
    Test 1
    When I was seven my parents explained to me that my sister would be different  1  But now I realise I see the world in a much different way all thanks to her  
    Throughout our lives my sister has often got stared at because she has Down’s syndrome(唐氏综合征) which makes her appear abnormal There were times when I had to struggle with her  2  I simply thought Everyone else is just staring and that is wrong They should offer us help instead of staring at us like it’s a circus act(马戏表演) 
    I had this in mind when I was travelling alone recently and saw a mother and her son with special needs at the airport gate  3  They were heading towards the gate of their second departure of the day The mother was obviously stressed out and trying to keep her son calm while some items were falling out of her unzipped(拉开拉链) backpack The son was pulling strangers’ clothes and she appeared to be embarrassed about it Then the boy began to scream looking very scared and confused  
    Some people gave the son and mother strange look the same kind of look my sister and I would sometimes get  4  I tried to help calm the boy down by assuring him he was going to see his grandmother as his mum kept telling him When the boy finally calmed down I returned to my seat At the time an older gentleman turned around and said to meI thought about doing what you did but I just thought about it You did it 
    To be honest I didn’t even really regard what I did as something different or good  5  
    AThey had got off another plane
    BPeople would stare at us even more
    CI don’t know what I should do to help
    DBut I stood up and asked if I could lend a hand
    EI just consider it as the only choice in that situation
    FI was so angry that I shouted loudly at the strangers
    GI had no idea what impact she would have on my daily life

    Test 2
    Why Do Movie Theatres Serve Popcorn
    The delicious smell The crunchy(爽脆) bite The buttery finish People will recognise the smell and flavour of their favourite moviegoing snacks anywhere Why is it that we feast our taste buds on these crisp kernels while our eyes focus on the big screen
     1  The main reason is the snack’s price convenience and timing Popcorn was cheap for sellers and for customers and making it didn’t require special equipment  2  That is how popcorn got introduced to the silver screen  
    Popcorn does not refer to the popped kernel alone  3  It was originally grown in Central America and became popular in the US in the mid1800s Compared with other snacks at the time it was super easy to make and it got easier when the mobile steam power popcornmaker was invented In the late 19th century a large number of independent popcorn suppliers became widely available  4  
    Since popcorn was cheap to make it was also cheap to buy which increased the popularity of this snack during the Great Depression The Depression increased consumer spending on cheaper luxury items such as popcorn and movies and the two industries teamed up  5  By the mid1940s however movie theatres began to have their own concession stands in the lobby The introduction of the popcorndriven concession stand to movie theatres kept the movie theatre industry running smoothly and popcorn has been a basic moviewatching food ever since  
    AA few aspects made popcorn the typical movie snack
    BThey were like the greatgreatgrandfathers of food trucks
    CTherefore movie theatres attracted more and more customers
    DThe secret of popcorn’s pleasant taste lies in the special material
    EIt’s also the name for the specific type of corn that is used to make the snack
    FTheatres would allow a popcorn salesman to sell popcorn outside for a daily fee
    GPopcorn also got popular at a time when theatres badly needed an economic increase

    Test 3
    How to Choose the Right University Degree for You
    Choosing the right university degree is perhaps one of the biggest decisions that you might make in your life If you are in the process of applying to a university and aren’t sure which degree to choose here are some things you can do to help you make the right choice
    Many teens who are in the process of applying to a university end up being pressured by parents or other family members to apply to study subjects that they are good at but don’t really enjoy  2  Remember it’s always easier to improve your knowledge and skills around a certain subject if you are truly passionate about it  
    Get some work experience
    There’s nothing like actually experiencing something to help you determine what you might want to do  3  But you may be able to spend a day in the office or workplace shadowing people who work in those careers and asking them questions  
    Think about your future goals
    When you think about your future goals don’t just think about the work that you want to do—consider the other goals that you have for your life as well  4  If so a career as an English teacher or a translator might be the perfect option for you Perhaps you want a job where you can help others every day and then medicine nursing or counselling could be an ideal choice  5  Then degrees in film art and architecture are great choices  
    AThink about what you like
    BDo you want to travel a lot
    CYou don’t have to be employed
    DThink about what you’re good at
    EMaybe you want to have many fans
    FTry not to let others push this on you
    GMaybe you’re a very creative person

    Test 4
    Being a teenager can be difficult since you’re dealing with higher expectations and the process of finding your place in the world  1  The following are things you can do to achieve that  
     2  Everyone is different in their teenage years Some teens prefer to spend time with friends while others prefer to study and work some prefer to be quiet wallflowers(旁) while others are loud Saying that there’s only one way to enjoy your teenage years is wrong  
    Develop your sense of self focusing more on your own thoughts  3  Stop paying so much attention to them as many of them are based on what other people think instead of what you think Go ahead and do what you want without factoring others’ opinions in  
    Work on your work ethic(职业道德) What you accomplish in your teenage years may determine your opportunities in your adulthood so dedicate some time to studying and do your best Learn how to prioritise whether it’s with schoolwork or any extracurricular activities Boost your studying skills  4  
    Keep good relations with your family as much as possible  5  It’s the building blocks for all relationships you develop whether they’re friendships romantic relationships or a family you choose to have later on in life And plus you see them every day—why not make it nice to spend time with them  
    AAvoid rushing to figure out who you are
    BFor lots of people the teenage years are full of worries
    CBut that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the teenage years
    DFamily is one of the most important connections in your life
    EThey may not seem enjoyable but they’re helpful later on in life
    FUnderstand that there’s no invariable way to enjoy your teenager years
    GBeing a teenager is not necessarily any easier or more difficult than other life stages

    Test 1
    语篇导读文篇记叙文作者妹妹唐氏综合征 学会方式世界机场遇需帮助母子时 作者然伸出援助手
    1G 解析根文 When I was seven my parents explained to me that my sister would be different 知 作者妹妹常样 根文 But now I realise I see the world in a much different way all thanks to her 知 作者现意识会方式世界G项 知道会日常生活产生什影响 承接文 文衔接符合逻辑选G项
    2B 解析根文 There were times when I had to struggle with her 知 妹妹唐氏综合征 作者斗争 B项 会更盯着 承接文 选项中stare at us even more文staring信息语义致 文通合理选B项
    3A 解析根文 I had this in mind when I was travelling alone recently and saw a mother and her son with special needs at the airport gate 知 作者机场见特殊需母子 A项 架飞机 承接文 文继续讲述两情况A项中They指文a mother and her son 选项another plane文at the airport gate语义相关选A项
    4D 解析根文 Some people gave the son and mother strange look the same kind of look my sister and I would sometimes get 知 奇怪 D项 站起问否帮忙 承接文 语义转折 说明作者 旁观帮忙 引出文 I tried to help calm the boy downD项lend a hand文tried to help语义相关 文语义通选D项
    5E 解析根文 To be honest I didn’t even really regard what I did as something different or good 知 作者帮助帮助 感觉做事 E项 认样情形唯选择 承接文 继续说明作者感受 文语义通选E项
    Test 2
    1A 解析根文 The main reason is the snack’s price convenience and timing Popcorn was cheap for sellers and for customers and making it didn’t require special equipment 知 段分析爆米花成电影院零食原句中the snack指代A选项中popcornA项 方面促爆米花成典型电影零食 符合语境选A项
    2G 解析根文 That is how popcorn got introduced to the silver screen 知 句提爆米花某原引入电影院 推知句说明原具体容 电影院急需济增长G项 爆米花电影院急需济增长时候受欢迎 符合语境选G项
    3E 解析根文 Popcorn does not refer to the popped kernel alone 文 It was originally grown in Central America and became popular in the US in the mid1800s 知 文提爆米花仅指爆开果仁 文提爆米花品种情况 设空处应承接文继续爆米花品种展开说明 E项中It指代文Popcorn E项 制作吃特定玉米类型名称 符合语境选E项
    4B 解析根文 Compared with other snacks at the time it was super easy to make and it got easier when the mobile steam power popcornmaker was invented In the late 19th century a large number of independent popcorn suppliers became widely available 知 文提种制作爆米花装置 设空句段句 应承接文继续种装置展开说明 B项中They指代文a large number of independent popcorn suppliers B项 快餐车祖先样 符合语境选B项
    5F 解析根文 Since popcorn was cheap to make it was also cheap to buy which increased the popularity of this snack during the Great Depression such as popcorn and movies and the two industries teamed up 知 爆米花行业电影行业开始合作 句承接文说明合作 F项 影院允许爆米花推销员(电影院)外面卖爆米花 天收取定费 符合语境选F项
    Test 3
    语篇导读文篇说明文文章介绍选择学专业三种方法——考虑喜欢什 获取工作验思考未目标
    1A 解析根文you are truly passionate about it知 标题相关容建议选择专业时考虑爱 A项 考虑喜欢什 符合语境选A项
    2F 解析根文 Many teens who are in the process of applying to a university end up being pressured by parents or other family members to apply to study subjects that they are good at but don’t really enjoy 知 选择专业遵心 受影响知 F项 件事强加 符合语境选F项
    3C 解析根文 There’s nothing like actually experiencing something to help you determine what you might want to do 文 But you may be able to spend a day in the office or workplace shadowing people who work in those careers and asking them questions 知 前文转折关系 需亲体验定入职 C项 需雇 符合语境选C项
    4B 解析根段标题 Think about your future goals 文 If so a career as an English teacher or a translator might be the perfect option for you 推测 做英语教师翻译出国旅游关 B项 想旅行更 符合语境选B项
    5G 解析根文 Then degrees in film art and architecture are great choices 知 工作创造力关 G项 许创造力 符合语境选G项
    Test 4
    1C 解析根文 Being a teenager can be difficult since you’re dealing with higher expectations and the process of finding your place in the world 文 The following are things you can do to achieve that 知 设空处文形成转折关系 C项 意味着享受青少年时期 符合语境选C项
    2F 解析根设空处 Everyone is different in their teenage years Some teens prefer while others prefer to some while others Saying that there’s only one way to enjoy your teenage years is wrong 知 段提享受青少年时期方式固定变F项 明白没成变方式享受青少年时期 符合语境选F项
    3B 解析根文 Stop paying so much attention to them as many of them are based on what other people think instead of what you think 知 太精力放焦虑 B项中worriesthem应B项 说 青少年时期充满烦恼 符合语境选B项
    4E 解析根文 dedicate some time to studying and do your best Learn how to prioritise whether it’s with schoolwork or any extracurricular activities Boost your studying skills 知 述学行乐趣 生活帮助 E项 起没令愉快 生活帮助 符合语境选E项
    5D 解析根文 Keep good relations with your family as much as possible 文 It’s the building blocks for all relationships you develop whether they’re friendships romantic relationships or a family you choose to have later on in life 知 处讲家庭重性 D项 家庭生活中重联系 符合语境选D项




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