
    时间:60分钟 分值:60分
    (2020·山东聊城中考)A boy and a girl were playing together The boy had a lot of small glass 1 The girl had some candies with her The boy told the girl that he would 2 her all his balls in exchange for(交换) her candies The girl thought that was a good 3 .
    But the boy didn't give 4 of his balls to the girl He kept the biggest and the 5 ball in his pocket and gave the others to the girl 6 the girl gave him all her candies
    That night the girl had a 7 sleep but the boy didn't sleep well He kept thinking whether the girl had 8 some candies from him
    You think in the way you do things If you don't give your hundred percent(百分百) in a relationship you'll 9 keep thinking if the other person has given his or her hundred percent This is true for any relationship
    Give your hundred percent to everything you do and you'll find that you can always 10 a lot of happiness
    1.Aballs B.cups C.bottles
    2.Alend B.buy C.give
    3.Aanswer B.idea C.reason
    4.Aall B.most C.some
    5.Augliest B.cheapest C.prettiest
    6.ABut B.So C.Or
    7.Abad B.good C.light
    8.Aborrowed B.stolen C.hidden
    9.Aalways B.never C.seldom
    10.Alose B.get C.want
    (2020·山东济南历模改编)What's the matter Bob? asks Mrs White Why do you look so sad?
    Mum I wish we can stay in New York I have many friends there We are new here and I have no friends now Bob says
    You will soon make friends here says Mrs White Wait and see At this time someone is knocking at the door Mrs White opens it A woman with a nice smile stands there
    Hello she says I'm Mrs Green I live next door Come in please says Mrs White Bob and I are so glad to see you Do you want any help? Yes I come here to ask for two eggs says Mrs Green I want to make a cake You may have the eggs says Mrs White But please sit down Let's have coffee and talk a little OK?
    In the afternoon someone knocks at the door again Mrs White opens it There stands a boy with a nice smile
    My name's Tom he says Mother gives you this cake and these two eggs
    Well thank you Tom says Mrs White Come in and meet my son Bob The two boys are about the same age
    Let's play football OK? says Bob I have a little dog It will play with us Tom finds it fun to play football Soon they have great fun playing football
    I'm glad you live next door says Bob Now I have someone to play together I'm glad your mother wants two eggs says Tom
    She doesn't really want the eggs Bob laughs She just wants to make friends with your mother
    Then Tom laughs too That's a funny way to make friends he says But it's a nice way
    1.Why does Bob look so sad
    A.He has no time to play football
    B.He has too much homework
    C.He has no friends here
    D.He doesn't like his new school
    2.Where did Bob's family use to live
    A.London B.New York
    C.New Zealand D.San Francisco
    3.Why does Tom knock at Bob's door
    A.He wants to play football with Bob
    B.He wants to give the cake and eggs
    C.He wants to borrow Bob's football
    D.He wants to ask for eggs
    4.What's Mrs White's real purpose of asking for two eggs
    A.To make friends with Mrs Green
    B.To ask for two eggs
    C.To give cakes
    D.To look for Tom
    5.What's the best title for the passage
    A.How to ask for eggs
    B.The friendship between two boys
    C.How to make cakes
    D.A funny way to make friends
    (2020·黑龙江牡丹江鸡西区中考)As school kids we have many dreams These dreams can be very big such as winning the Nobel Prize 6________ You may just want to become one of the ten best students in your class
    Once you have found a dream what do you do with it Have you ever tried to achieve your dream Follow Your Heart by Australian writer Andrew Matthews tells us that realizing our dreams is life's biggest challenge
    You may think you're not very good at some school subjects or that it is impossible for you to become a writer 7________ In fact everyone can realize their dream The first thing you must do is to remember what your dream is
    8.________ Keep telling yourself what you want and you will realize your dream faster Do this step by step A dream cannot be realized in one day A big dream is in fact many small dreams
    You must also never give up on your dream There will be difficulties on the road to realizing it But the biggest difficulty comes from yourself 9________ Studying instead of watching TV will lead to better exam results while saving five yuan instead of buying an ice cream means you can buy a new book
    10.________ But it is OK as long as you have the chance to learn more skills and find new interests
    A.Or they can be small
    B.Don't let it leave your heart
    C.These kinds of thoughts stop you from getting your dream the book says
    D.You need to decide what is most important
    E.As you get closer to your dream it may change a little
    F.Then it may help them to be confident to face challenges
    (2020·辽宁抚溪辽阳中考)Peking Opera has a history of more than 200 years It was listed as a form of intangible cultural heritage(非物质文化遗产) in 2010
    Peking Opera mixes different art forms including singing dancing acrobatics(杂技) and martial arts(武术) All these art forms are put into one performance Facial painting(脸谱) is one of the most important signs of Peking Opera
    Peking Opera is a kind of ancient Chinese art But few of today's young people know much about it Famous Peking Opera artist Wang Peiyu 40 years old wants more young people to fall in love with the art
    Wang hosts(持) a weekly talk show called The Wang Peiyu Peking Opera Show It started to show on iQiyi on March 27
    On the show Wang explains Peking Opera through different subjects such as how to prepare for a show or something interesting about the art She explains how to put on clothing and make up Artists often spend much money on their clothing It's said that a set of clothing worn by Peking Opera master Mei Lanfang once cost about 70000 silver dollars This would be 35 million yuan in today's money
    To make everything easy to understand she uses simple language She tries to use modern slang(现代俚语) such as freestyle and zihei or zichao
    Wang's show has become popular It gives a simple starting point for all of us whether you know Peking Opera or not a fan wrote after watching the show
    1.When was Peking Opera listed as a form of intangible cultural heritage
    2.What's one of the most important signs of Peking Opera
    3.Do the young people today know Peking Opera very well
    4.How often does Wang Peiyu host her talk show
    5.Why does Wang Peiyu use simple language in her talk show
    (2020·河南郑州巩义检测) 学周英语课 班学How to practise spoken English语言学话题进行交流请根面思维导图写篇英语发言稿 家介绍练英语口语方法

    求:1容应包括思维导图中信息 适发挥 增加细节
    2.语言表达准确 语意通意思连贯(分段写)
    3.词数100词左右 开头结尾已出 计入总词数
    提示:模仿imitate 英语母语native speakers 语调tone
    How to practise spoken English
    Hello everyone I'm happy to have this chance to share my ways of practising spoken English
    That's all Thank you for listening
    1~5 ACBAC 6~10 ABCAB
    二1~5 CBBAD 6~10 ACBDE
    三1In 2010
    2.Facial painting
    3.NoNo they don't
    4.Once a weekEvery week
    5.To make everything easy to understandBecause she wants to make everything easy to understand
    四 How to practise spoken English
    Hello everyone I'm happy to have this chance to share my ways of practising spoken English
    First as I'm not a native speaker I especially pay attention to how I pronounce every single word To make myself understood I always try to make sure that I pronounce every word correctly I read English texts aloud for half an hour every morning
    Second I imitate how native speakers speak I usually read again and again after listening to tapes and some movie dialogues and imitate their tones That's to say I often listen and follow
    Third I have made a foreign friend online We usually make conversations online She helps me correct the mistakes and the way I speak English Last but not least I practise speaking every day As we all know practice makes perfect
    If you speak English well practise doing like me Do you agree with me
    That's all Thank you for listening





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