
    试卷分数:100分 答题时间:60分钟
    1—What's your present job
    Al am 24 years old
    BMy parents are teachers
    CI'm a filmmaker
    2—Would you like a glass of wine_l don't drink
    ANo thanks
    CI don't like it
    3—Susan what do you think of my plan
    AIt's reasonable
    Blt's pleasant
    CIt's possible
    4—why not dine out together and go to the movies
    AYou deserve that
    BSounds like a good idea
    CThank you
    5I wonder if you could help me take my suitcase and box on to the carThey are too heavyfor me to carry
    AIt doesn't matter
    BCertainly here it is
    CMy pleasure sir
    6I'm so excited to meet youMay I introduce myself to you
    AThat's right
    C You_ are welcome
    7Marry_—Whilewhat do you want me to do
    ACan I help you
    BWhere are you
    Cwi11 you dome a favor
    8—We'd be pleased if you could join us for dinner
    ANot at all
    BYesI'd be pleased to do so
    CThat’ s good
    9—We1come backMr SmithHow about your business trip in Japan
    ADon't ask me
    B OhfantasticMr Mark is so satisfied with our project
    CI don't like the Japanese food
    10Haven't seen you foragesMike_—Pretty goodEverything goes well
    AWhat are you doing
    BHow are you
    CHow is it going
    11—Would you please open this suit ease for mel can’to pen it
    B0h sorry to bother you
    CActually I'm not sure
    12Excuse mecan you tell me where the nearest bus stop isI'm sorry l have no idaA I_
    AI Adon't know
    B am a student
    Cam a stranger here
    13—Hey what are you doing this weekend_
    AI was sleeping at home
    Bl haven't decided yetWhat about you
    CGod knows
    14—Would you like to go for a picnic this Sunday_
    AOf course not
    B That's a good ideaShall I bring anything
    CNoI have no time
    15—Susan what do you think of my plan
    AIt's reasonable
    BIt's pleasant
    CIt's possible
    16—What's your present job
    Al am 24 years old
    Bl just graduated from college
    CI'm a filmmaker
    17—Goodbyeeveryone—ByeSally Don't forget to write
    AStay in touch
    BJust wait and see
    C Sounds great
    18—Don't forget to come to our party this weekend
    ASureSee you
    BYou are welcome
    C Not at all
    19—Excuse meCan you tell me how to get to the Linden Street
    AYou can't ask me
    BPardonl have no idea
    CSorryI'm new here
    20I'm going to Hainan for my holi day
    AThanks a lot
    B Not at all
    CHave a nice trip
    21—Would you like a glass of winel don't drink
    Cl don't like it
    22—Excuse mecan you tell me where the nearest bus stop isI'm sorryI have no ideaI
    Adon't know
    Bam a stranger here
    C am busy
    23Excuse me You must be Mr Liu Hua from China_
    AHow do you do
    BYesnice to meet you
    CThank you
    24will it take me to walk there—About ten minutes
    AHow far
    BHow long
    CHow much
    25—Would you please open this suitcase for me l can'to pen it
    AOhsorry to bother you
    BActually I'm not sure
    COKlet me see
    26—Why not dine out together and go to the movies
    AThank you
    BYou deserve that
    CSounds like a good idea
    27—Marry—What do you want me to do
    A can I help you
    B will you dome a favor
    Cwhere are you
    28—Would you care to join for the picnic tomorrow
    ASo sorryNext time we'll go thanks anyway
    BOK thank you
    CNo thanks
    29—Thank you for your great help
    AIt doesn't matter
    BCertainly here it is
    C My pleasuresir
    30Excuse meCan you tell me how to get to the Linden Street
    AYou can't ask me
    BPardonI have no idea
    C SorryI'm new here
    31—What's your present job
    AI am 24 years old
    BMy parents are teachers
    CI'm a filmmaker
    32A I can put you down for eleven o'clockIs that OK—B
    A How about 3o'clock in the afternoon
    BFriday is good
    CYes we could
    33I'm going to Hainan for my holiday
    ANot at all
    BThanks a lot
    CHave a nice trip
    34Have you had a nice journey
    AGlad to see you
    B Yes we have
    CHow are you
    35Thank you for your great help
    AIt doesn't matter
    BCertainly here it is
    CMy pleasuresir
    36—Goodbyeeveryone—Bye sally Don't forget to write
    AStay in touch
    BJust wait and see
    C Sounds great
    37—We have to stay at home for the whole dayWhy not go out and have a walk
    AIt like a good idea
    Blt sounds like a good idea
    CHow is a good idea
    38—Excuse mecan you tell me where the nearest bus stop isl'm sorryl have no ideal_
    Adon't know
    Bam new here
    C am going
    39—Marry—What do you want me to do
    Acan I help you
    B where are you
    Cwill you dome a favor
    40—I'm going to Hainan for my holiday
    AThanks a 1ot
    BNot at all
    CHave a nice trip
    41I'm so excited to meet youMay I introduce myself to you
    ANice to see you
    CYou are welcome
    42—What's your present job
    Al am 24 years old
    Bl just graduated from college
    CI'm a filmmaker
    43—GoodbyeeveryoneByeSally Don't forget to write
    AStay in touch
    BJust wait and see
    CSounds great
    44—Marry—Whilewhat do you want me to do
    Acan I help you
    Bwhere are you
    Cwi11 you dome a favor
    45—We'd be pleased if you could join us for dinner
    AThank you
    BYesI'd love to
    CThat's good

    1Each apartment only__15 to 30 square meters for one unit
    A costs
    2—Can I help yousirT'd like to have 100____lwantmy students to draw pictures
    Apiece of paper
    Bpieces of paper
    Cpieces of papers
    3Li Lei is_student in our class
    Cthe tallest
    4People who do not have wood must spend large amounts of money cooking fuel
    B On
    C of
    5Nicka job in a bankbut to our surprisehe didn't take it
    Bhas offered
    Cwas offered
    6It was___who wrote those words on the blackboard
    C himself
    7How often_to the dentist
    A you go to
    B do you go
    Cdo you
    8I suppose you know everything about that event__
    Adon’t you
    B do I
    Cdo you
    9The train_just three weeks_complete a journey that__six weeks by sea
    A spenton takes into
    B pay…for takes on to
    Ctook…*totakes up to
    10I'd like to have some big apples instead of smal1
    A ones
    B One
    11We must find away to cut prices___reducing our profits too much
    B Despite
    C with
    12The bridge___two years ago
    A built
    Bwas built
    c is built
    13You can go to Mobile Joker Store____is the nearest mobile phone store from here
    A which
    C who
    14Seldom___his wife punish her children for speaking out their own ideas freely
    Ado 1 see
    Bhave I seen
    CI have seen
    15We support the view that poor management will__business failure
    A breakup
    Btake in
    C lead to
    16One day they crossed the_bridge behind the palace
    Aold Chinese stone
    BChinese old stone
    Cold stone Chinese
    17This article deals with the natural phenomenon which_most interesting to everyone
    A are
    C they are
    18Of the three choices this one is_
    Amost harmful
    B more harmful
    Cas harmful
    19The Prize in Economics_in 1968
    Cwas established
    20The job is great in terms of salaryIt has its disadvantages
    B However
    21I hope you'll__working with us in the future
    A enjoy
    22I couldn't forget the days_I spent in that city
    A how
    B When
    C That
    23Separate passwords for every account make difficult for cyber criminals to hack you
    C what
    24We are all for your suggestion that the trip put off
    Ais to
    25How often to the dentist
    Ayou go to
    Bdo you go
    C do you
    26Besidesyou need to protect your passwordbecause all the transaction through your bank account
    Ais carried out
    Bis brought out
    Cis fetched
    27If he persists_awkward questions then send him to the boss
    Ato be asked
    Bto ask
    C in asking
    28There is no doubt___Herbert is the most industrious student in our class
    C that
    29All the trees__last summer
    A planted
    Bwere planted
    C are planting
    30I'm a business trip for APECsummit sir
    31The earth around the sun
    A move
    B Moves
    32We two railway tickets online this Monday
    33This article deals with the natural phenomenon which most interesting to everyone
    Cthey are
    34Sun Li her around the building
    Ais putting
    cis showing
    35How often_to the dentist
    A you go to
    B do you go
    C do you
    36If he persists___awkward questionsthen send him to the boss
    Ain asking
    Bto ask
    Cto be asked
    37Have you filled in the application form_your passport yet
    38The problem of pollution in the city can not be_away
    39Give a brief___to the host
    40The Prize in Economics__in l968 that ismore than half a century ago
    Ahas established
    Cwas established
    41The job is great in terms of salaryIt has its disadvantages
    B However
    C even
    42His parents are present there_ but their minds are somewhere else
    A physically
    B apparently
    43I___call you
    Awas just going to
    Bwas just go to
    C is just to
    44I really like that car you and I am thinking of buying it
    45I have an appointment with MrXieatabout10o’clock tomorrow morning but would you please it to sometime next week
    C postpone
    46I_a teacher next term
    Bwill be
    C am
    47—Can you manage to deal___it—YesI can
    C from
    48It is a__to shake hands when you are introduced to a person
    B Customs
    C customer
    49What's the_of your city
    A popular
    B Pollution
    C population
    50You knowthis bridge_Hong Kong Zhuhai and Macau
    C likes
    51One day they crossed the_bridge behind the palace
    Aold Chinese stone
    BChinese old stone
    C old stone Chinese
    52This box is _that one
    Aheavy than
    Bas heavy as
    C heavier as
    53I hope you’11working with us in the future
    B Apply
    C achieve
    54Tony has many Chinese_
    Ca stamp
    55Architect Mayur Kanaiya spoke_of the Langkawi Sky Bridge
    56I'd like to have some big apples instead of small_
    57In learning a foreign languageone should first pay attention_speaking
    58 The book on this subject was written by an old female writer
    Breferring to
    Creferred to
    59Solar cooking is_a cooking method
    B Convention
    C convenient
    60Li Lei is___student in our class
    B the tallest
    C taller
    61Solar cooking is a cooking method
    C convention
    62He a book when the telephone rang
    Bwas reading
    63Each apartment only__15 to 30 square meters for one unit
    64Can I help yousirTd like to have 100__I want my students to draw pictures
    Apiece of paper
    B pieces of paper
    Cpieces of papers
    65—_you__free tomorrow—Nolfree the day after tomorrow
    AAregoing towill be
    BAregoing to bewill
    CAregoing to bewill be
    66It is easy to get the software we need____the market is small
    A as if
    Bso that
    67March the 8th is_Day
    68Tom is__than any other players in the school team
    C taller
    69The child_fluent English
    C says
    70C1eaner heating system wil1 be in Beijing to control air pollution
    71My agenda is quite full for the whole week so I can't_an appointment with you
    A draw up
    72I think that the Great Wallis worth hundreds of miles to visit
    Ato travel
    C traveled
    73The new staff didn't know how to use the system l explained it to him yesterday
    C If
    74is reported in the newspapers that the talks between the two companies havenot made any progress
    75by the failure of the projectthe manager could hardly say a word
    ATo be shocked
    CBe shocked
    76I'd love to with you my new kitchenware
    77In learning a foreign languageone should first pay attention speaking
    C on
    78You can buy almost everythingyou have access to the Internet and enough money
    Aso large as
    B as big as
    Cas long as
    79They also have a camera allows you to take and share photos and video
    80Now tell me how can you separate yourself_the other person
    C From
    81People who do not have wood must spend large amounts of money cooking fuel
    82We must find away to cut prices reducing our profits too much
    83The bridge_two years ago
    A built
    Bwas built
    Cis built
    84Li Lei is student in our class
    Cthe tallest
    85Let's meet at7 30 outside the gate of_
    Athe People's Park
    Bthe People Park
    CPeople's Park
    86There a dolphins how in the zoo tomorrow evening
    Bis going to have
    Cis going to be
    87Jamie wants to speak to me in
    B Privacy
    C primitive
    88Allan is looking forward to_you in summer holiday
    C be meeting
    89 Not until that day_the importance of good manners in a job interview
    Adid I realize
    BI did realize
    C I have realized
    90The market economy is quickly changing people’side a on is accepted
    A how
    C what
    91_you busy with the Singles Day
    92—Which city haspopulationBeijingGuiyang or NanchangBeijingof course
    Athe largest
    Bthe smallest
    C the most
    93Solar cooking is a__cooking method
    A convenience
    C convenient
    94He_a book when the telephone rang
    A read
    Bwas reading
    C reads
    95Seldomhis wife punish her children for speaking out their own ideas freely
    Ado I see
    B have I seen
    CI have seen
    96You knowthis bridge_Hong KongZhuhai and Macau
    C likes
    97One day they crossed the bridge_behind the palace
    Aold Chinese stone
    BChinese old stone
    Cold stone Chinese
    98This article deals with the natural phenomenon which most interesting to everyone
    Cthey are
    99They also have a camera allows you to take and share photos and video
    C where
    100Now tell mehow can you separate yourself_the other person
    B Out
    C from
    101His parents are present there_ but their minds are somewhere else
    C psychologically
    102You can ask these experts__advice in job hunting
    A on
    103Tony is going camping with__boys
    Alittle two other
    Btwo little other
    C two other little
    104 Separate passwords for every account make___difficult for cyber criminals to hack you
    105We are all for your suggestion that the trip_
    Ais to put off
    Bwas put off
    Cbe put off
    106I can for eleven o'clock
    Aput you down
    Bput you on
    C put you up
    107HenceChina's development in the auto industry
    Athe reason
    B there is no doubt about
    Cwithout doubt
    108Our company is__of the leading companies in the electric car industry
    A one
    C each
    109Small scale home life is part of a hot_in the USA nowadays
    C population
    110Nick a job in a bankbut to our surprisehe didn't take it
    Bhas offered
    Cwas offered
    111It was_who wrote those words on the blackboard
    112Jamie wants to speak to me private
    113There_a dolphins how in the zoo tomorrow evening
    Bis going to have
    Cis going to be
    114My is Energy and Environment
    Ama jor
    115People who do not have wood must spend large amounts of money cooking fuel
    B On
    C of
    116Separate passwords for every account make_difficult for cyber criminals to hack you
    B That
    C what
    117They also have a camera allows you to take and share photos and video
    A when
    118We must find away to cut prices_reducing our profits too much
    C with
    119You will soon the world outside the smartphone is much more enjoyable
    B Realize
    C return
    120—Which city has_populationBei jingGuiyang or NanchangBeijing of course
    A the largest
    Bthe smallest
    C the most
    121 busy with the Singles Day
    122You knowthis bridge Hong Kong Zhuhai and Macau
    123His parents are present there_but their minds are somewhere else
    A physically
    B apparently
    C psychologically
    124You can ask these experts_advice in job hunting
    A on
    B Over
    125—_you_free tomorrowNoI free the day after tomorrow
    AAregoing towill be
    BAregoing to bewill
    CAregoing to bewill be
    126It is easy to get the software we need the market is small
    Aas if
    Bso that
    127Tony has many Chinese_
    Ca stamp
    128You can go to Mobile Joker Storeis the nearest mobile phone store from here
    B What
    C who
    129Seldom his wife punish her children for speaking out their own ideas freely
    Ado I see
    B have I seen
    C I have seen
    130 known to the wor1d Mark Twain is a great American writer
    131Besidesyou need to protect your passwordbecause all the transaction___through yourbank account
    Ais carried out
    Bis brought out
    Cis fetched
    132Jami e wants to speak to me in
    A private
    B Privacy
    C primitive
    133Allan is 1ooking forward to you in summer holiday
    A Meet
    C be meeting
    134 Not until that day_the importance of good manners in a job interview
    Adid I realize
    BI did realize
    CI have realized
    135The market economy is quickly changing people's ides a on is accepted
    A how

    In Englandpeople often talk about the weather because they can experience(历)fourseasons in one dayIn the morning the weather is warm just like in springAn hour later black clouds come and then i trains hardThe weather gets a little coldIn the late afternoon thesky will be sunnythe sun will begin to shineand it will be summer at this time of a dayIn Englandpeople can also have summer in winteror have winter in summerSo in winterthey can swim sometimesand in summer sometimes they should take warm clothes
    When you go to Englandyou will see that some English people usually take an umbrella(伞)or a raincoat with them in the sunny morningbut you should not laugh at them
    lf you don't take an umbrella or a raincoatyou will regret(悔) later in the day
    1Why do people in England often talk about the weather
    ABecause they may have four seasons in one day
    BBecause they often have very good weather
    CBecause the weather is warm just like in spring
    2From the story we know that when__comethere is a heavy rain
    Asunshine and snow
    B black clouds
    C sunmer and winter
    3People can also have summer in winterMeansit is sometimes too___in winter
    4In the sunny morning some English people usually take a raincoat or an umbrella with thembecause
    Atheir friends ask them to do so
    Bit often rains in England
    Cthey are their favorite things
    5The best title(标题)for this passage would be_
    ABad Seasons
    BStrange English People
    CThe Weather in England
    Mobile phone has become a problem for middle schoolsSome middle schools in Australia havebanned(禁止) students from carrying mobile phones during school hours Mobile phone use amongchildren has become a problem for the school this yearSeveral children have got mobile phonesas Christmas giftsteachers said mobile phone use is a distraction(娱乐) to students duringschool hours and it also gives teachers so much trouble in their classroomsTeachers were alsosaying that sometimes students might use phone messages to cheat during exams
    She said some schools had tried to ban mobile phonesSome parents felt unhappy becausethey couldn't get in touch with their children
    Many teachers said students should not have mobile phones at schoolbut if there wasa good reasonthey could leave their phones at school officeThey also said there were manyreasons why the students should not have mobile phones at school they were easy to lose andwere a distraction from studies
    Many people say that they understand why parents would want their children to have phonesbut they think schools should let the students know when they can use their mobile phones
    1Some middle schools in Australia have banned students from carrying mobilephones_
    A because they are students
    Bwhen they are free
    C when they are at school
    2We know from the passage that some children get mobile phones from
    Athe makers and sellers
    Bthe passersby and strangers
    C their parents and friends
    3 What does the underlined wordcheat mean in the first paragraph
    4Some parents felt unhappy because they couldn't__during school hours
    Ause their mobile phones
    Bget in touch with their children
    Chelp the teachers with their work
    5The passage tells us that_
    A students shouldn't have mobile phones at school except for some special reasons
    Bit is impossible to ban students from using mobile phones at school
    C some parents felt unhappy because they couldn't use their phones at school
    London's River Thames has twentyseven bridgesBut Tower Bridgethe first bridge overthe Thames as you travel to London from these ais the most famous of them allWhat makesTower Bridge so excitingWhy do visitors come from all over the world to see it
    The thing that is surprising about Tower Bridge is that it is open in the middleIt doesthis to let the big ships through to the Pool of LondonIf you are lucky enough to see thebridge with its two opening arms high in the air you will never forget it
    On its north side stands the Tower of London itselfAlthough they look the same agethe Tower is almost a thousand years oldand Tower Bridge is only about one hundreditwas built in the 1890sBy 1 850everyone agreed that a bridge across the Thames near theTower was most necessaryBut the designers argued about the new bridge for another thirtyyearsThis took so long because they had two big problems
    1Tower Bridge is_
    Aabout one thousand years old
    Bthe oldest and the most famous bridge in London
    Cthe first one you can see when you go from these a to London
    2The Tower of London is_
    A across from the Thames
    Bon the north of Tower Bridge
    Cin the middle of Tower Bridge
    3Which of the following is NoT true according to the passage
    AYou can see the bridge with its two opening arms high in the air at anytime
    B By 1850 everybody thought it most necessary to have a bridge built across the Thames nearthe Tower
    CIt took the designers thirty years to argue about the bridge before it was built
    4The Tower Bridge is open in the middle in order to
    Amake it special
    Battract(吸引)more people from the world to see it
    Clet the big ship through to the Pool of London
    5When was the Tower Bridge builtA
    A thousand years ago
    BA hundred years ago
    CFive thousand years ago
    Dick lived in EnglandOne day in January he said to his wifeI'm going to fly to NewYork next week because I've got some work thereWhere are you going to stay therehiswife askedI don’t know yetDick answeredPlease send me your address from there in atelegram his wife saidA11 rightDick answered
    He flew to New York on January 31st and found a nice hotel in the center of the city He puthis things in his room and then he sent his wife a telegramHe put the address of his hotelin it
    In the evening he didn't have any workso he went to a cinemaHe came out at nine o' clockand saidNow I'm going back to my hotel and have a nice dinner
    He found a taxi and the driver saidWhere do you want to goBut Dick didn't rememberthe name and address of his hotel
    Which hotel are my things inhe saidAnd what am I going to do tonightBut the driverof the taxi did not know So Dick got out and went into a post officeThere he sent his wife another telegramand in i the wrotePlease send me my address at this post office
    1Dick flew to New York because
    A he went there for a holiday
    Bhe got work there
    Che went there for sightseeing
    2Why did his wife want a telegram from him
    ABecause she didn't know his address yet
    BBecause she wanted to go to New York too
    C Because she might send him another telegram
    3Where did Dick stay in New York
    AIn the center of the city
    BIn a hotel
    CIn a restaurant
    4Who would send him the name and address of his hotel
    AHis wife
    BThe police office
    CThe taxi driver
    5Dick wanted to go back to_in a taxi
    Athe restaurant
    Bhis own home
    Chis hotel
    Building a house costs quite a lot of moneySuppose you plan to build a house Your firststep will be to find a right piece of land Your choice will depend on many different thingsYou will probably try to find a sunny placewith pleasant surroundings(环境) near shops and bus stopsnot too far from your friends and the place where you work
    Next you will find a good builderand together with the builder you will workout a planThebuilder will draw the planIt will show the number of roomstheir position and sizeand other partswhich must be noticedsuch as windowsdoorsand electric outletsThe builderwill workout how much money is needed to build your houseHe will workout the cost of the wood
    bricksthe glassand everything else that must be used in building the house Later onwhen he starts to build this estimate(预算)must be corrected and revised(修订) His estimateis based on existing pricesbut prices of such things may changeand many other things may happen between the time when he makes the estimate and the time when he builds the houseWhen the builder gives his estimateyou may wish to change your plan(You may also wishto change your builderif his estimate is too high) You may find that the house you wanted at first costs too muchor that you can spend a little more and add something to your planThebuilder's estimate depends on the planbut the final plan depends on the builder's estimate
    1The best title of this passage is_
    ABuilding a House Costs Much Money
    BEstimate Is Important
    CPlanning a House
    2The first thing for a person to build a house is
    Ato get as much money as possible
    Bto find a suitable piece of land
    Cto workout a plan
    3The phrase draw the plan in Paragraph 2 means_
    Amaking a picture of a building or a room
    Bmaking a plan
    C working out a plan
    4When the builder starts to build a househis estimate will have to be corrected and revisedbecause_
    Ait is wrongly worked out by a workman
    Bthe future owner of the house thinks the estimate is so high that he can not afford the building
    Cthe prices of building materials and the expenses of labor maybe different from the originalprices and expenses
    5What is the relationship between the estimate and the plan
    AThe plan depends on the estimate
    BThe plan has nothing to do with the estimate
    CThe estimate and the plan depend on each other
    Building a house costs quite a lot of moneySuppose you plan to build a houseYour firststep will be to find a right piece of landYour choice will depend on many different thingsYouwill probably try to find a sunny placewith pleasant surroundings(环境) near shops and busstopsnot too far from your friends and the place where you work
    Next you will find a good builderand together with the builder you will workout a planThebuilder will draw the planIt will show the number of roomstheir position and sizeandother parts which must be noticedsuch as windowsdoorsand electric outletsThe builderwill workout how much money is needed to build your house He will workout the cost of the woodbricksthe glassand everything else that must be used in building the houseLater onwhen he starts to buildthis estimate(预算) must be corrected and revised(修订)His estimateis based on existing pricesbut prices of such things may changeand many other thingsmay happen between the time when he makes the estimate and the time when he builds the houseWhen the builder gives his estimateyou may wish to change your plan(You may also wishto change your builderif his estimate is too high) You may find that the house you wantedat first costs too muchor that you can spend a little more and add something to your planThebuilder's estimate depends on the planbut the final plan depends on the builder's estimate
    1The best title of this passage is_
    ABuilding a House Costs Much Money
    BEstimate Is Important
    CPlanning a House
    2The first thing for a person to build a house is_
    Ato get as much money as possible
    B to find a suitable piece of land
    Cto workout a plan
    3 The phrasedraw the planin Paragraph 2 means_
    A making a picture of a building or a room
    B making a plan
    C working out a plan
    4When the builder starts to build a househis estimate wil have to be corrected and revisedbecause_
    Ait is wrongly worked out by a workman
    Bthe future owner of the house thinks the estimate is so high that he can not afford the building
    Cthe prices of building materials and the expenses of labor maybe different from the originalprices and expenses
    5What is the relationship between the estimate and the plan
    AThe plan depends on the estimate
    BThe plan has nothing to do with the estimate
    CThe estimate and the plan depend on each other
    Housing is the living places for human beingsAs the population keeps climbingpeoplein the city have to face the reality that housing is in short supplyTo solve this problemNew York city planners are challenging tradition and starting to design more microunitsMicrosalso known ashostelstyleapartmentsusually offer less than 200 squarefeet (185 square meters) in areaCould you imagine living in 150 square feet( 14 squaremeters)These units usually have only room for a beda table minifridge and the basic livingessentials
    Why is the micro apartment so appealingThe reasons are rather straightforwardIt is perfectfor single people who don't have a lot of things It can also meet the need of people who areshort on cash but determined to live in their own places
    Micro apartments are very common in cities like Tokyo and Hong Kong where there are somany people livingNow this tiny housing solution is gaining ground in urban areas in the USand Canada
    The micro apartment is an experiment in simplicity in American culture So smallscale homelife is part of a hot trend in lSreal estate Some people are proud of itSome of them canfind the humor and fun in their small placesBut not everyone is in favor of the trend
    1According to the passagethe next big trend in USreal estate is_
    Abig house
    Bmicro apartment
    Ctraditional house
    2As the population keeps climbing people in the city have to face the realitythat_
    A housing is in short supply
    Bhousing is very sufficient
    C housing is a luxury goods
    3Why is the micro apartment so appealing
    AIt meets the need of someone
    BIt's very strange
    Clt's excellent
    4Micro apartments are very common in some cities like_
    5How do people think of the micro apartment
    AEveryone likes it very much
    BSome people think it's humorous and fun
    C Not everyone is in favor of the trend
    Mobile phone has become a problem for middle schoolsSome middle schools in Australia havebanned(禁止)students from carrying mobile phones during school hours Mobile phone use amongchildren has become a problem for the school this yearSeveral children have got mobile phonesas Christmas giftsteachers said mobile phone use is a distraction(娱乐) to students duringschool hours and it also gives teachers so much trouble in their classroomsTeachers were alsosaying that sometimes students might use phone messages(消息) to cheat during exams
    She said some schools had tried to ban mobile phonesSome parents felt unhappy because theycouldn't get in touch with(……联系) their children
    Many teachers said students should not have mobile phones at schoolbut if there was agood reasonthey could leave their phones at school officeThey also said there were many reasons why the students should not have mobile phones at school thev were easv to lose anydwere a distraction from studies
    Many people say that they understand why parents would want their children to have phonesbut they think schools should let the students know when they can use their mobile phones
    1Some middle schools in Alustralia have banned students from carrying mobile phones__
    Abecause they are students
    Bwhen they are free
    C when they are at school
    2We know from the passage that some children get mobile phones from__
    Athe makers and sellers
    Bthe passersby and strangers
    Ctheir parents and friends
    3What does the underlined word cheat mean in the passage
    4Some parents felt unhappy because they couldn't__during school hours
    A use their mobile phones
    Bget in touch with their children
    Chelp the teachers with their work
    5The passage tells us that_
    Astudents shouldn't have mobile phones at school except for some special reasons
    Bit is impossible to ban students from using mobile phones at school
    Csome parents felt unhappy because they couldn't use their phones at school
    An e book (also referred to as an electronic booke Bookor ebook) is a digital version(版) of a print book that you download and readBut if you want to read an e bookyou musthave an E book Readerwhich is a kind of free software used by your computer Make sure youhave installed the appropriate Reader before you download your e book from the InternetThesoftware allows you to turn the words on the screen into the size you likeIt also helps youturn pages and change your viewing options(计算机屏幕阅读选择) E books area funalternative to regular booksYou can download them to any computers and create your own libraryof hundreds of titlesIf you load them onto your portable computeryou can take them withyou when you travelSome e books are even interactiveBest of all when you order an e booktheir is no waiting and no shipping charges The amount of time it takes to download your ebook depends on the speed of your connection and the size of your e book
    1From this passage we learn that an e book_
    Acan be found in any library
    Bcan be read directly from the Internet
    Ccan be read when special software is installed
    2The E book Reader is used for
    Areading an e book you've downloaded
    B turning a print book into a digital version
    C downloading an e book from the Internet
    3From this passagewe can learn that_
    Ayou can read an e book on a laptop when you travel
    Byou can order an e book using the E book Reader
    Cthe e books ordered have to be shipped to you
    4Which of the following statements is TRUE
    AAn e book is ordered in the same way as a print book is
    BThe size of the words in an e book can not be changed
    CThe downloading time is decided by the e book's size
    5The passage is mainly about_
    Aa better way to download an E book
    Ba new kind of bookthe E books
    Cthe new version of E books
    Housing is the living places for human beingsAs the population keeps climbingpeople inthe city have to face the reality that housing is in short supplyTo solve this problemNew York city planners are challenging tradition and starting to design more microunitsMicrosalso known ashostelstyleapartmentsusually offer less than 200 squarefeet (185 square meters) in areaCould you imagine living in 150 square feet( 14 squaremeters)These units usually have only room for a beda table minifridge and the basic livingessentialsWhy is the micro apartment so appealingThe reasons are rather straightforwardItis perfect for single people who don't have a lot of thingsIt can also meet the need of peoplewho are short on cash but determined to live in their own places
    Micro apartments are very common in cities like Tokyo and Hong Kong where there are somany people livingNow this tiny housing solution is gaining ground in urban areas in the USand Canada
    The micro apartment is an experiment in simplicity in American culture So smallscale homelife is part of a hot trend in Us real estateSome people are proud of it Some of them canfind the humor and fun in their small placesBut not everyone is in favor of the trend
    1According to the passagethe next big trend in Us real estate is_—'
    Abig house
    Bmicro apartment
    Ctraditional houseB
    2As the population keeps climbingpeople in the city have to face the reality that__
    A housing is in short supply
    B housing is very sufficient
    C housing is a luxury goodsA
    3Why is the micro apartment so appealing
    AIt meets the need of someone
    BIt's very strange
    CIt's excellent
    4Micro apartments are very common in some cities like_
    5How do people think of the micro apartment
    AEveryone likes it very much
    BSome people think it's humorous and fun
    CNot everyone is in favor of the trend
    An old lady in a plane had a blanket(毯子) over her head and she did not want to take itoffThe air hostess spoke to herbut the old lady saidI have never been in a plane beforeand I am frightened I am going to keep this blanket over my head until we are back on the groundagainThen the captain cameHe saidMadamlam the captain of this planeThe weather isfinethere are no clouds in the skyand everything is going very wellBut she continuedto hide
    So the captain turned and started to go back Then the old lady looked out from under theblanket with one eye and saidI am sorryyoung manbut I don't like planes and lamnever going to fly againBut T' ll say one thingShe continued kindlyYou and your wifekeep your plan every clean
    1An old lady had
    B a blanket over her head
    Ca coat
    22She didn't want to
    A takeoff the blanket
    Bturnoff the light
    C takeoff the hat
    3spoke to her
    AThe air hostess
    BThe man next to her
    C her husband
    4The old lady had never been_before
    cin a plane
    5The woman didn't like planes and she was never going_
    Ato fly again
    B to travel
    Cto go abroad
    Mobile phone has become a problem for middle schoo1s Some middle schools in Australia havebanned(禁止) students from carrying mobile phones during school hoursMobile phone use amongchildren has become a problem for the school this yearSeveral children have got mobile phonesas Christmas giftsteachers said mobile phone use is a distraction(娱乐) to students duringschool hours and it also gives teachers so much trouble in their classroomsTeachers were alsosaying that sometimes students might use phone messages to cheat during exams
    She said some schools had tried to ban mobile phonesSome parents felt unhappy becausethey couldn't get in touch with their children
    Many teachers said students should not have mobile phones at schoolbut if there wasa good reasonthey could leave their phones at school officeThey also said there were manyreasons why the students should not have mobile phones at school they were easy to lose andwere a distraction from studies
    Many people say that they understand why parents would want their children to have phonesbut they think schools should let the students know when they can use their mobile phones
    1Some middle schools in Australia have banned students from carrying mobilephones_
    A because they are students
    Bwhen they are free
    Cwhen they are at school
    2We know from the passage that some children get mobile phones from
    Athe makers and sellers
    Bthe passersby and strangers
    Ctheir parents and friends
    3What does the underlined word_cheat mean in Paragraph 1
    4 some parents felt unhappy because they couldn’t_during school hours
    Ause their mobile phones
    B get in touch with their children
    C help the teachers with their work
    5The passage tells us that_
    Astudents shouldn't have mobile phones at school except for some special reasons
    Bit is impossible to ban students from using mobile phones at school
    C some parents felt unhappy because they couldn't use their phones at school
    Housing is the living places for human beingsAs the popuation keeps climbing peoplein the city have to face the reality that housing is in short supplyTo solve this problemNew York city planners are challenging tradition and starting to design moremicro unitsMicrosalso known ashostelstyleapartmentsusually offer less than 200 squarefeet (185 square meters) in areaCould you imagine living in 150 square feet( l4 squaremeters)These units usually have only room for a beda table minfridge and the basic livingessentials
    Why is the micro apartment so appealingThe reasons are rather straightforwardIt isperfect for single people who don't have a lot of things It can also meet the need of peoplewho are short on cash but determined to live in their own places
    Micro apartments are very common in cities like Tokyo and Hong Kongwhere there are somany people livingNow this tiny housing solution is gaining ground in urban areas in the USand Canada
    The micro apartment is an experiment in simplicity in American cultureSo smallscale homclife is part of a hot trend in lSreal estate Some people are proud of it Some of them canfind the humor and fun in their small placesBut not everyone is in favor of the trend
    1According to the passagethe next big trend in Usreal estate is_
    Abig house
    Bmicro apartment
    Ctraditional house
    2As the population keeps climbingpeople in the city have to face the reality that_
    A housing is in short supply
    Bhousing is very sufficient
    C housing is a luxury goods
    3Why is the micro apartment so appealing
    AIt meets the need of someone
    BIt's very strange
    cIt's excellent
    4Micro apartments are very common in some cities like_
    4How do people think of the micro apartment
    AEveryone likes it very much
    BSome people think it's humorous and fun
    CNot everyone is in favor of the trendC

    0ne of the masterpieces of modern architecturethe fantastic Hangzhou Bay Bridge has beenopened to the public since May 2008
    The Bridge is an Sshaped stayedcable bridge with six lanes in both directions and is linkingNingbo's Cixi county in the south to Jia xing in the north It shortens the highway traveldistance between Ningbo and Shanghai by 120 kilometersand reduces the driving time from4 to 25 hours
    lt is the longest seacrossing bridge in the world 36 kilometers ( 22 miles) longThisfantastic bridge crossing the Hangzhou Bay is expected to have a 100year lifespanand hasa price tag of 118 billion yuan(US170 billion)
    The to llfeeis80yuanper vehicleAs the bridge has six lanes in both directionsyou canbe quite sure that you will have a smooth ride
    The speed limit is 100 kilometers 62 miles
    The first preparations for planning the bridge started a decade ago close to 600 expertsspent nine years on designing the Hangzhou Bay BridgeChief Commander of the Bridge Projectis Mr Wang YongThe bridge was linked in 2007 and an opening ceremony was held on26th JuneButthe Bridge was first open to the publicalmost one year laterafter a series of tests andevaluations
    1The fantastic Hangzhou Bay Bridge has been opened to the public since May 2010F
    2It is the longest seacrossing bridge in the world 36 kilometers ( 22 miles) longT
    3The to llfeeis100yuanper vehicleF
    4The speed limit is 100 kilometers 62 milesT
    5Chief Commander of the Bridge Project is MrYang YongF
    ln recent yearsthe Chinese auto industry has seen rapid growthwith the demand onprivate cars rising sharply in Chinese cities since 2002
    By 2009China has replaced the lSto become the world's largest auto marketAs an importantpart of the world car industrythe global auto industry will shift further to ChinaThisbrings historical opportunity to China's auto market
    Currentlyboth the development of China's auto market and the changes in consumer demandfor vehicles are everincreasingChina's auto industry will continue to grow in the nextdecadeIt means there is still huge room for its developmentChina has an urban populationof more than 600 millionIt also has a huge agricultural vehicle market in the ruralareasHencethere is no doubt for China's development of auto industryThat is also the reasonwhy the world's auto producers are paying more attention to the Chinese market
    1The demand on private cars increased greatly in Chinese cities since 2002 T
    2China has become the world's largest auto market T
    3China's auto industry tends to decrease in the next decade F
    4China has an urban population of less than 600 million F
    5The reason why the world' s auto producers are paying more attention to the Chinese marketis that China's auto industry developed very quickly T
    2018 Was A Milestone Year For weather
    In Octoberthe Intergovernmental group on weather Change came to a similar agreementIfthe Earth warms up another half a degreethe world' s weather will change greatlyThe reportnoted that the world's governments probably have about more than ten years to greatly lessengreenhouse gas sending out
    But the weather is already changingThere was yet another study made by the American WeatherSociety this year that examined the most terrible weather happening in 2017It found hugerainstorms around the world by a warmer weather
    To have more water in the air is simply moving heavier rainsan expert saysThephysics of what's driving heavier rainseven when it's not a stormis nearly the same inmany places around the world
    The physics isn't hard to understand heat water in a pot on your stove and watch as itturns to gas and risesRising hot air causes stormsand the water comes back downJust askpeople who lived through storm in HoustonFlorida or Puerto RicoThe past two years haveseen strange strong storm seasons in the Atlantic
    1In September of 2018the Intergovernmental group on weather Change came to a similaragreementF
    2It found huge rainstorms around the world by a warmer weatherT
    3To have more water in the air is simply moving heavier rainsan expert saysT
    4Rising hot air causes stormsand the water comes back downT
    5The past three years have seen strange strong storm seasons in the AtlanticF
    The world' s longest highspeed railway routerunning from Beijing to Guangzhou hasbeen in operation for a few years It cuts travel time between the two cities from 22 hours
    to only 8 hoursWith comfortable seats and quiet cabinsthis highspeed line offers a pleasantjourney for thousands of travelers
    The high speed railway connects Beijing with five provincial capitalsPart of the line
    from Zhengzhou to Guangzhouwas in operation before the whole line was connectedThe openingof the Beijing to Zhengzhou section has connected the entire lineIt covers a total length of 2298 kilometers
    The BeijingGuangzhou line connects one third of China's population and more than 40percentof its economic powerTravelers benefit from the efficient networkand find that theirhometowns are not that faraway
    As the American publication Neusueek puts it China is now engaged in a railwayrevolution These 350 kilometer per hour highspeed railway trains have made the country's vast territory substantially smaller and changed the country economically
    1The world's longest highspeed railway routerunning from Beijing to Guangzhouhas beenin operation for a few years T
    2It cuts travel time between the two cities from 22 hours to only 6 hoursF
    3The opening of the Beijing to Zhengzhou section has linked with the total routeT
    4The BeijingGuangzhou line connects one third of China's population and more than 40 percentof its economic power T
    5These 350 kilometer per hour highspeed railway trains have made the country's vast territoryconsiderably smallerand changed the country economically T
    One of the masterpieces of modern architecture the fantastic Hangzhou Bay Bridge has been opened to the public since May 2008
    The Bridge is an Sshaped stayedcable bridge with six lanes in both directions and is linking Ningbo's Cixi county in the south to Jiaxing in the north It shortens the highway travel distance between Ningbo and Shanghai by 120 kilometers and reduces the driving time from 4 to 25 hours
    It is the longest seacrossing bridge in the world 36 kilometers (22 miles) long This fantastic bridge crossing the Hangzhou Bay is expected to have a 100year lifespan and has a price tag of 118 billion yuan (US170 billion)
    The toll fee is 80 yuan per vehicle As the bridge has six lanes in both directions you can be quite sure that you will have a smooth ride
    The speed limit is 100 kilometers 62 miles
    The first preparations for planning the bridge started a decade ago close to 600 experts spent nine years on designing the Hangzhou Bay Bridge Chief Commander of the Bridge Project is Mr Yang Yong The bridge was linked in 2007 and an opening ceremony was held on 26th June But the Bridge was first open to the public almost one year later after a series of tests and evaluations
    1The fantastic Hangzhou Bay Bridge has been opened to the public since May 2010(F )
    2It is the longest seacrossing bridge in the world 36 kilometers (22 miles) long( T )
    3The toll fee is 100 yuan per vehicle(T)
    4The speed limit is 100 kilometers 62 miles( T )
    5Chief Commander of the Bridge Project is Mr Yang Yong(T )
    Millions of people around the world cook their food over a smoky fire every day It is often difficult to find wood for the fire People who do not have wood must spend large amounts of money on cooking fuel However there is a much easier way to cook food using energy from the sun Solar cookers or ovens have been used for centuries
    Solar ovens consist of a system of reflectors and a cooking pot The rest is up to your imagination Once you have collected or bought your solar oven you can use it to prepare hot meals in the backyard at a campground or wherever your heart desires
    Of all the inventions that could benefit humankind a reliable solar cooker remains one of the most necessary Countless people across the developing world still cook their food by burning wood or even cow dung causing breathing problems and severe pollution in some regions
    The searching for a practical solar cooker has gone on for decades and produced dozens of models But none of them have caught on importantly for use in the developing world because they can’t store heat Without the ability to store heat a cooker cannot be used for example on cloudy days
    But now a group based at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) is reporting a discovery in solar cookers They say it will lead to the production of practical solar cookers within a year and a half and it can store enough heat during a sunny day to work for an entire additional day even if it is cloudy
    People who do not have wood must spend small amounts of money on cooking fuel( F )
    There is a much easier way to cook food using energy from the sun( T )
    Solar cookers or ovens have not been used for centuries( F )
    Solar ovens consist of a system of reflectors and a cooking pot( T)
    Without the ability to store heat a cooker can be used for example on cloudy days(T )
    Of all the websites one that has attracted attention recently is my space Most of this attention has come from the hacks is indeed a tough reality shutting down the site is not the answer If my space shut down another site would place Therefore the right way is to teach teens how to use the site safely and educate them
    One of the good way is to change the privacy setting on your profile to private actually post their home and school addresses date of birth and so on often predators know exactly where they will be The most information that is safe is your first name and province Anything more is basically life
    Another big problem is photos I suggest skipping photos and never posting a photo of a friend online without his or her how well you think you know this person There are no guarantees that they have told the truth
    1 Most of this attention has come from the hacks is indeed a tough reality shutting down the site is not the answer ( T )
    2 One of the good way is to change the privacy setting on your profile to private actually post their home and school addresses date of birth and so on ( T )
    3 If my space shut down another site would place Therefore the right way is to teach teens how to use the site safely and educate them ( T )
    4 Another big problem is photos I suggest skipping photos and posting a photo of a friend online without his or her how well you think you know this person ( F )
    5 There are no guarantees that they have told the truth ( T )
    A 4 year Kid who does not know what an Email or a Chat App is prays to God Hey Lord Please make me a smartphone This young kid is asking such a wish from God because he sees that his parents at home are completely glued to this magical device called smartphone and has no time to look up at him The smartphone is getting more attention in the house than the child His parents are present there physically but their minds are somewhere else
    It’s so true that this device has become an inseparable part of our day to day life and we are addicted to it We will start feeling restless if we do not look to our phone after a few minutes We react faster to a phone beep or a message compared to a call by a family member from a different room We all need to come out of this headdown syndrome We all need to connect and communicate in real world We need to put this technology to good use and not become a slave
    So what shall we do It’s simple the solution is called digital break This means when you return home from work you simply turn off or mute all your digital devices for a few hours every day or at least once in a while What do you do then You can share your time with the family chatting with your wife or husband playing games with your kids doing things with other family members etc in real life You will soon realize the world outside the smartphone is much more enjoyable
    1 The kid is 5 years old ( F )
    2 The kid asked God for a smartphone ( F )
    3 Smartphones have become an inseparable part of our daily life ( T )
    4 We all need to connect and communicate in virtual world ( F )
    5 The only solution to the headdown syndrome is called digital break ( F )

    1If you travel alone and want to know better family life in Britainyou'd better stay inB& Bs
    A果独旅行想知道更家庭生活英国呆B& Bs
    C果独旅行想更解英国居民生活住 B&Bs
    2I'd love to share with you my new kitchenware
    3I have less and enjoy more
    4I'm glad to have this opportunity to exchange ideas with you
    5The Asian elephant can be tamed and trained
    6The Smartphone is getting more attention in the house than the child
    7I'd love to share with you my new kitchenware
    8It's a great example of treading lightly on the bridge
    9When in doubtit's best to delete or if appropriatemark as junk item
    10Since the earth looks like a ballthe sun can shine on only half of it at a time
    11I'd like you to meet the famous bridge designer Mr LiuHua
    12Visitors can enjoy a very close experience with the forest and wildlife on the curvingbridge
    13I'd love to share with you my new kitchenware
    14You can buy almost everythingas long as you have access to the internet and enough money
    15The mobile phone store is about five hundred yards past the gym on your left
    16A beautiful little room with love and happiness is a great place to live
    17Solar ovens consist of a system of reflectors and a cooking pot
    18No wonder I got lostI was heading in the wrong direction
    19The Smartphone is getting more attention in the house than the child
    20It has a total length of 49968km of which 35578km will be built over these a
    c总长度49968公里中 35578公里海底
    21You can buy almost everythingas long as you as you have access to the Internet and enough money
    22China's auto industry will continue to grow in the next decade
    23Then you can enjoy the fun and benefits of the Internet
    24You will soon realize the world outside the smartphone is much more enjoyable
    25A major advantage of the rail route is the high speed
    26People who do not have wood must spend large amounts of money on cooking fuel
    27It has a total length of 49968kmof which 35578km will be built over these a
    28You can buy almost everythingas long as you as you have access to the Internet and enoughmoney
    29China's auto industry will continue to grow in the next decade
    A未10 年中国汽车工业继续增长
    30I'm not very familiar with Chinese customs formalities
    31It's more economical than the traditional cooker
    32The Asian elephant can be tamed and trained
    33There is a much easier way to cook food using energy from the sun
    34No wonder I got lostI was heading in the wrong direction
    35You can buy almost everythingas long as you as you have access to the Internet and enoughmoney
    36It can also meet the need of people who are short on cash but determined to live in theirown places
    37It's very important to maintain your current weight through exercise and healthy eating
    38Then you can enjoy the fun and benefits of the Internet
    39You will soon realize the world outside the smartphone is much more enjoyable
    40A major advantage of the rail route is speed
    41Solar ovens consist of a system of reflectors and a cooking pot
    42The mobile phone store is about five hundred yards past the gymon your left
    43John and his brother differ in personality even if their differences in age are notsignificant
    44It's very important to maintain your current weight through exercise and healthy eating
    45The study shows that our computers are superior to those of our competitors in terms offunctions and speed





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    国家开放大学电大一网平台《理工英语1》一体化考试网考机考阅读理解判断题题库及答案第四大题:阅读理解(判断题)题1:0ne of the masterpieces of modern archi...

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    国家开放大学电大一网平台《理工英语2》一体化考试网考机考词汇与结构单选题题库及答案第二大题:词汇与结构(单选题)1.What do you have_lunch ?A.inB.forC.at2...

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    国家开放大学电大一网平台《理工英语2》一体化考试网考机考阅读理解判断题题库及答案第四大题:阅读理解(判断题)题1Almost everyone is familiar with video c...

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    国家开放大学电大一网平台《人文英语1》一体化考试网考机考阅读理解判断题题库及答案第四大题:阅读理解(判断题)题1Zhang Hua is introducing Bai Mei to his ...

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    国家开放大学电大一网平台《人文英语1》一体化考试网考机考交际用语单选题题库及答案第一大题:交际用语(单选题)1.—Hi,Tom,how's everything with you?一, and...

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    国家开放大学电大一网平台《人文英语1》一体化考试网考机考题库及答案第一大题:交际用语(单选题)1.—Hi,Tom,how's everything with you?一, and how ar...

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    国家开放大学电大一网平台《商务英语1》一体化考试网考机考交际用语单选题题库及答案第一大题:交际用语(单选题)1.—Could you please tell me your name ?A.S...

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