
    Module 1 How to learn English
    Unit 1 Let’s try to speak English as much as possible

    pair correct spelling word practice match meaning complete sentence dictionary grammar
    agree with sb vocabulary ask for improve basic time advise shy conversation quickly natural suggest place
    1 Ready
    2 That’s a good idea
    3 We should always speak English in class
    4 Let’s try to speak English as much as possible


    1 Instruction words in class
    2set phrases

    学practice doing match…with… make mistakes (in)… try to do …etc结构

    Step 1 Leadin
    T Check the words and expressions on P137(pairunderstand)

    T 1 Show some pictures of school things Say how to learn English well
    2 Read the words after the teacher
    3 Introduce the new words
    4 Learn the new words
    Step 2 Read and check
    1the instructions in Activity 1and check(√) the ones you understand
    1) Work in pairs Ask and answer the questions
    2) Correct the spelling
    3) Listen and check the words you hear
    4) Practise saying the words
    5) Complete the sentences with the words in the box
    3 Ask the students to check their answer with a partner

    ( ) 1 — How about going camping in the mountain
    — _____________
    A Me too B Good idea C It doesn’t matter D Help yourself
    ( ) 2 When you don’t know a word you can _____ in the dictionary
    A look it up B set it up C give it up D pick it up
    ( ) 3—Why couldn't you______ the correct spelling of the word
    —Err I hadn't got a ChineseEnglish dictionary at hand
    A look for B look down C look up D look at
    答案:1B 2A 3C

    完成请完成 少年班P1应题

    课时问答形式学生互动导入新课引出课时中心let’s try to speak English as much as possible

    Module 1 How to learn English
    Unit 2 You should smile at her

    letter look up mistake make a mistake understandunderstood advice should possible
    agree with sb vocabulary ask for improve basic time advise shy conversation quickly natural suggest place
    1 Ready
    2 That’s a good idea
    3 Why not write down the mistakes in our notebooks
    4 It’s a good idea to check new words every day

    Ask for advice about learning English

    学AHow can I improve my …
    B I advise you to …
    I suggest you …
    You should…等结构

    Step 1 Warmingup
    Review what they have learned from last lesson

    Step 2 Work in pairs
    Talk about problems you have with…
    1 understanding English
    2 speaking English
    3 learning vocabulary
    Step 3 Learn new words
    1 Show some pictures
    2 Talk something about the pictures
    3 Introduce the new words
    4 Read the words after the teacher

    ( ) 1 I have some problems with my English writing Can you give me some ________
    A advice B decisions C information D messages
    ( ) 2 There is ______ in today’s newspaper
    A something important B important something
    C anything important D important anything
    ( ) 3 Is there _______ in today’s newspaper
    A special something B special anything
    C something special D anything special
    Keys 1 A 2 A 3 D

    完成请完成 少年班P2P3应题

    课时学生身边熟悉问题入手易激发学生兴趣求知欲引出课时中心You should smile at her

    Module 1 How to learn English
    Unit 3 Language in use

    population million than north south university
    Agree with make a mistake ask for look it up be afraid
    1 Ready
    2 What else
    3 We should always speak English in class
    4 It’s a good idea to check new words every day


    To be able to write a passage to introduce one’s hometown and our country

    Step 1Leadin
    1 Show the word mapon the blackboard
    2 Show the two pictures of Shenzhen and Hong Kong Have the Ss to talk about them with comparative adjectives and the word map on the blackboard And write down some comparative adjectives sentences on the blackboard
    3 compare their hometown with Shenzhen or Hong Kong and talk about the two places
    4 Make sure that the Ss understand the sentences on the blackboard

    Step 2 Language practice
    To master the comparison of adjectives by filling the blanks
    Step 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box
    1Read the word in the box
    2Use the correct form of the words to fill in the blanks
    Step 4Now make comparisons
    Look at the pictures and make sentences by using the words in the box
    Step 5Write sentences
    Look at the table and use the information in the table to make sentences
    For example Shenzhen is newer than Beijing
    Step 6Writing
    Work in pairs Compare two places in your home town
    Write the information in the table
    Make a report and read your report to the whole class
    Step 7Exercises
    Do some exercises and draw the answers from the Ss
    Step 8Summary

    1 This one is too large Can you show me a _______ one
    A larger B large
    C small D smaller
    2 – Do you think March is ____ than January
    – Yes it’s ______ warmer
    A better a little B well much
    C worse very D nicer quite
    3 The weather in North China is colder than ______ in South China
    A \ B this C the one D that
    4 Which one is _____ this one or that one
    A good B bad C best D better
    5 I think your room is _______ bigger
    A a lot B a lot of
    C lots of D More

    完成请完成 少年班P4应题


    Module 2 My home town and my country
    Unit 1 It’s taller than many other buildings

    big busy clean large newer smaller wide
    agree with sb vocabulary ask for improve basic time advise shy conversation quickly natural suggest place
    It’s a newer city than Hong Kong It will become as busy as Hong Kong Its streets are much wider and cleaner


    1 较级变化规
    2 较级结构

    Step 1 Leadin
    look at the pictures and talk about it by comparing two pictures to present the comparative degree

    Step 2 Consolidate new words
    Look and say The teachers shows the pictures of new words and let the students tosay as quickly as possible
    Step 3 Look at the pictures and talk about them
    Look at the pictures and practice using the words from the box
    Step 4 Listening
    Listen Activity 1 and fill in the blanks
    Step 5 Listen and read
    1 Listen and answer the questions
    (1)Is Shenzhen on the coast

    Compare Hong Kong with your home town Make notes in the table
    Hong Kong
    Your home town
    a big city

    Listen and notice the underlined words
    1) — Shenzhen is larger in population than Beijing
    — No it isn’t It’s smaller
    2) — Hong Kong is newer than Shenzhen
    — No it isn’t It’s older

    完成请完成 少年班P10应题

    Module 2 My home town and my country
    Unit 3 Language in use

    south west north home town island area low mountain countryside umbrella
    in the east ofhome townespeciallybe famous fora population ofarealowislandmountaincountrysideuniversity
    1) Where is Cambridge
    2)What is Cambridge
    3)What’s it famous for in Cambridge

    1 To tell the difference among the words near opposite along on the leftright across
    2 To learn some expressions about asking ways and giving directions
    3 To learn the reading method


    Step 1 Leadin
    Let`s enjoy a song and tell what the song is about
    Free talk Have Ss to talk about China

    Step 2 Consolidate new words
    Point out the direction words
    Look and say The teacher shows the pictures of new words and let the students to say as quickly as possible
    Step 3 Look at the map of the England and read these sentences
    1 Cambridge is in the east of England
    2 London is in the south of England
    3 Bristol is in the west of England
    4 Manchester is in the north of England
    Step 4 Make a dialogue about the directions
    Look at the pictures and make dialogues about the cities on the map
    Step 5 Point out the directions
    Look at the map of China and point out the locations of the following cities
    BeijingGuangdong ChengduShanghai
    Step 6Read the passage
    Step 7Write a passage called My home town Use Tony’s passage to help you
    1 Guilin ______(famous) mountains and rivers
    2 She is _______(especial) good at swimming
    3 Cambridge has _______(population) about 120000
    1 ——Where is Shijiazhuang
    ——It’s _____ the _____ of China
    A in north B in west C on north D on south
    2 Sichuan is famous ______ its hot food
    A for B as C on D In
    3 I enjoy _____ after supper
    A walk B walked Cto walk D walking
    4 Don’t talk to anyone about the bad news ________ my mother
    A hardly B usually C especially D simply
    5 Lucy was born blind so she has _______ seen our beautiful world
    A often B sometimes C seldom D Never

    完成请完成 少年班P13应题

    英语课堂教学时培养学生听说读写力重阅读终写作服务阅读课数时候学生阅读没写训练设计阅读课时必须greeting leadin new words instruction preread whilereadingpostreading环节充分考虑学生综合力培养课堂导入词汇教学做准备词汇教学阅读做准备阅读教学写作做准备环环相扣阅读课达终目标—提升学生写作力
    Module 3 Sports
    Unit 1Nothing is more enjoyable than playing tennis

    baseball volleyball boring exciting relaxing score already matter hurt enjoyable
    Olympics stadium miss mind plenty plenty of
    What’s the score
    What’s the matter with you
    That’s too bad
    I’m not sure about that



    Comparative adjectives (more) adverbs and comparative adverbs (er more) irregular comparatives

    Step 1 Warming up
    1 Show some pictures of school things What's your favourite sport
    2 Talk about sports
    3 Introduce the new words
    4 Learn the new words
    5 Read the new words

    Step 2 Look listen and say
    Step 3 Listen and read
    1 Show some pictures and ask the students to talk about them
    2 Ask the students to read the conversation silently
    Step 4 Check ( √ ) the true sentences
    1 Ask the students to read the conversation again
    Step 5Listen and repeat
    1 Play the recording once without stopping
    2 Play the recording again and ask the whole class to repeat
    Step 6Homework
    1 Remember the words and phrases in the unit
    2 Remember the rules you learned in the unit
    3 Finish the exercises in the workbook

    ( ) 1 It was a _______ day and she feel very _______ (2012广东河源)
    A tiring tired B tiring tiring C tired tiring D tired tired
    ( ) 2 — How do you like your new job in the bank
    — It’s_______ I do exactly the same thing every day (2012辽宁丹东)
    A interesting B exciting C surprising D boring
    ( ) 3 Li Na won the first place in the final tennis game Nobody else played _________ (2010佛山)
    A well B better C best
    ( ) 4 Of the two coats she’d like to choose the _____ one to save money for a book (2011兰州)
    A cheapest B cheaper C more expensive D most expensive
    ( ) 5 After practicing for several months I can swim much _____ now (2011温州)
    A slower B slowest C faster D fastest

    完成请完成 少年班P19应题

    Module 3 Sports
    Unit 2This year we are training more carefully

    beat careless cheer on coach fan club against train practice warm warm up usual
    better pleased pass pity chance loudly

    — What’s your favourite sport
    — My favourite sports is swimming It is exciting
    This week’s match already more exciting
    It’s more difficult to practise in winter
    Watching is not dangerous and it’s more relaxing too




    Step 1 Revision
    1 Guessing game
    1) Show some pictures
    2) According to the information given and ask the students to guess
    What are they doing
    3) Show the pictures to check the answers
    2 Review the text of Unit 1

    Step 2 Learn new words
    1 Show some pictures
    2 Talk something about the pictures
    3 Introduce the new words
    Step 3 Work in pairs
    1 Ask the students to look at the pictures in Activity 1
    2 Talk about the pictures
    Step 4Complete the table
    1 Read the passage again
    2 Complete the sentences in the What column of the table

    ( )1 — What's wrong with you today (2012广东湛江)
    — I am quite upset
    — Cheer up The more you smile the __________ you will feel
    A.happy B.happier C.happily D.More happily
    ( ) 2 — Do you know sound travels very fast
    — Yes But light travels ________ sound (2012湖北荆州)
    A as fast as B a little faster than C much faster than D slower than
    ( ) 3 — Your room is very dirty You should keep it ________ (2012湖北襄阳)
    — OK I’ll sweep it right away
    A clean B dry C quiet D warm
    ( ) 4 — Would you mind staying in such a noisy room
    — No but my son needs a ______ place to study in (2011宁波)
    A cleaner B quieter C safer D smaller
    ( ) 5 Some students are so _______ that they often make mistakes in their homework (2011聊城)
    A careful B serious C careless D successful
    ( ) 6 My sister has practiced tennis for a long time She plays tennis _____ you (2011德阳)
    A as good as B so well as C as well as
    ( ) 7 The smile on his teacher’s face shows that she was ________ with my work (2007佛山)
    A angry B pleased C sad
    Keys 1 B 2 C 3 A 4 B 5 C 6 C 7B

    完成请完成 少年班P20P21应题


    Module 3 Sports
    Unit 3Language in use

    better pleased pass pity chance loudly
    Table tennis is more exciting than tennis
    2) Tennis is…
    3) Basketball is …
    4) Football is …
    5) Swimming is…
    6) Baseball is…
    区正确形容词副词较级 根模块学知识介绍喜爱体育项目制作海报陈述喜爱理该项目特点



    Step 1 Leadin
    1Show students a short video about different kinds of ball games
    2Have a free talk with students
    What’s your favourite sport

    Step 2 Work in pairs
    1 Ask the students to use the words in the box in Activity 1
    boring cheap difficult easy exciting expensive popular relaxing
    2 Ask the students to look at the pictures in Activity 1 carefully
    3 Talk about the sports
    4 Read through the example with the class
    Step 3 Language practice
    1 Read through the example sentences in the box with the whole class
    2 Ask the students to repeat the sentences in the box
    Step 4 Grammar
    Step 5 Exercises

    careful _________ careless_________ quick_________ bad _________
    slow_________ early_________ late_________ fast_________ hard_________
    二 词正确形式填空
    1 She played the violin _________( bad)
    2 Nothing is _________(interesting)than watching TV
    3 He is a _________boyHe does everything_________( careful)
    4Study _________(hard)and you will get better grades
    5Jogging in the countryside is _________(enjoyable)than jogging in the city
    完成请完成 少年班P22P24应题


    Module 4 Planes ships and trains
    Unit1 He lives the farthest from school

    road accident except far far away crowded choice classmate all the time journey
    all the time journey book outside close park however cost
    What happened
    Don’t worry
    —Who lives the closest to school
    — Lingling lives closest


    Step 1 Warming up
    1 Let the students watch a video sing the song The train Ask Can you guess the name of the song
    2 Show some pictures of vehicles on the computer let the students say them out quickly The first one to say it is the winner Then introduce the title

    Step 2Listening and words
    1 Work in pairs Show some pictures and ask How do you often go to school
    2 Look and say something about the pictures
    3 Introduce the new words
    4 Learn the new words
    5 Read the new words
    Step 3Look and match
    1 Ask the students to read the words in Activity 1
    Step 4Look listen and match
    Step 5 Listen and read
    1 Show some pictures and ask the students to talk about them
    2 Ask the students to read the conversation silently
    3 Play the recording and ask the students to listen the conversation and then answer the questions
    4 Read the conversation
    5 Act it out
    Step 6 Complete the table
    Step 7 Pronunciation and speaking
    Step 8Grammar

    1 short _________________ 2 nice _________________
    3 big _________________ 4 thin _________________
    5 early _________________ 6 slowly _________________
    7 beautiful _________________ 8 carefully _________________
    9 badly _________________ 10 much _________________
    11 little _________________ 12 far __________________
    B 单项选择:
    ( ) 1 Debbie is growing fast She is even________ than her mother
    A tall B taller C tallest D the tallest
    ( )2—Dad would you please drive ________
    — No hurry We have enough time before the plane takes off
    A faster B more slowly C more carefully
    ( ) 3—Do you know Lin Shuhao
    —Yes He is one of _____ basketball players in the NBA
    A popular B more popular C the most popular
    ( ) 4 Is Lily’s home _____ away from school than Linda’s
    A far B farther C farthest
    ( ) 5—Who ran ______ of all in the sports meeting
    —Hector did I think
    A fast B faster C the fastest D most fast
    ( ) 6 Li Na is ________ tennis player in China now
    A most famous B the most famous C more famous

    完成请完成 少年班P28应题

    Module 4 Planes ships and trains
    Unit 2 What is the best way to travel

    journey book outside choice however cost
    all the time journey book outside close park however cost
    the +较级the + 较级
    较级前添加a lot much a little a bit等词 说明程度 添加 even still 等词 表示强调



    Step 1 Warming up
    Play a game
    Ask the every student to write a word of their favorite vehicle on a piece of paper then let them exchange it with their friend Then let a student say out the word in hisher hand those who has the same word must stand up quickly and change their seat the one that has no seat is the loser

    Step 2Work in pairs
    1 Talk about the ways to go to a city that you like to visit
    How do you get thereWhat’s the cheapest way to get there
    What’s the best way to get there
    2 Show some pictures
    3 Talk something about the pictures
    Step 3Reading
    1 Play the recording and listen to the tape carefully
    2 Ask the students to read through the passage
    3 Read the passage and number the ways of travelling from the most expensive to the least expensive in Activity 2
    4 Check the answers
    Step 4Complete the passage
    Step 5Writing
    1 Show some pictures and ask the students to talk about them
    2 Ask the students to read the conversation silently
    3 Play the recording and ask the students to listen the conversation and then answer the questions
    4 Read the conversation
    5 Act it out
    Step 6 Language points

    ( ) 1 Study hard ____ you study _____ results you’ll get
    A Harder better B The harder better
    C The harder the better D Harder the better
    ( ) 2 Dear students please read every sentence carefully _______ you are ________ mistakes you’ll make
    A The more carefully the fewer B The more careful the less
    C The more carefully the less D The more careful the fewer
    Keys 1 C 2 D
    B 中考链接
    ( ) 1 —What do you think of the traffic in our city (2013菏泽)
    —It’s_____ than it used to be but there’s still a long way to go
    A worse B worst C better D best
    ( ) 2 I am good at math but his English is ________ than mine (2013黄石)
    A much better B more better C very better D pretty better
    ( ) 3 The world’s population is growing _____ and there is _____ land and
    water for growing rice (2013荆门)
    A more less B larger fewer C larger less D more fewer
    ( ) 4—Which season do you like _______ summer or winter
    — Summer (2013长沙)
    A well B best C better
    Keys 1 C 2 A 3 C 4 C

    完成请完成 少年班P29P30应题

    Module 4 Planes ships and trains
    Unit3 Language in use

    journey book outside close park however cost journey book outside choice however
    road accident except far far away crowded choice classmate all the time
    1The cheapest way is going by train 2The most comfortable way is going by train but it takes more time than going by plane



    Step 1 Revision
    How do you often travel

    Step 2Language practice
    1 Read through the example sentences in the box with the whole class
    1) It’s the most comfortable way but it’s the most expensive
    2) He lives farthest from school
    3) It is the fastest and the second cheapest
    4) The more information the better
    2 Ask the students to repeat the sentences in the box
    Step 3Complete the sentences
    Step 4Complete the conversation
    1 Ask the students to read through the sentences in Activity 2
    2 Complete the conversation with the sentences in the box
    3 Check the answers
    Step 5Work in pairs
    Choose a place you would like to visit Ask and answer the questions about the ways by which you can get there
    Step 6 Listening practice
    Step 7Homework

    1 Tony lives ___________ ( far) from the school in his class
    2 Betty’s dad has _____________(expensive)journey
    3 Daming has ___________(dangerous) journey
    4 Lingling’s home is ________( close) to school
    5 Daming has _________(fast) journey by bicycle
    1Jenny sometimes t the train to Beijing
    2Tony lives f from the school so he has the longest journey
    3There are many people in the zoo it’s very c
    4Lucy’s home is the c to the school so she walks
    5 Boeing 747 is one of the most expensive ____________(飞机) in the world

    完成请完成 少年班P31P33应题

    Module 5 Lao She Teahouse
    Unit 1 I wanted to see the Beijing Opera

    actress teahouse offer end in the end no idea act show common
    describe society head teacher college novel if magic
    How was it
    You know …
    That’s the main thing
    No idea

    动词定式表达意图计划 培养学生京剧中国传统文化兴趣爱

    Step 1 Warming up
    1 Enjoy a play Beijing Opera
    2 Show some pictures
    3 Introduce the new words
    4 Learn the new words
    5 Read the new words
    6 Look at the pictures and talk something about the pictures

    Step 2 Work in pairs
    1 Ask the students to read the words in the box in Activity 1
    2 Look at the pictures in Activity 1 and talk about them
    3 Work in pairs Use the words from the box to help you
    Step 3Listening practice
    1Ask the students to read through the sentences in Activity 2
    Step 4Listen and read
    1 Show some pictures and ask the students to talk about them
    2 Ask the students to read the conversation silently
    3 Play the recording and ask the students to listen and read the conversation
    Step 5Listen and repeat
    1 Play the recording once without stopping
    2 Play the recording again and ask the whole class to repeat
    Step 6Work in pairs
    Step 7 Homework

    1 They _________ (提供) him a very good job
    2 The __________(结局) is very sad
    3 The actors and actresses __________ (女演员) were excellent
    4 You should try to get the _________ () idea when you are reading
    Keys 1 offered 2 end 3 actresses 4 main
    B 完成句子:
    1 提议建希学校帮助贫穷孩子
    They ___________________ a Hope School to help those poor children
    2 想带迪斯尼乐园?
    Would you __________________ you to Disneyland
    3 姐意帮助英语
    ______________ my sister ______________ help with my English
    4 梦想长飞行员
    His dream is ___________________ when he grows up
    Keys 1 offered to build 2 like me to take 3 in the end agreed to 4 to be

    完成请完成 少年班P37应题

    Module 5 Lao She Teahouse
    Unit2 It describes the changes in Chinese society

    act show common twentieth describe society head teacher
    act show common twentieth describe society head teacher college novel name if magic
    The play has three acts and shows the lives of common people in China…



    Step 1 Warming up
    1 Enjoy a play Lao She Teahouse
    2 Review the text of Unit 1
    3 Show some pictures
    4 Look at the pictures and talk something about the pictures
    5 Introduce the new words
    6 Learn the new words
    7 Read the new words

    Step 2Work in pairs
    1 Ask and answer questions about Lao She
    1) What do you know about Lao She
    2) What are his most famous books and plays
    3) What’s the special about Lao She Teahouse
    Step 3Reading
    1 Play the recording and listen to the tape carefully
    2 Ask the students to read through the passage
    3 Read the passage by themselves
    4 Read the text together
    5 Read the passage and match the headings with the paragraphs in Activity 2
    Step 4Complete the timeline
    1 Read the passage again
    2 Complete the timeline with information about Lao She
    Step 5complete the passage
    1 Ask the students to read the words in the box in Activity 4
    Step 6 Learning to learn
    When you read a passage remember to look at its title the paragraph headings and the photos if there are any They will help you understand the main ideas
    Step 7 Writing

    They __________________ a magic show at Lao She’s Teahouse on Sunday
    2 希回然
    They _________________ to the nature
    3 悲伤事发生十年前
    This sad story ________________ ten years ago
    4 热情欢迎世界
    We’ll _______________________ everyone from all over the world
    5 正努力提高英语
    We ______________________ our English
    Keys 1 decided to watch 2 hope to return 3 took place
    4 give a warm welcome to 5 are trying to improve
    B 单项选择:
    ( ) 1 - What do you think of the film you saw yesterday
    Oh It’s one of __________films I’ve ever seen
    A interesting B more interesting
    C most interesting D the most interesting
    ( ) 2 Lao She was one of the greatest Chinese writers in _______ century
    A the twentieth B twentieth C the twenty Dtwenty
    ()3My cat _______ Mimi
    A names B is name C named D is named
    ()4The story ______ us a little girls school life in a poor area
    A leaves B teaches C hopes D shows
    ( )5 I finished _______ my homework an hour ago
    A do B did C doing D to do

    完成请完成 少年班P38P39应题

    Module 5 Lao She Teahouse
    Unit3 Language in use

    act show common twentieth describe society head teacher
    act show common twentieth describe society head teacher college novel name if magic
    want to do sth
    offer to do sth
    decide to do sth



    Step 1 Revision
    1 Talk about Lao She’s Teahouse
    2 Work in pairs to review the text of Unit 1 and Unit 2

    Step 2Language practice
    1Read through the example sentences in the box with the whole class
    Step 3Complete the sentences
    1Ask the students to read through the words in the box in Activity 1
    Step 4Complete the passage
    1 Read the passage again
    2 Complete the timeline with information about Lao She
    Step 5complete the passage
    1 Ask the students to read through the words in the box in Activity 4
    Step 6 Listening practice
    1Ask the students to read through the questions in Activity 5 individually
    1Ask the students to read through the sentences in Activity 6 individually
    Step 7 Do exercises

    1 You look too tired Why not _______ a rest
    A stop to have B to stop having C stop having
    2 Even Tony’s granddaughter a fiveyearold girl asked him __________ smoking
    A give up B gave up
    C to give up D giving up
    3 He promised ________ his old friend during his stay in Tianjin
    A see B seeing
    C saw D to see
    4 The children decide _____ their school yard this Friday afternoon
    A clean B to clean
    C cleaning D cleaned
    5 — What are you going to do when you grow up
    — A singer but my parents wish me _______ a teacher
    A am B to be
    C will be D be
    6 — Can you finish ______ these books before 10 o’clock
    — Yes I can (2013四川雅安)
    A to read B read C reads D reading
    7 Mr Wang often encourages us _______ close to nature and enjoy its beauties
    A get B getting C to get
    Keys ACDBBDC
    B 单项选择:
    ( ) 1People usually make their living ______________
    A by learning by themselves B with their feet
    C by playing football D with their hands
    ( ) 2 Which of the following is TRUE
    A Bob was born in a small village
    B Bob’s house was very big
    C There were eight people in the family
    D The little boy often played on the street
    ( ) 3 Why did the father make a soft ball for his son
    A Because the family all liked football
    B Because Bob also liked to play football
    C Because they had a lot of old cloth
    D Because he didn’t want to throw the sock away
    ( ) 4 The word kick in the story means ________
    A 踢 B 玩 C 射门 D弹起

    完成请完成 少年班P40P42应题

    Module 6 Animals in danger
    Unit1It allows people to get closer to them

    snake neck thin danger in danger at last interested allow think of protect
    in danger at last be interested in
    think of take away in peace
    in order to look after
    allow sb to do sthhave a safe place to liveneed to do sthwant to do sth
    pay to do sth



    Step 1 Leadin
    look the pictures and guess what the animal is

    Step 2Consolidate new words
    Look and say The teachers shows the pictures of new words and let the students to say the new words as quickly as possible
    Step 3Say the meaning of the phrases
    Work in pairs Let Ss say the meaning of the phrases as quickly as possible
    Step 4Listening
    1 Listen and answer the questions
    2 What’s this week’s Animal World about
    3 Which animals are in danger
    Step 5Read Activity 3 and answer the questions
    1 Did Betty see the pandas at the zoo
    2 Is Betty interested in the pandas
    3 What does Lingling think of the pandas and other animals in danger
    4 Why do many animals not have a safe place to live
    Step 6 Language points
    Step 7 Grammar
    Step 8Summary

    1 终 ______________ 2允许某做某事__________________
    3 …_____________ 4 濒灭绝________________________
    5 顾_______________ 6 足够干净水 _____________________
    7 保护动物___________ 8 帮助某做某事____________________
    9 筹资_______________ 10 夺走_________________________
    ( ) 1He decided __________ home later
    A to go B go C going D go to
    ( ) 2Tim is ___________ to go to school this term
    A to oldB enough oldC old enough D enough
    ( ) 3 —People killed whale for their meat
    —Yes that’s why the whale are____________
    A happy B in peace C in danger D more
    ( ) 4It’s sad __________ pandas are in danger
    A to think B thinks C think D thinking
    ( ) 5 —Lookthe little boy is crying sadly
    — Yes because his elder brother ________ his apple
    A took off B took away C gave D raised
    完成请完成 少年班P46应题

    Module 6 Animals in danger
    Unit2 The WWF is working hard to save them all

    research baby situation scientist producefeedgovernment nature develop
    in order to…
    set up build
    nature park
    feed the pandas
    What does WWF want to protect
    What’s the symbol of the WWF


    Step 1 Leadin
    Look at the pictures and guess what the animal is
    Look at the pictures and answer the questions about the panda

    Step 2Consolidate new words
    Look and say The teachers shows the pictures of new words and let the students to say the new words as quickly as possible
    Step 3Say what you know about pandas
    Work in pairs Look at the pictures and say something about pandasStep 4Listening
    Step 4Listen and answer the questions
    1How many pandas are there in the wild today
    2What’s the symbol of the WWF
    Step 5Read the passage and answer the questions
    Step 6Grammar
    Step 7Summary
    talk about what they have learnt in class

    In order to protect the pandas the government is ________ ________ the nature parks
    2熊猫濒灭绝Pandas are ________ ______________
    They do a lot research ________ _______ ______ the best way ____ ______ animals
    Each panda ___________ _______ ______ a lot of bamboo every day
    He is _________ _________ his sick mother
    The panda is one of the animals most in 1________There are about 1600 pandas in the 2___________ today Pandas live in the forests and mountains of 3_________ China They mainly live on 4____________ and each panda needs a lot of bamboo Because of many reasons the bamboo forests are getting 5__________ so pandas are losing their home In order to protect pandas the government is 6_________ up nature parks

    完成请完成 少年班P47P48应题

    Module 6 Animals in danger
    Unit3 Language in use

    research baby situation scientist produce feed
    government nature
    in order to…
    set up build
    nature park
    feed the pandas
    what animals you’re going to help
    when you’re going to meet
    what you’re going to do


    Step 1Language practice
    To master the infinitive by filling the blanks

    Step 2Choose another part for the following sentences from the box
    Choose the right infinitive for the five sentences to practice the use of the infinitive
    Step 3Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box
    Do as the example do choose the right verb to fill in the blanks
    Step 4Complete the sentences How many different sentences can you make
    Step 5Act out the conversation in Activity 4
    1 Read the words in the box
    2 Read the passage and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs from the box
    3 Act out the conversation
    Step 6Listen and complete the poster
    Read the words and guess what’s missing
    Listen and complete the poster
    Step 7Discuss what you want people to know about the wildlife clubWork in groups
    Step 8Exercises

    ()1 We decide ______the computer games because it’s bad for our eyes
    A to play B not to play C playing D play
    ( ) 2 — Your sister is ill I’m sorry to hear that
    — Yes so I must _______ her
    A see B look at C look out D look after
    ( ) 3In order ________ pandas we must grow more bamboo
    A save B to save C saving D save to
    ( ) 4 I’m _________ in the __________ story book
    A interested interested B interesting interesting
    C interested interesting D interesting interested
    ( )5 Her mother told him _________ go home early
    A to go B goes C go D Going
    二 词适形式填空:
    1 It was interesting __________ (watch) the Animal World
    2 ________ (see) is __________ (believe)
    3 The little girl wanted ________ (buy) the beautiful skirt
    4 My teacher often asks us _________ (study) hard
    5 He likes to help government ___________ ( protect) animals in danger
    6 Look at these __________(baby) They are so lovely
    7 It took the students 20mimutes _________ (finish) the exercise
    8 Let’s find out what else we can do __________ (save) as many animals as possible
    9 They let the animals in danger _________(live) in the nature parks
    10 Can you make the little boy _____________( laugh)

    完成请完成 少年班P49P51应题

    Module 7 A famous story
    Unit1 Alice was sitting with her sister by the river

    fall fall down follow hole ground by the river have a tea party
    all down smile at have a tea party
    in a tree arrive at \ in
    What’ the book about It’s about a girl called…was \ were + doing sth



    Step 1Warming–up
    1Show the students some of pictures and photos on the screen
    2 Encourage the Ss to speak out the kinds of movies

    Step 2Pretask
    Show students the famous story book and introduce the book briefly then show the title of the lesson and lecture the new words as well
    Step 3While task
    1 Listen and match
    Ask students to finish Activity1
    Listen again and number the pictures
    Step 4Posttask

    Step 5Summary
    Get the students tosum up the language pointsStep 6 Language points
    Step 6 Homework
    Read the dialogue after school and remember the new words

    1 Listen Someone __________ (sing) beautifully in the next room
    2 What _______ you _______ (do) yesterday
    3 She is kind and she always ________ (smile) at others
    4 Alice followed it and _________ (fall) down a hole in the ground
    5 I __________ (run) in the park at 600 this morning
    ( ) 1—What________ you doing
    — I was doing my homework at that time
    A do B did C was D were
    ( ) 2 Look the girl ___________ a kite
    A was flying B flies C is flying D were flying
    ( ) 3 There are many birds singing ________ the big tree
    A in B on C at D by
    ( ) 4 We __________ a birthday party at 700 last night
    A had B has C was having D were having
    ( ) 5 —What’s the film about
    — It’s about a boy _________ Harry Potter
    A call B called C Calling

    完成请完成 少年班P59应题

    Module 7 A famous story
    Unit2 She was thinking about cat

    twice once or twice suddenly pink pocket field think about deep while dry
    Once or twice think about run by
    Alice has nothing to do Then the rabbit took a watch out of its pocket and looked ar it



    Step 1Warming–up
    1 Enjoy a play Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
    2 Review the text of Unit 1
    3 Show some pictures
    4 Look at the pictures and talk something about the pictures

    Step 2Work in pairs
    1 Ask the students to look at the picture in Activity 2 and say what you think is strange
    Step 3 Reading
    1 Play the recording and listen to the tape carefully
    2 Read the start of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and guess what happens next
    3 Ask the students to read through the passage
    4 Read the passage by themselves
    5 Read the text together
    Step 4Number the events in the order
    1 Read the passage again
    2 Number the events in the order they happened in Activity 3
    Step 5Writing
    Get the students tosum up the language pointsStep 6 Language points
    Step 6 Important and difficult points
    Step 7 Homework
    Remember the words of Unit 2 and prepare the text of Unit 3

    ( )1 When you walk ________ the street you must look left and right
    A across B cross C pass D past
    ( )2 My sister _______ TV when I got home
    A is watching B watched C was watching D watches
    ( )3 The girl _________ big eyes is my best friend
    A of B has C have D with
    ( )4 There is ___________ in the book I don’t want to read it
    A something interesting B nothing interesting
    C anything interesting D everything interesting
    ( )5 I saw my classmates ________ the classroom just now
    A cleaning B to clean C cleaned D clean
    Alice and her sister were sitting 1___________ the river Her sister was 2___________ a book but Alice had 3_________ to do Suddenly a white rabbit 4_________ pink eyes 5__________ past her Alice felt very 6________ when she saw the rabbit 7___________ out a watch from its pocket Alice ran quickly 8__________ the field 9____________ the rabbit The rabbit went down a rabbit 10_________ and Alice followed it

    完成请完成 少年班P60P61应题

    Module 7 A famous story
    Unit3 Language in use

    fall follow hole rabbit ssh ground teaparty twice once or twice suddenly pink pocket field think about deep while land dry
    Go off call up take the place of heavy rain
    We don`t have time to wash the tings
    It was not very polite of you to sit down
    正确进行时 够讲事方式介绍历



    Step 1Warming–up
    1 Review the sentences (was were + doing) that we have studied in Unit 1& 2
    2 Show some pictures to talk about the pictures

    Step 2Language practice
    1 Read through the example sentences in the box with the whole class
    2 Show some pictures to talk about the pictures
    3 Work in pairs
    4 Grammar Past continuous
    Step 3Underline the correct words
    Step 4Writing
    Ask the students to write sentences about what you were doing
    Step 5Writing
    Ask the students to read through the words in the box in Activity 5
    Step 6 Listening practice
    Ask the students to read through the questions in Activity 7 individually
    Step 7 Reading
    Step 8 Module task Writing a short story about your own experience

    1 Mr Black ____________(repair)his bike at this time yesterday.
    2What _______ you _________(do)at ten o'clock yesterday morning?
    3Kelly ____________(play)computer games when a little cat came into her room.
    4The twins _________(learn)Chinese when their mother __________ (come) in.
    5My wallet _______(drop)on the ground when I ____________(walk) in the park.
    6While Masha _________(cook)dinnerthe bell __________(ring).
    7 —_____ the Blacks ______(watch) video tapes between 700 and 900 last night?
    —Yesthey _________.
    8It ____________(rain) heavily when I _________(get)home yesterday evening.
    9The man downstairs _________just_________(fall)asleep when there _________ (be)a loud knock at the door.
    10Doctor Li _________(be)on duty last night He _________ still _________ (work)in the hospital at 10 pm
    Keys 1 was repairing 2 were doing 3 was playing 4 were learning came 5 dropped was walking 6 was cooking rang 7 Was watching were 8 was raining got 9 was falling was 10 was was working

    完成请完成 少年班P62P64应题

    Module 8 Accidents
    Unit 2 I was trying to pick it up when it bit me again

    Bit hide throw pain worse medicine climb fridge
    A few days climb out in great pain throwacross
    I was trying to pick it up when it bit me again But as you know the snake won`t smile
    To help students to improve their ability of listening and speaking


    Step 1Leadin
    Let the students to talk about what you can do with a mobile phone
    What can you use a mobile phone to do

    Step 2Prereading
    1 Presentation
    Show the picture and help the students say what is happening (Activity2)
    2 Learn the new words
    Step 3Whilereading
    Scanning (Fast reading)
    Careful reading
    Step 4 Postreading
    1 Retell
    ①Let the students complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box
    (Activity 5)
    ①Write a short story about an accident Pay attention to words and expressions
    Step 5 Summary
    Give some advice to the students when they are in trouble or in danger
    Step 6 Summary

    ( ) 1 I ______ a meal when you _____ me
    A cooked were ringing        B was cooking rang     
    C was cooking were ringing D cooked rang
    ( ) 2 There is something dirty on the floor Please _________
    A pick B pick it C pick up it D pick it up
    ()3 How are you feeling now
    I’m feeling even ________
    A well B good C ill D worse
    ()4I will tell him the good news _________ he comes back
    A as soon as B as C as soon D soon
    ( )5 He feel off the bike Luckily he ______ himself badly
    A hurt B hurts C didn’t hurt D doesn’t hurt
    1 前段时间发现许游戏
    I found many games _______________
    2 猫掉进洞里爬出
    The cat fell into the hole and couldn't __________ it
    3 电话响起起话筒
    The phone rang and I ___________
    4 拍张酒店片
    Let’s ____________ of the hotel
    5 许手乱扔香烟头
    Many people ________ ________cigarette ends here and there

    完成请完成 少年班P69P70应题

    Module 8 Accidents
    Unit 3 Language in use

    Bit hide throw pain worse medicine climb fridge
    In hospital as usual take one`s advice be careful keep clam
    The driver was a bit tired so he did not see Jack
    正确运模块词汇短语 够谈特定时间正发生事



    Step 1Revision and leadin
    Look at the picture and fill in the blanks Pay attention to the right tense of the past continuous tense

    Step 2Language practice
    To master the structure of the past continuous tense by filling the blanks
    Step 3Join the parts of sentences with when or while
    Choose when or while according to the meaning of the sentences
    Step 4Look at what Tony did last Saturday and complete the column
    Step 5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box
    Read the dialogue and choose the words then use the right form of the words
    Step 6Listen and complete the accident report
    1 Read the report and get the main idea
    2 Listen and complete the report and get the answers from the Ss
    Step 7 Read the passage and check the true sentences
    Read the passage and master the details in the passageCheck the true sentences
    Step 8Writing
    Think about a recent accident you know Write notes
    Use your notes and write sentences for your news report about the accident
    Step 9Exercises
    Do some exercises and draw the answers

    ()1 When I got home my son ________ the music
    A am listening B listened C was listening to D listened to
    ( ) 2 My mother ________ while my father _________ TV
    A cooked was watching B was cooking was watching
    C cooked watched D was cooking watched
    ( ) 3 As she _______ the newspaper Granny _______ asleep
    A read was falling B was reading fell
    C was reading was falling D read fell
    ( ) 4 My uncle was reading newspaper _________ my aunt was cooking dinner
    A when B while C what D as
    ( ) 5 We ______ for Tom at ten last Sunday He often kept us _________
    A was waiting waiting B were waiting wait
    C waited waiting D waited wait
    If you go to Beijing and Shanghai you can see the same and the different points between them In some ways they look the same in some ways they look different Both of them have tall buildings and wide streets although some buildings in Shanghai are taller than in Beijing They are both important in China Beijing is the capital of China there are more places of interest there but Shanghai is the biggest city in China Now they are becoming more and more important in China
    ( ) 1Some buildings in ______ are taller than in Beijing
    A Shanghai B Xi’an C Tianjin D Chongqing
    ( ) 2 Shanghai is the _______ city in China
    A tallest B biggest C smallest D busiest
    ( ) 3The underlined word point means _______
    A 想法 B 点 C 容 D 意
    ( ) 4 Beijing has more _______ than Shanghai
    A places of interest B buildings
    C wide streets D people
    ( ) 5 Which of the following statements is RIGHT according to the passage
    A Shanghai is the capital of China
    B The buildings in Beijing are taller than in Shanghai
    C Shanghai is the largest city in China
    D Shanghai has more places of interest

    完成请完成 少年班P71P73应题

    Module 9 Population
    Unit1 The population of China is about 137 billion

    noise prepare grow increase fifth notes huge cause problem
    Too much one fifth
    Hang on a minuts That cause a lot of problem such as too much traffic and noise The population od China is about 137 billion



    Step 1Leadin
    look the pictures and fill in the blanks

    Step 2Consolidate new words
    Look and say The teacher shows the pictures of new words and let the students to say the new words as quickly as possible
    Step 3 Look at the picture and talk about the picture
    look at the picture and use the words in the box to talk in pairs
    Step 4 Listening
    Listen to Activity 2 and choose the best answer
    Step 5 Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions
    1 What is Tony preparing for a report called our growing population
    2 Where are they talking
    Step 6Listen and repeat
    Listen and repeat the numbers Get the students to learn how to read the numbers thousand billion and million
    Step 7 Language points
    Step 8Summary

    1 Beijing has got ______population of more than 138 million
    A the B aC anD
    2 I don’t like ______people and ______traffic in the big city
    A too much too many B many too too much
    C too many too much D too many much too
    3 A billion is one thousand______
    A hundred B thousand C million D millions
    4 The population of Shanghai is______
    A large B small C many D much
    5 The ______traffic stopped me from going to school on time yesterday So I was late
    A heavy B crowded C fast D quick
    完成请完成 少年班P77应题

    Module 9 Population
    Unit 2 Arnwick was a city with 200000 people

    Rubbish quiet pollution solve falt local pupil public service
    Close down close to publice services in fact
    However it was expensive to live in the city centre It takes an hour to get there by bus



    Step 1Revision and leadin
    Look at the pictures and guess what the increasing population need

    Step 2Consolidate new words
    Look and say The teacher shows the pictures of new words and let the students to say the new words as quickly as possible
    Step 3 Ask and answer the questions
    Work in pairs First read the words in the box Then use the words to answer the questions
    Step 4Listen to passage and answer the questions
    1Where did people live after they moved to cities
    2When did the small local school I Parkville close down
    Step 5Read the passage and check your answers to Activity 1
    1 What is Tony preparing for a report called our growing population
    2 Where are they talking
    Step 6Read the passage and answer the questions
    Step 7 Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box
    Step 8Language points
    Step 9 Grammar

    1 It’s very difficult ______the fat boy ______so far every day
    A for runningB of running C for to run D of to run
    2 There ______more public toilets in the busy and crowded city center
    A need to be B is needed C need be D need to have
    3 It took them two days ______the rubbish in the community
    A carry B to carry C carrys D carrying
    —There is a serious accident
    A What is happened B Where is happening
    C What happened D What is happening
    5The company doesn’t run wellthe boss will______
    A close B close it down C close down it D shut it up

    完成请完成 少年班P78P79应题

    Module 9 Population
    Unit 3 Language in use

    Rubbish waste quiet pollution solve falt local pupil public service

    Notany more asas die from
    As a result getting good clean wate is becomin a problem in many place Withmore and more
    learn about the environment pollution and how to protect the environment



    Step 1Revision and leadin
    Look at the picture and read the numbers aloud to practice how to read the numbers
    Step 2Language practice
    To master the structure of the grammar
    1 Beijing is a huge city
    2 It takes an hour to get there by bus
    3 That’s almost one fifth of the world’s population
    4 That makes over 1314 million births a year
    Step 3Match the countries with their populations
    Choose when or while according to the meaning of the sentences
    Step 4Learning to learn
    Step 5 Complete the diagram showing population problems
    Step 6Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box
    Step 7 Read the passage and check the true sentences
    Read the passage and master the details in the passageCheck the true sentences
    Step 8Listen and choose the best summary
    To let the students master the summary
    a) It’s cheaper to share a car than to have a personal car
    b) People in a car club don’t often take buses trains or the underground
    c) There are no car clubs in the US
    d) Joining car clubs is good for you and for the city
    Step 9Exercises
    Do some exercises and draw the answers

    二 单项选择
    1 — Did you see Mr Black just now
    — Yes He _____ his car when I met him
    A parked B was parking
    C parks D will park
    2 The girl suddenly fell _____ the bike and I sent her to hospital at once
    A on B of C off D to
    3 Yesterday evening I was walking along the street _____ I suddenly met my maths teacher
    A when B while C but
    4 — Where were you at 700 last night
    — I _____ to my mom at home
    A write B was writing C wrote
    5 some exercises from the entrance exam to senior high schools
    wrote his ______ novel when he was ______
    A five fifties B fifth fifty C fifth fiftieth
    6 Did you know that the earth is home to _____ animals
    A million B millions
    C million of D millions of
    7 — _____ is your mother
    — She is _____ English teacher
    A Who the B What
    C What an D Who a

    完成请完成 少年班P80P82应题

    Module 10 The weather
    Unit1 It might snow

    cloud shower snow storm cloudy rainy snowy sunny windy skate thick ice joke
    Betweenand as well sunny weather get warm
    Are you joking What’s the temperature come on better get going



    Step 1Warming up
    Weather report
    1) Show some pictures of the weather
    2) Ask and answer What's the weather like in …

    Step 2Work in pairs
    1 Show some pictures of the weather Ask the students to talk about the weather
    2 Introduce the new words
    Step 3 Listening
    Step 4Listen and read
    1 Show some pictures and ask the students to talk about them
    2 Play the recording and ask the students to listen and read the conversation
    3 Fill in the blanks
    Step 5 Check ( √ ) the true sentences
    1 Ask the students to read the conversation again
    2 Now check ( √ ) the true sentences
    Step 6Complete the passage
    Step 7 Language points
    Step 8Grammar

    ( ) 1 — Do you have any plans for this weekend (2012河南)
    — I’m not sure I _______ go climbing Mount Yuntai
    A must B need C may D can
    ( ) 2 — How do you like the story (2011聊城)
    — Interesting _____ end of it is not perfect
    A so B though C or D because
    ( ) 3 _______ our football team failed in the match we did our best (2011济南)
    A Though B But C Because D As
    Keys 1 C 2 B 3 A

    完成请完成 少年班P86应题

    Module 10 The weather
    Unit 2 The weather is fine all year round

    mileround northwest southeast the best time to do Sth from time to time compared to had better (not)do
    From time to time all year round swimming clothes turn gold
    Do not forget to bring a warm sweater with you The best time to visit New England is in September


    够运情态动词maymight 副词probably表达

    Step 1Revision
    Talk about the weather
    1) Show a China weather map
    2) Ask and answer
    What will the weather be like in …

    Step 2Warming up
    Work in pairs
    When’s the best time to visit your town or country Why
    Step 3 Reading
    1 Show some pictures about the weather of the cities and states in America
    2 Talk about what you can see in the pictures
    3 Talk something about the weather of the cities and states
    4 Read the passage and fill in the blanks
    5 Introduce the new words
    6 Play the recording and listen to the tape carefully
    7 Ask the students to read through the passage
    Step 4 Complete the table
    1 Read the passage again
    2 Complete the table in Activity 3
    Step 5Complete the sentences
    1 Ask the students to read the words in the box in Activity 4
    2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words from the box
    Step 6Language points
    Step 7 Writing

    I 请根句意括号汉语提示写出缺单词
    1 My father bought a _______ (相机) for me on my birthday
    2 It’s raining and you should take an ________ (雨伞) with you
    3 It will get cooler and cooler when ___________ (秋天) comes
    4 Bring your _______________ (游泳衣) because you might go swimming in the sea
    II 请根汉语括号提示词语翻译列句子
    1 天英语写日记意 (it’s a good idea to )
    2 城市相海南冬天温暖(compared to )
    3 昨天动物园拍张猴子片(take photos of )
    4 昆明年头温暖(all year)
    5 海时风暴定心(from time to time)
    完成请完成 少年班P87P88应题

    Module10 The weather
    Unit 3 Language in use

    Rubbish waste quiet pollution solve falt local pupil public service

    More than take an umbrella during the summer holiday
    The wind is very stronge The sun will come out in the afternoon
    learn about the traditional life and how to respect the traditional life in other countries

    够正确must mustn’t can can’t need needn’t


    Step 1Revision and leadin
    Look at the pictures and guess the meaning
    To master the structure of the grammar by filling the blanks

    Step 2Complete the sentences with can or can’t
    Read the sentences carefully
    Fill in the blanks with cancan’t
    Step 3Complete the sentences with must or must not
    Fill in the blanks with mustmust not after Ss read the sentences carefully
    Step 4Underline the correct words
    1 Read the passage carefully
    2 Then underline the right words
    Step 5 Listening
    1 Listen to a teenager talking about his life and check the things he must and mustn’t do
    2 Listen again and answer the question What two things does he say he can do
    Step 6Writing
    Write some things you can must and must not do at home
    I can … I must … I must not …
    Step 7 Make a dialogue
    Step 8Complete the passage with the words and expressions in the box
    Read the sentences and understand the meanings
    Choose the correct expressions
    Step 9Exercises
    Do some exercises and draw the answers

    1 People often eat lots of ____________(sandwich)
    2You can use _________ (one) name with your friends
    3 He mustn’t ________ play football on the road
    4Can Lily _________ (go) to the party with us
    5 Do you know the _________ (different) between us
    1 You _______ say Mr and Mrs when you meet someone for the first time
    2 You ______ take it away
    3 I _________ break anything
    4 You _________ wait

    完成请完成 少年班P89P91应题

    Module 11 Way of life
    Unit1 In China we open a gift later

    cap chopstick toy video game gift surprise immediately difference accept tradition
    A chest set video game for example
    What a surprise I don`t think i should open it now In China you accept a gift with both hands
    够正确must mustn’t can can’t need needn’t



    Step 1Warming up
    look the pictures and guess the word according to the sentence

    Step 2Work in pairs
    1 Show some pictures of the weather Ask the students to talk about the weather
    2 Introduce the new words
    Step 3 Listening
    listen to the tape and number the words and expressions Then draw answers from the students
    Step 4Look and match
    Read the words and expressions and choose the right pictures
    Step 5 Check ( √ ) the true sentences
    Listen to Activity 1and answer the question What present do they want to buy for Lingling
    Step 6Read the dialogue and answer the questions
    Step 7 Now check (√) what you usually do in China
    Step 8 Complete the passage
    Step 9 Language point
    Step 10Grammar

    1 Can she __________ (do) the cleaning for me
    2 Happy ___________ (birth) to you Jim
    3 It’s too difficult for me ____________ (understand) this math problem
    4 I think you mustn’t _________ (open)the gift now
    5 Can you use _____________ ( chopstick)
    1 必须等会开
    You ________________ and open it _________________
    2 注意
    I noticed _________ ______________
    3 够破里东西
    You ____________ ___________ anything here
    4 请注意交通规
    Please ________ __________ ___________ to the traffic rules
    5 没必等
    You ____________ _______________

    完成请完成 少年班P95应题

    Module 11 Way of life
    Unit 2 In England you usually drink tea with milk

    Stay sandwich gentleman experience someone shoulder
    Something interseting take away get on wait one`s turn
    I enjoyed my stay and i noticed something interesting with the English way of life So i tried to drink tea with milk too



    Step 1Revision
    Look at the pictures and let Ss fill in the blanks with mustcan…

    Step 2learn new words
    Look and say The teacher shows the pictures of new words and let the students to say as quickly as possible
    Step 3 Look at the pictures and talk about what you can see
    Look at the pictures and talk about in pairs
    Step 4 Listening
    Listen to the passage and answer the questions
    1 When do people have afternoon tea in Britain
    What is the traditional food in England
    Step 5Read and choose
    First let the Ss read the passage carefully and choose the correct answers and then check the answers
    Step 6Language points
    Step 7 Answer the questions about way of life in your home town
    1 What do you do when you meet people for the first time
    2 What must you say when you talk to older people
    3 What food and drink do you give to visitors when they come to your home
    4 What do you eat during the Spring Festival
    Step 8 Grammar
    Step 9 Exercises

    mustmustn’t can can’t need needn’t 填空:
    1 You __________ play the football on the road It’s dangerous
    2 — _______ I leave at once
    — No you _________
    3 You __________ take photos of this special building
    4 — May I sit here
    — I’m afraid you _______ Someone has taken it
    5 — Must I do my homework now
    — Yes you _________
    ( )1 I have _________ to eat Please give me some
    A something B nothing C anything D everything
    ( )2 __________and wait your turn
    A Stand in a line B Take away
    C Push your way D Try to
    ( )3 — Are you new here
    — Yes I come here for the ______ time
    A one B second C two D first
    ( )4 My teacher touched me ________ shoulder and smiled
    A at B in C on D of
    ( )5 The boy is ________ and he always talks ____________
    A polite politely B politely polite
    C polite polite D politely politely

    完成请完成 少年班P96P97应题

    Module11 Way of life
    Unit3 Language in use

    cap chopstick toy video game gift surprise immediately difference accept tradition example for example mustexperience stay for the first time shoulder
    Speak to sb in public places take off stay up make mistakes
    … you must say Mr or Mrs when you meet someone for the first time
    You can buy it and eat it in special fish and chip shops on the high street

    够正确must mustn’t can can’t need needn’t


    Step 1Revision and leadin
    Look at the pictures and guess the meaning
    To master the structure of the grammar by filling the blanks

    Step 2Complete the sentences with can or can’t
    Read the sentences carefully
    Fill in the blanks with cancan’t
    Step 3Complete the sentences with must or must not
    Fill in the blanks with mustmust not after Ss read the sentences carefully
    Step 4Underline the correct words
    1 Read the passage carefully
    2 Then underline the right words
    Step 5 Listening
    1 Listen to a teenager talking about his life and check the things he must and mustn’t do
    2 Listen again and answer the question What two things does he say he can do
    Step 6Writing
    Write some things you can must and must not do at home
    I can … I must … I must not …
    Step 7 Make a dialogue
    Step 8Complete the passage with the words and expressions in the box
    Read the sentences and understand the meanings
    Choose the correct expressions
    Step 9Exercises
    Do some exercises and draw the answers

    1 People often eat lots of ____________(sandwich)
    2You can use _________ (one) name with your friends
    3 He mustn’t ________ play football on the road
    4Can Lily _________ (go) to the party with us
    5 Do you know the _________ (different) between us

    完成请完成 少年班P98P100应题

    Module 12 Help
    Unit1 What should we do before help arrives

    Broken medical imagine lift harmful drop training glass stairs aid bottom wrong
    First aid lift up
    at the bottom of… wrong What’s wrong with …have trouble doing sth cover… with… No that could be harmful…
    够正确情态动词must can could表示推测



    Step 1Warming up
    look at the pictures and fill in what we can do when we see someone in danger

    Step 2Consolidate new words
    Look and say The teacher shows the pictures of new words and let the students to say the new words as quickly as possible
    Step 3Talk in pairs
    look at the pictures and talk about the pictures by using the words and expressions in the box to help you
    Step 4Listening
    Listen and check what the pictures are about
    Step 5 Read the dialogue and answer the questions
    1 Could he have trouble hearing or speaking
    2 Is it good idea to shout for help or call 120
    3 How does Betty cover the boy
    Step 6Complete the passage with the words in the box
    Step 7 Everyday English
    What do we do to
    How do we do that
    How can we do that
    Step 8 Language points
    Step 9 Grammar
    Step 10Summary

    1 Look The boy is _________(lie) on the floor
    2The little girl has trouble __________ ( speak)
    3 It is ______( harm) to read in the sun
    4 The students made their teacher ____________(angry)
    5 What could we do before help ___________(arrive)
    ( ) 1—What’s ________ with you
    — I have a bad cold
    A problem B matter C trouble D wrong
    ( ) 2 The boy is hurt badly He is _____ pain
    A in B on C at D of
    ( ) 3 That’s such good advice that you ________ be a doctor
    A could B should C will Dwould
    ( ) 4 We should shout ____________ when we are in danger
    A of help B to helps C for help D at help
    ( ) 5 —Look at the light Someone ______ be at home
    — Yes you’re right
    A can B must C can’t D mustn’t

    完成请完成 少年班P108应题

    Module 12 Help
    Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture

    earthquake warn inside under window keep clear (of) calm brave
    keep clear of in short
    Keep calm especially when you are with other people
    In short follow what you learnt in school



    Step 1Revision and Warming up
    Look at the pictures and let Ss answer the questions

    Step 2learn new words
    Look and say The teacher shows the pictures of new words and let the students to say as quickly as possible
    Step 3 Ask and answer the questions
    Look at the pictures and answer the questions in pairs
    Step 4 Look at the title of the passage and think about what to do in an earthquake
    Look at the pictures
    Think about what to do in an earthquake
    Step 5 Look and say
    Look at the picture and say what they’re doing in the earthquake
    Step 6 Answer the questions
    Use the words and expressions in the box to write full answers to the questions
    Step 7 Learning to learn
    Master how to write instructions
    Step 8 Language points
    Step 9 Write some instructions about what to do in an earthquake
    Step 10 Grammar
    To use cancouldmust to tell the possibility

    ( )1 What __________ you just now
    A happen to B happened to
    C happening to D happens to
    ( )2 __________ when you are in trouble
    A Jump out of B Stay away from
    C Keep calm D Hide under a table
    ( )3 In the mountains be careful ______ falling rocks
    A of B at C on D to
    ( )4 _________ nervous I’ll give some advice
    A Don’t B Do not
    C Do be D Do not be
    ( )5 Stop _________please Time for class
    A speak B to speak C speaking D to speaking
    完成请完成 少年班P109P110应题

    Module 12 Help
    Unit 3 Language in use

    broken glass medical imagine bottom
    at the bottom of… wrong What’s wrong with … trouble lift up drop make sure have trouble doing sth cover… with… No that could be harmful…
    Tilly`s teather was very pround of her I was on the beach and the water started to go funny
    够正确情态动词must can could表示推测够制作张预防校园意外事宣传海报

    够正确情态动词must can could表示推测


    Step 1Revision and leadin
    Look at the pictures and guess the meaning
    To master the structure of the grammar by filling the blanks

    Step 2Complete the sentences with could must or mustn’t
    Read the sentences carefully
    Fill in the blanks but you need to use some of the words more than once
    Step 3Underline the correct words to complete the first aid instructions
    Underline the correct words according to the meaning of the sentences
    Step 4Complete the news report
    Read the news report carefully
    Then use the right words to fill in the blanks
    Step 5 Listening
    Listen and complete the sentences
    Step 6Read the passage and choose the correct answer
    Read the passage in Activity 8 and choose the right answers
    Step 7 Writing
    Make a list of accidents that can happen at school
    Choose an accident from the list in Activity 8 and give instructions on what to do in groups
    Make a poster about accidents at school using mustmustn’t and present your poster to the class
    Step 8 Exercises
    Do some exercises and draw the answers
    Do some exercises from the entrance exam to senior high schools
    Step 9 Summary
    Do some exercises and draw the answers

    ( ) 1 Here ________ three apples for you
    A is B are C be D was
    ( ) 2 It’s important to warn people ________ in the hospital
    A to smoke B not to smoke C smoking D not smoking
    ( ) 3 — Is that Ms James
    —No it _________ be her She is in Guangzhou now
    A can B must C can’t D mustn’t
    ( ) 4 — Who’s knocking at the door
    — It ________ be Lingling I ask her to come
    A can B must C can’t D mustn’t
    ( ) 5 Don’t stay inside It________ be harmful
    A can’t B mustn’t C Could

    完成请完成 少年班P111P113应题






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