
    Honesty is gold It means telling the truth and being fair ________________

    1~5 BDABD 6~10 CBACB
    二1~5 ADBAC 6~10 EADFB
    2.Because as Guyu comes the weather will become warm enough for sowing
    4.(1)Sow grains  (2)Watch the peony
    5.GuyuThe Grain Rain
    四  Honesty is gold It means telling the truth and being fair Last year when I took the maths exam I had difficulty working out a problem with a high score which could influence my ranking in the class Feeling anxious I found the paper of the student in front of me could be seen clearly I was excited and about to copy it However I realized it was shameful to cheat in exams It violated the principle of honesty So I stopped Although I had the thought to copy the student's answers I am still an upright student Honesty which is the traditional virtue of Chinese people can make our life easier and more harmonious Never lose it and be an honest person





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