
    第五题 翻译题题库

    ★1520 of juveniles convicted of crimes have serious mental illnessesA百分十五二十判罪少年犯存严重精神疾病
    ★1520 of juveniles convicted of crimes have serious mental illnessesC百分十五百分二十判罪少年犯存严重精神疾病
    ★1520 of juveniles convicted of crimes have serious mental illnessesC百分十五百分二十判罪少年犯存严重精神疾病
    ★A large sandy beach is filled with shopsrestaurants and lodging in the Nye Beach areaC奈海湾区沙滩满种商店餐馆旅店
    ★A police report is needed for the insurance company to determine who is responsible for paying the damagesC保险公司需警察出具报告决定谁赔偿损失
    ★A police report is needed for the insurance company to determine who is responsible for paying the damagesC保险公司需警察关事责认定报告决定谁赔偿损失
    ★A positive or negative friendship can influence the chances of children becoming delinquentsC积极消极友谊会童成罪犯机会产生影响
    ★All sites and downloads may be watched andor stopped up by the company if they are considered to be harmful andor not productive to businessA网站载公司监控认害公司事务关容公司中止网络连接
    ★At timesI feel I am less than youB时感觉
    ★Besides there are many places of interest there both historic and modernA外许趣方历史现代存

    ★But I have no idea what they would like to put upon their wallsB知道愿愿意墙挂东西
    ★But l have no idea what they would like to put upon their wallsC知道想墙挂点什
    ★Company employees are expected to use the Internet in line with these rulesB公司职员应规定网络
    ★Emails sent through the company email system should not have content that is considered to be offensiveA通公司电邮系统发送邮件中应该含容
    ★Emails sent through the company email system should not have content that is considered to be offensiveC通公司电邮系统发送邮件中禁止含认礼貌容
    ★Emails sent through the company email system should not have content that is considered to be offensiveC通公司电邮系统发送邮件中禁止含认犯容
    ★Emails sent through the company email system should not have content that is considered to be offensiveC通公司电邮系统发送邮件中禁止含认犯容
    ★Emails sent through the company email system should not have content that is considered to be offensiveC通公司电邮系统发送邮件中禁止含认犯容
    ★Emails sent through the company email system should not have content that is considered to be offensiveC通公司电邮系统发送邮件中禁止含认犯容
    ★Emails sent through the company email system should not have content that is considered to be offensiveC通公司电邮系统发送邮件中禁止含认犯容
    ★Employers look for key skills and experienceA雇重核心技历
    ★Family will never put you down (and) will never make you feel smallC家永远会贬低永远会感觉微足道
    ★Family will never put you down(and) will never make you feel smallC家永远会贬低永远会感觉微足道

    ★Have others review your résumé and offer helpful adviceB帮检查遍简历提供益建议
    ★Have others review your résumé and offer helpful adviceB帮检查遍简历提供益建议
    ★Have others review your resume and offer helpful adviceB帮检查简历提供益建议
    ★Have others review your resume and offer helpful adviceB帮检查简历提供益建议
    ★I don’t like places that are too hot or too coldA喜欢太热者太冷方
    ★I don’t like places that are too hot or too coldA喜欢太热者太冷方
    ★I have no ideas what they would like to put upon their wallsA知道想墙挂点什
    ★I often write emails to my friends and check news online A常朋友写电子邮件网查新闻
    ★I often write emails to my friends and check news online A常朋友写电子邮件网查新闻
    ★I’m going to be a volunteer in the 2022 Winter Olympics where I want to be helpful in the languageC成2022年冬奥会志愿者愿意语言方面提供帮助
    ★It has become an important tool with many advantagesC已成具许优势重工具
    ★It has made me more aware of the difficulties other people go throughC更感受历苦难
    ★It is an advertisement of your potential value to the corporationC公司展示潜价值机会
    ★It is therefore possible to make it public for legal reasons or to other suitable third partiesB公司会法律原公开公布适第三方
    ★It seems that you’ve done a lot of preparation for this interviewA起已面试做充分准备
    ★It seems that you’ve done a lot of preparation for this interviewA起已面试做充分准备
    ★It’s busy during summer so buying or reserving tickets in advance is recommendedA里夏天忙碌建议提前买预订票

    ★It’s busy during summer so buying or reserving tickets in advance is recommendedA里夏天忙碌建议提前买预订票
    ★It’s busy during summerso buying or reserving tickets in advance is recommendedA里夏天忙碌建议提前买预订票
    ★It’s busy during summerso buying or reserving tickets in advance is recommendedA里夏天忙碌建议提前买预订票
    ★It’s busy during summerso buying or reserving tickets in advance is recommendedB里夏天忙碌建议提前买预订票
    ★List your work experiencein reverse chronological order beginning with the most recentrelevant to your current job searchC填写工作历时采倒时间序发生前找工作相关写前面
    ★List your work experiencein reverse chronological order beginning with the most recentrelevant to your current job searchB填写工作历时采倒时间序发生前工作相关写前面
    ★Many students at the school have been working on a project which relates to the unemployment problem in LockwoodA学校学生进行着关洛克伍德失业问题项目
    ★My volunteering at an animal shelter is neither connected to my studies nor to my career interestsA动物收容做义工学关职业兴趣关
    ★My volunteering at an animal shelter is neither connected to my studies nor to my career interestsC动物收容做义工学关职业兴趣关
    ★Parking can be hard to findso it pays to go earlyor visit during a walk around townA停车位难找早者步行绕镇游览
    ★Parking can be hard to findso it pays to go earlyor visit during a walk around townA停车位难找早者步行绕镇游览
    ★Parking can be hard to findso it pays to go earlyor visit during a walk around townA停车位难找早者步行绕镇游览
    ★Parking can be hard to findso it pays to go earlyor visit during a walk around townC停车位难找早者步行绕镇游览
    ★People can learn whatever they like anytime and anywhereA时学想学事物
    ★People can learn whatever they like anytime and anywhereA时学想学事物

    ★Please keep in mind the makecolor and model of the vehicleA请牢记车辆品牌颜色型号
    ★Please reply by Monday the 9th of January to confirm your attendance at the functionB否参加次典礼请您1月9日星期前予答复
    ★Please reply by Monday to confirm your attendanceA请周前回复确认您否出席
    ★Report the accident to your insurance company just in case you may need to file a claimA事报告保险公司便需索赔
    ★Some children want to test their parents’ or society’s limitsA童想测试父母社会限制
    ★Some children want to test their parents’ or society’s limitsA童想测试父母社会限制
    ★Someone invited me to a party B邀请参加聚会
    ★Someone invited me to a partyB邀请参加聚会
    ★Someone invited me to a partyB邀请参加聚会
    ★Sometimes married couples don’t even know how the other is feelingA时夫妻双方甚法体会方感受
    ★Stay right where your daughter went away in case she comes back looking for youB呆女走丢方防回找
    ★That is the time you have to help yourselfC出手相助时候
    ★That’s exactly why I’m puzzledC正感困惑原
    ★That’s exactly why I’m puzzledC正感困惑原
    ★The greatest part about the townin my opinionis the locationC认镇棒位置
    ★The greatest part about the townin my opinionis the locationC认镇棒位置
    ★The most important thing is to give them something to use in the new homeA重送新家东西
    ★The smalljuicy Yaquina Bay oyster made Newport a world famous place for seafood loversB海鲜爱者说正汁亚奎纳湾龙虾纽波特闻名世
    ★Then you turn leftat the next junction on your rightyou’ll find a yellow buildingA然左拐路口右手边会座黄色楼

    ★There are more and more crimes because of a lack of rules and regulationsB缺乏法律法规出现越越犯罪行
    ★There are more and more crimes because of a lack of rules and regulationsB缺乏法律法规出现越越犯罪行
    ★There are more and more crimes because of a lack of rules and regulationsB缺乏法律法规出现越越犯罪行
    ★They saw in my eyes that I meant itC眼里出认真
    ★They saw in my eyes that I meant itC眼里出认真
    ★They won’t admit the claimC会承认索赔
    ★This will allow the employer to associate your experience with their job openingB助雇工作历职务空缺联系起
    ★This will allow the employer to associate your experience with their job openingB助雁工作历职务空缺联系起
    ★Visitors can also sign up for bay tours and whale watching toursC游客报名参加海湾游赏鲸旅
    ★We feel more accomplished personally in some wayA某种意义感觉更成感
    ★We feel more accomplished personally in some wayA某种意义感觉更成感
    ★We feel more accomplished personally in some wayC某种意义感觉更成感
    ★We go straight down this roadB着条马路直走
    ★We look forward to your participation in the conferenceA期您参加会议
    ★We look forward to your participation in the conferenceA期您参加会议
    ★We should all try our best to do some volunteer workB应该努力做志愿工作
    ★We will invite Professor Johnson to attend our conference next MondayB邀请约翰逊博士周参加会议
    ★You blame me for thatdon’t you A责备
    ★You can also watch videosplay live gamesor even download moviesB观视频玩电子游戏甚载电影
    ★You can also watch videosplay live gamesor even download moviesB观视频玩电子游戏甚载电影

    ★You can browse the Internet instead of going to the libraryB浏览网页图书馆
    ★You can browse the Internet instead of going to the libraryB浏览网页图书馆
    ★You may be the person with the ability to help today but tomorrow you maybe someone who needs others' helpB许天力帮助明天需帮助
    ★You may be the person with the ability to help todaybut tomorrow you may be someone who needs others’ helpB许天力帮助明天需帮助
    ★You may be the person with the ability to help todaybut tomorrow you may be someone who needs others’ helpC许天力帮助明天需帮助
    ★You may be the person with the ability to help todaybut tomorrow you maybe someone who needs others’ helpB许天力帮助明天需帮助
    ★You maybe the person with the ability to help today but tomorrow you maybe someone who needs others’ helpB许天力帮助明天需帮助




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